- Super hero time ' 11.07.31.
http://kaeru2.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-07-31-1 . The armor coming out, also the oral habit “of shout and the [matoi] brother who are shout” being delightful to cause, to make various [niyari] Good Heavens . 也来的装甲是的呼喊”令人愉快的导致的口头习性“呼喊和[matoi]兄弟,做各种各样的[niyari]好天堂
- Releasing the son
http://miyabico.cocolog-nifty.com/miyabico/2011/08/post-73d1.html When being “in the stomach of dai and [maman], thing remembering, the [ru]?” 当“在戴的胃和[maman],事记住, [ru] ?”
- “The [tsu] [te] which you do you say, if it is, it is thing what which you would like to do truly, the ANK.”
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/demizoh/e/9f4302fd273a837e9a37c5f8eac8140f “Once upon a time, once more” “从前,更加”
- It became eldest son 6 year old., a liberal translation
http://plumedoie.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-03-07-1 “Although you say that you obtain and become the elementary school student it returns there?”, that however you were surprised, then with those which thing everyday is said everyday want many degrees well within one day changed, the everyday life that continued 2 months fully this which such a that is not it is not, “虽然您说您获得并且成为小学学生它返回那里?然而”,那您惊奇了,然后与那些每天哪件的事说每天想要许多程度在被改变的一天之内,充分地持续到2个月这的日常生活哪些不是的它不是,
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/imake/entry-10666842222.html “Densely time it is dense time” [tsu “密集地时间是密集的时间” [tsu
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