- Instant Chinese noodles invention commemoration mansion…
http://ameblo.jp/lie-key/entry-10815297436.html The cup noodle which you made by yourself, you eat it is wasted -!! Лапша чашки которую вы сделали вашим, вы едите его расточительствованы -!!
- The school where the child of vegetable dislike stops being, a liberal translation
http://zukunasi.at.webry.info/201107/article_61.html You raising with by your, the school which decreases the leftover food, a liberal translation Вы поднимая с вашим, школа которая уменьшает остаток еду
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://ameblo.jp/selejob/entry-10477456729.html Making by his, delightful or older sister changed two containers and, the younger sister increased from the sushi bucket the plain gauze eating that way with the [ji],… Делающ его, восхитительная или более старая сестра изменила 2 контейнера и, более молодая сестра увеличила от ведра суш простую марлю есть тот путь с [ji],…
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/sski900/entry-10585026543.html By its vegetable is a field, it is with making generally ones (the taste + by its those which change), the [ru своим овощем поле, оно с вообще одними (вкус + своим те которые изменение) делать, [ru
- Salad City KOBE (4) (product sutra newspaper)
http://8z8cmimpie.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-20 When eating those which you made with by your, rejoicing, you eat, so is При еде тех которые вы сделали с вашим, rejoicing, вы едите, так
food education, Education, Livelihood,