- , a liberal translation
http://boltanic.cocolog-nifty.com/syakaijin/2010/01/33-1f04.html As for this 20 years before above shank 关于以前这20年在小腿之上
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://tani8n.cocolog-nifty.com/ramen/2009/12/09101194-c620.html As for this the menu chart which is pasted outside the store 关于此在商店之外被黏贴的菜单图
- Japanese Letter
http://momochan-popopo.269g.net/article/14649879.html This does not enter being defeated, 这不进入被击败,
- ひきこもらず、外に出るんだ!
http://myhome.cururu.jp/morgue/blog/article/51002878967 As for this, content is funny truly 关于此,内容真实地是滑稽的
- 雑記090904
http://hski.air-nifty.com/weblog/2009/09/090903-21f6.html As for this no model? It has rated in the article of the archive which that much does not become old 关于这个没有模型? 它在不变得老档案的文章上对了估计
Dragon Quest IX, Video Game,