- It is empty, it is languid
http://b27.chip.jp/kror/blog/view.php?cn=0&tnum=1144 � January 08th (Saturday) of 242011 � janeiro 08th (sábado) de 242011
- Pot pas
http://b27.chip.jp/kror/blog/view.php?cn=0&tnum=1146 � January 08th of 242011 (Saturday) � janeiro 08th (sábado) de 242011
- No Title, a liberal translation
http://b42.chip.jp/yuri521/blog/view.php?cn=0&tnum=18 �вacк cover it comes, the store - (. `2011 January 08th (Saturday) tampa do �вacк vem, a loja - (. `2011 janeiro 08th (sábado)
- No Title, a liberal translation
http://b39.chip.jp/taku0913/blog/view.php?cn=0&tnum=2670 The � real2011 year January 21st returns (the gold)
After going to the food buying in [sanwa], the [ke] it is it is the house from [u] this the 16:59 which with everyone the pot pas is done O ano janeiro 2ø do � real2011 retorna (o ouro)
Após ir à compra do alimento dentro [sanwa], [KE] é ele é a casa [u] deste o 16:59 que com todos o pas do potenciômetro é feito
- No Title, a liberal translation
http://b34.chip.jp/swr5/blog/view.php?cn=0&tnum=1285 The � �real time�2011 year January 01st returns (the Saturday)
It returns to Saitama, the [chi] [yu] [u] ��� Os retornos tempos real janeiro de 01st do ano �2011 do � do � (o sábado) que retorna a Saitama, [qui] [yu] [u] ���
- No Title, a liberal translation
http://b39.chip.jp/10768730/blog/view.php?cn=0&tnum=3068 2010 December 23rd would like to become the human whom �back it is possible (the wood) 2010 dezembro 2ó gostaria de assentar bem no ser humano quem o �back ele é possível (a madeira)
- We're presenting to translate Japanese text into multiple languages for multilingual communication.
http://b34.chip.jp/252595/blog/view.php?cn=0&tnum=249 The � 2010 January 15th returns (the gold) , a liberal translation Os retornos 2010 de janeiro do � 1ö (o ouro)
cooking various things in a pot party, Food And Drinks , Cooking,