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○■ Thinking normally, whethe r the [te], the member the [tsu] [te] which comes to seeing it is not enormous to Osaka? Furthermore our expense <- the [a], something becoming well, soon it is enormous, it is dear, [koyashige] >< to Yoyogi, also mountain p and Akira should have come
○■ As for tension of that [t egomasu] and the rising of the meeting place, you think the thing which [koyashige] made and, don't you think? is
○■ The favorite and as for t he favorite you are moved by the [tegomasu] 2 person difference you are moved by the news6 person, with as for love it is simultaneous
○■ Aiming toward the star, t he [a] ~ which is this tune it is and thinking favorite rescue be too sad as drama drama, don't you think? next week with such feeling already being the last time!? It is too lonesome, everyone who even with ~ [matsusu] really works with the life betting is, it is, don't you think? don't you think? 21 days which you think that it is the ~ grateful thing, are [matsusu] festival it does to enjoy and drama fall of the [ge] it is broadcast or!? Still but ahead the pleasure mountain p way, very this the bruise - it does
○■ It videotaped yesterday, you see “the demon which is loved” it is…Nakayama superior horse of topic! This I becoming very funny, seeing, am [ru]… But however it is regrettable, as for end as for Luke, after all, becoming Chile, it keeps going out, whether it is not, while the [tsu] [te] thinking, seeing, it increases! And it is always to think, but…Nakayama being similar to the Imai wing, you don't think as the [ru]? The daughter the [tsu] [te] which is different at all is to say, but… As for the next time whether you love to Makoto? The [tsu] [te] the time which is said it is like, but…Whether it becomes some development, very the pleasure! And [tegomasukonsato] it started! Varieties and [burogu] seeing, it is to turn but also [koyashige] coming to Osaka, we would like to hurt being, the shank! As for tune of set list… news of the concert of [tegomasu] being like you do not sing…This unless the album the thimble etc it studies, is not good, when is,…
○■ news is to do “abo of l ove”, but it is [me] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [katsukoii]! As for the air whose Akira is seductive during the latest tv performance doing the combining where probably am just I? (Laughing)
○■ You question with your bi rthday [me] of the important your commemoration day ♪22 year, it is, (the *^▽^)/22 years old of [shige] being cute, way it is pleasant one year.…* Birthday of this year love from celebration was received all the way, don't you think?? Celebration 'the birthday' [tsu] [te] of the close friend writing with men love, it is the [te] cute becoming, you thought, whether (the ´∀ `*) it is what kind of party the ♪ last time which when the [ma] ~ is done the article it lifts after a long time, with the report from [koyashige] as a pleasure all the way the rice receiving, thank you for!! Delightful [te] ゙ [su] (human ´∀ `)
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