- Don't you think? it was dramatic, the House of Representatives selection
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/goo5comodo/e/795b8aed84ae5b2905f38554d17204b2 The Lower House election, [tsu] [chi] [ya] now it does truly administration alternately, the seed, a liberal translation A eleição da Câmara, [tsu] [qui] [ya] agora faz verdadeiramente a administração alternadamente, a semente
- Doubt
http://ameblo.jp/yuukikaz/entry-10334615631.html It ended with the Lower House election and the overwhelming victory of the Democratic party, but Terminou com a eleição da Câmara e a vitória opressivamente do partido Democratic, mas
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/happy-kernel-0297/e/91a950c7f2bb29df2c1fe7374d6a4e3d Time of the Lower House election midst, [hitsusori] (?)With there were personal affairs which are reported Época do meio da eleição da Câmara, [hitsusori] (?)Com havia os casos pessoais que são relatados
- The Democratic party ballot counting center observation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/jinkoba4849/archives/51655452.html On the 30th of the Lower House election, “the dust rice ball it went to the delivered item roundly” in the Democratic party ballot counting center of Roppongi [rahuoremiyujiamu No 30o da eleição da Câmara, “a esfera de arroz da poeira foi ao artigo entregado redonda” na cédula do partido Democratic que conta o centro de Roppongi [rahuoremiyujiamu
- Japanese weblog
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kychigasaki/60259241.html The Lower House election should call the Liberal Democratic Party above expecting wipeout A eleição da Câmara deve chamar o partido Democratic liberal acima de esperar o wipeout
- 17歳でよかった
http://ameblo.jp/b7x7b919rk1197/entry-10332673305.html Historical large victory of the Lower House election and democracy Grande vitória histórica da eleição e da democracia da Câmara
- サイレント・マジョリティーはどこへ行く
http://ameblo.jp/gusya-h/entry-10373492442.html Kanagawa and Shizuoka Councilor by-election ended Eleição antecipada do conselheiro de Kanagawa e de Shizuoka terminada
- 衆議院選挙2009
http://ameblo.jp/black-rider2008/entry-10328568888.html The Lower House election got near A eleição da Câmara começ próximo
- 最高裁判所裁判官の国民審査をきちんとしよう!
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/lemon-stoism/e/bea8ed676fc4459746ece3620e493be6 Collectively there is national examination of the Supreme Court in the Lower House election Coletivamente há uma examinação nacional da corte suprema na eleição da Câmara
- あっ、先生だ!!
http://blog.livedoor.jp/journeysend/archives/51327139.html The Lower House election made public À eleição da Câmara 6 dias em seguida
- 期日前投票
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nana42618/e/3008d11ec5e4d9a77fa6b9465ab817a6 Of the Lower House election you voted before the date, a liberal translation Da eleição da Câmara você votou antes da data
- 選挙☆
Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- null
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sirokuma925068/e/f02563d263483eaf76df40a350432c12 The Lower House election August 30th, was 1 weeks after, a liberal translation A eleição agosto 30o da Câmara, era as semanas 1 em seguida
House of Representatives elections, Politics ,