- 2010.03.08 ~ 2010.03.14 Kodansha publishers, Ltd. investigation
http://garakuta02.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/03/201003082010031.html Whether 2 seeing [zu] coming Mio author 10.03.10 419,514 - 06-3416749 releasing section rear frost months 5 end next Yuki author 09.06.08 419,534 - 06-3106398 [sayabito] 1 Italy 咲 [uta] works 10.03.01 562,544 which the child cartoon 10.03.10 524,524 - 06-3192667 [chi] quickly are shaken - the monster 2 [ro] [bi] of 06-3655551 and the appearance 6 end next Yuki author 09.09.08 419,564 - 06-3618709 gambling 堕 heaven record [kaiji] Kazuya compilation 2 Fukumoto Noboru line works 10.02.02 552,574 which the work 09.06.08 419,554 - 06-3192711 [chi] are shaken densely quickly - 06-3655858 good it is possible to finish, is, 4 Hazuki tripod kettle work 10.01.08 419,584 - 06-3376531 one person story 1 mountain stream Ayako author 08.10.08 667,594 - 06-3655896 [kosupure]* The animal 13< finishing > the [bu] [ke] of the glory feather 弥 work 10.02.08 419,604 - 06-3637823 fairytail2 true island [hiro] work 07.01.12 400,614 - 06-3639148 fairytail7 true island [hiro] work 07.11.13 400,624 - 06-3416688 limit 1 setting it is, your work 10.02.09 419,634 - 06-3621570 palpus [kiyara]! Special equipment edition 11 peach-p work 10.03.03 943,644 - 06-3842111 fairytail18 true island [hiro] work 09.11.11 419,654 - the monster 3 [ro] [bi] of 06-3655759 and the appearance 4 篠 room six 郎 work 10.02.19 600,674 - 06-3522976 transparent accelerator 1 Mita period room work 10.02.19 533,684 - 06-3842302 [buratsudeimandei] 2 desperate no which work 09.10.09 419,664 - 06- 310,631,200 tongue valley become upset densely 匣 1 blessing wide history cartoon 09.12.14 419,694 - 06-3106404 [sayabito] 2 Italy 咲 [uta] work 10.03.02 562,704 - 06-3638905 fairytail6 true island [hiro] works 07.09.11 400,714 - [kiyori] romantic love 6 you see be close to 06-3758665 and start the original 凜 work 10.02.08 429,724 - 06-3638103 fairytail3 true island [hiro] work 07.03.13 400,734 - 06-3639650 fairytail9 true island [hiro] work 08.03.13 400,744 - 06-3639407 fairytail8 true island [hiro] work 08.01.15 400,754 - 06-3842487 baby step 11 victory wooden optical works 10.02.09 419,764 - 06-3192810 the chair which is it comes!! Parenting diary 11 love book not seeing [ho] work 10.03.09 419,774 - 06-3841855 fairytail17 true island [hiro] work 09.09.15 419,784 - 06-3638325 fairytail4 true island [hiro] work 07.05.14 400,794 - 06-3758771 Isamu of [yu] [zu] 午 the Philippine oda compilation 1 red name learning/repairing 漫
- 2010.02.01 - 2010.02.07 examine Kodansha
http://garakuta02.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/201002012010020.html En japonais ,
- 2010.02.15 - 2010.02.21 examine Kodansha
http://garakuta02.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/201002152010022.html 3 Hazuki tripod kettle works 09.08.06 419,894 - 06-3655179 good it is possible to finish, is, 1 Hazuki tripod kettle works 08.08.08 400,904 - 06-3655421 good it is possible to finish, is, 2 Hazuki tripod kettle work 09.02.09 419,914 - 06-3841855 fairytail17 true island [hiro] work 09.09.15 419,924 - 06-3637719 fairytail1 true island [hiro] work 06.12.12 400,934 - 06-3841367 fairytail15 true island [hiro] work 09.05.13 419,944 - 06-3841589 fairytail16 true island [hiro] work 09.07.14 419,954 - 06-3407129 useless cantabile 21 Ninomiya Tomoko author 08.08.07 400,964 - 06-3840988 fairytail14 true island [hiro] work 09.03.13 419,974 - 06-3618457 gambling 堕 heaven record [kaiji] Kazuya compilation 1 Fukumoto Noboru line work 09.10.02 552,984 - 06-3840759 fairytail13 true island [hiro] work 08.12.12 419,994 - 06-3840506 fairytail12 true island [hiro] works 08.10.14 4,001,004
- 2009.08.24 ~ 2009.08.30 講談社調べ
http://garakuta02.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/09/200908242009083.html Essa opiniao ,
- 2009.10.19 ~ 2009.10.25 講談社調べ
http://garakuta02.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/10/200910192009102.html 1 Hazuki tripod kettle work 08.08.08 400,934 - 06-3192667 [chi] 5 end next Yuki author 09.06.08 419,944 - 06-336674x gambling Revelations [kaiji] 5 Fukumoto Noboru line work 97.07.01 533,954 - 06-3522839 help men who are shaken quickly! 13 it is ill-smelling the one step 89 Morikawa George work 09.09.14 419,984 - 06-3841367 fairytail15 true island [hiro] work 09.05.13 419,994 - 06-3192599 [chi] of 3 end next Yuki author 08.12.09 419,974 - 06-3841800 beginning which the village tree work 09.10.21 533,964 - 06-3192520 [chi] quickly are shaken 4 end next Yuki authors which are shaken quickly 09.03.10 419
- 2009.08.10 ~ 2009.08.16 講談社調べ
http://garakuta02.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/200908102009081.html japanese means ,
- 2009.07.20 ~ 2009.07.26 講談社調べ
http://garakuta02.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/07/200907202009072.html 1 Hazuki tripod kettle works 08.08.08 400,934 - 06-3655421 good it is possible to finish, is, in the [ma] of 2 Hazuki tripod kettle work 09.02.09 419,944 - 06-3145601 spaces the [a] of 6 Kashiwabara flax actual work 09.04.21 543,954 - 06-3416244 next door it is in the [ma] to do, 1 Nanba thickly densely the work 09.06.10 419,964 - 06-3521516 bean sprouts it is in the [ma] of 3 Ishikawa elegance 之 work 06.05.19 533,974 - 06-3407129 useless cantabile 21 Ninomiya Tomoko author 08.08.07 400,984 - 06-3144956 space in the [ma] in the [ma] of 4 Kashiwabara flax actual work 08.03.18 533,994 - 06-3144611 spaces in the [ma] 3 Kashiwabara flax actual work 07.07.20 5,331,004 - 06-3841367 fairytail15 true island [hiro] works 09.05.13 419
- 2009.05.25 ~ 2009.05.31 講談社調べ
http://garakuta02.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/200905252009053.html Also 5 Ookubo [hiromi] work 09.05.08 724,494 - 06-3840308 student council official 1 Ujiie [to] all the work 08.08.11 400,504 - 06-3617870 [sengoku] Tensho the description 5 Miyasita English tree work 09.04.28 552,514 - 06-3727937 strange seminar 2 tagro work 09.04.21 533,524 - 06-3727227 strange seminar 1 tagro work 08.07.22 533,534 - 06-3416176 life 20< finishing > the [bu] [ke] of setting it is and work 09.04.10 476,544 - 06-3723441 kiss×sis1 [ji] cartridge certain work 07.09.03 552,554 - 06-3756982 cheese suite foam/home 6 is dense common far side work 09.04.20 848,564 - 06-3841374 [sumatsushiyu]! 13 咲 Kaori author 09.05.11
Moteki, Manga,