- 'After FM symphony concert' tomorrow 2 year revival broadcast…, a liberal translation
http://m-yao.way-nifty.com/blog/2009/04/post-4eb3.html At one time, now dying/fleeing coming Yamamoto direct the purity to serve leader's role, program of the self. It had started in scream, to 2007 March it was broadcast all the way with nhk-fm, 'the fm symphony concert', tomorrow (April 5th), the revival stripe shank << however air time when broadcasting to 2 years ago, has changed after 2 years, but (at that time they were 1 hour programs from 14 of the noon o'clock) >> Ao mesmo tempo, agora morrer/fujir Yamamoto de vinda dirige a pureza para serir o papel do líder, programa do auto. Tinha começado no grito, 2007 a março onde era transmissão toda a maneira com nhk-fm, “o concerto da sinfonia do fm”, amanhã (abril ö), a pata da listra do renascimento >
- The chorus fantastic tune 'friend, you will look at the Osaka dawn,' the neck [tsu] fungus (? ) Me…Yamamoto direct pure composition. At “10,000 ninth” 2nd performance it premieres, a liberal translation
http://m-yao.way-nifty.com/blog/2011/02/post-2cf6.html Now the Yamamoto direct purity which is the composer with the dying/fleeing coming conductor composes, the chorus fantastic tune 'friend whom writer Fujimoto justice one writes, you will look at the Osaka dawn,', me myself, the just a little hammer [ri] it is Agora o Yamamoto que a pureza direta que é o compositor com condutor de vinda de morte/de fuga compor, o acordo fantástico “amigo quem justiça uma de Fujimoto do escritor escreve, você do coro olhará o alvorecer de Osaka,”, mim eu mesmo, apenas o martelo pequeno [ri] é
- 【音楽】12月16日はベートーベンの誕生日でした。ピアノ協奏曲第5番「皇帝」他。
http://jiro-dokudan.cocolog-nifty.com/jiro/2009/12/12165-d768.html * Beethoven and Yamamoto direct the purity was the same birthday * Beethoven e Yamamoto dirigem a pureza eram o mesmo aniversário
Yamamoto naozumi, Music,