- Is 1 day what done??, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/kirara-0227/entry-10502300214.html [buroguneta]: In the house what there is many a thing which has been done? As for participation Nakamoto sentence from here [buroguneta]: Im Haus, was dort viel eine Sache ist, die erfolgt worden ist? Was Teilnahme Nakamoto Satz anbetrifft von hier
- Favorite as for day of the week last year Sunday!
http://ameblo.jp/sanddragon/entry-10520966522.html These are talking of Japanese blogoholic. [buroguneta]: Einige Tage des Wochenlieblings?
- Getting near to Hidekiti, too much we would like you to finish, (<- 575), a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/mikas2193/entry-10771632929.html [buroguneta]: As for style of your pot? While participating as for me the servant group which distributes! The [tsu] which it distributes it does, the [yo]!, a liberal translation [buroguneta]: Was Art anbetrifft Ihres Topfes? Bei der Teilnahme was mich anbetrifft die Bedienstetgruppe, die sich verteilt! [Tsu] das es verteilt, tut er, [yo]!
- opinion piece , evaluation / appreciation , suggestions, discussion, debate, issues, reviews, thoughts, feedback,
http://ameblo.jp/sanddragon/entry-10452632001.html [buroguneta]: The sweetheart [mote] [ru] one is good? The one which is not [mote] is better? Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/sanddragon/entry-10455823501.html [buroguneta]: In the speech of cartoon, the novel and image most the lines which have impact, a liberal translation [buroguneta]: In der Rede der Karikatur, des Romans und des Bildes, die die Linien meist sind, die Auswirkung haben
- Take many minutes?
http://ameblo.jp/rainbowdust/entry-10461088272.html , a liberal translation [buroguneta]: Keine Minute angefordert es für [burogu] Beitrag und einen Artikel n? Inmitten der Teilnahme
- あげたい相手の趣味に合わせたいけど
http://ameblo.jp/sanddragon/entry-10452868011.html [buroguneta]: Valentine large maneuvers! We would like to lift as for those where thing we we want?, a liberal translation [buroguneta]: Große Manöver des Valentinsgrußes! Wir möchten was die anbetrifft anheben, wo Sache wir wir wünschen?
- シンケンジャーカレーです
http://ameblo.jp/sanddragon/entry-10446856380.html [buroguneta]: As for fixed turn Calais of your house what kind of Calais?, a liberal translation [buroguneta]: Was örtlich festgelegte Umdrehung anbetrifft Calais Ihres Hauses was ein bisschen Calais?
Shinkenger, Entertainment,