- Lethargy
http://ameblo.jp/tontons2pabo/entry-10468755386.html I was also intense pressure on Kim Yu-na J ai aussi été intense pression sur Kim Yu-na
- Figures! !
http://ameblo.jp/daidogei-monta/entry-10468564577.html Kim Yu-na players, it is the best-ever score Katta Sugo Kim Yu-na joueurs, c est le meilleur score jamais-Katta Sugo
- Hana Asada or medals of many colors ...
http://soulwine.at.webry.info/201002/article_12.html Mao Asada Yu-na Kim vs non luck I cited a high score without losing a Joannie concentration was unfortunate Mao Asada, Yu-Na Kim chance vs non j ai cité un score élevé, sans perdre une concentration Joannie est regrettable
- Hmm
http://ameblo.jp/gumiyan/entry-10467979556.html I feel that I Kimuyona Joannie likely take the money ...! ! ! Tomorrow is a pounding Je sens que je Kimuyona Joannie probablement prendre de l argent ...! ! ! Demain est un battant
- Negotiation results
http://ameblo.jp/iaiaai/entry-10466792627.html Kim Yu-na s performance was perfect and there are 色Ppo Performances Kim Yu-na a été parfait et il ya 色 PpO
- Finally ... (* ° ▽ ° ☆ Nono Bu
http://ameblo.jp/kame02171212/entry-10466471509.html Kim Yu-na Wa beat you want I got Kim Yu-na Wa beat vous voulez je suis
- いや~。
http://ameblo.jp/20060826/entry-10367103615.html Kim Yu-na as he is stable! Kim Yu-na comme il est stable!
Ms. Akiko Suzuki, Sport,