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○■ This time the collar it i s, therefore the bird already one (the bird, one feather?)Increasing, being more and more lovely, the shank (^o^) and as for already one volume, the senior “Niigata city” empty of the government ordinance designated city reaching… the magazine, “interview file cast”
○■ Just a little, if even wi th the method which wears year, it rises slowly, it is the stairway which it can rise sufficiently and, most the view from around institute of the inner part is highest
○■ Whether oh with while say ing, it came to next door? Now presently (6: 30) Still, it is in the midst of inspecting, but you ask the fact that it is not the pig
○■ The case where rumor dama ge of the Niigata Nakagoe open sea earthquake is prevented, cooperation between the government ordinance designated cities it could take
○■ Celebrating government or dinance designated city Niigata birth, the Niigata sushi craftsman is with the sushi of the new menu of Niigata
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