- Stone of lapis lazuli color
http://nnb.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-11-19 “The clean” [tsu] [te] you just thought with the stonemason of neighborhood, but the oldest power stone it seems, is “干净” [tsu] [te]您认为与邻里的石匠,但是最旧的力量石头它似乎,是
- weblog title
http://blog.livedoor.jp/weed0083/archives/1304255.html 4976 halls (the hall which becomes good) it is the mail order sight of natural stone bracelet [pawasutonburesuretsuto, a liberal translation 4976个大厅(变得好)的大厅它是自然石镯子[pawasutonburesuretsuto邮购订单视域
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/natume-shinoda/entry-10498914909.html As for ranking of the power stone bracelet of 4976 halls as follows (as for this ranking the one for woman, the kana which is? ) Choosing with the eye which was seen, keyword (matchmaking, health, with to combine) with choosing, it is appealing 关于4976个大厅力量石头镯子的等第如下(至于为这等第那个妇女的,是的kana ? )选择与被看见的眼睛,主题词(做媒,健康,与结合)与选择,它呼吁
Lapis lazuli, Avocation,