- Non subject
http://geniusu993.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/31/ And [kamubure] you forgot to take,… Et [kamubure] vous avez oublié de prendre,…
- Japanese Letter
http://kdp.txt-nifty.com/kdp/2009/07/ix-fa77.html And, change of occupation was stopped Et, le changement du métier a été arrêté
- ★~ составления ПОИСКОВ ~ дневника [dorakuepurei] [pu] [хиа
http://wonder-garden.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-08-09 And as for [are] the [pa] [hu] [pa] [hu]” the ~~~~ it is, the [i] ~~~!! With, we would like to say, a liberal translation Et quant [soyez] au [la PA] [HU] [PA] [HU] » le ~~~~ il est, le ~~~ [I] ! ! Avec, nous voudrions dire
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/sumeragi/entry-10340523195.html And, you ate also month seeing [baga Et, vous avez mangé également voir de mois [baga
Dragon Quest IX, Video Game,