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    Sport Movie related words Dragon Ball Hawks Giants coach Coughlin Patriots レッドスキンズ Bronco

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    • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/westlions/e/80a3111c6053da8d58194c459d0608bb
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    • recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
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      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

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    • http://www.forbes.com/sites/sportsmoney/2011/08/17/inside-chris-johnsons-titanic-nfl-negotiation/
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10651388&ref=rss

    • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/daigoro-daidai/e/fc761f0964e020b9253ab4be4d71a856
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • �� shinema �� araivu �١� supo ne eiga dantai hen �� gesuto akatsuka masato san FM yamagata 6 gatsu 10 nichi 10 nichi 20 �� 00-20 �� 55
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    • Expectation (AFC) before the NFL commencing, a liberal translation
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    • Japanese talking
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    • Japanese weblog
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • Japanese weblog
      You do not open the key of the house with the key of the car! It is shohei when and you did you become aware, the key of the car… the sled [ya] [a] is not opened in the key hole of the house, don't you think? because (laughing) on the other hand size is different, that you can become aware and depending and don't you think? well (laughing), practice 5 time is in these 3 days when training camp of [taitanzu] starts (laughing) I doing now the preparation tidying up and the like of practice entirely, however the [ru] it is, when so all the way it is, that you become tired as expected plus, practice after ending, looking at the video of practice as the head coach, the [a] - is, densely - is speaking, still there is also other work, it is with, 1 day 24 hour you are little, you felt(Laughing) furthermore while because, how head to coach video seeing because you sleep first, don't you think? it became quiet that - when you think, sleeps (laughing) the day before yesterday something, 2 times, with full, the sled [ya] [a] complaint which alone, the professional game is judged is said the game of 12 parts horrifying, one person what is it is (laughing) furthermore, as for me fiba (international basketball union) looked at [basuke] until now with rule, when you blow with the standard, [basuke] of the American entirely it is foul, that blowing the stopping [ma] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u] to do the cod game, [tsu] [te] dilemmaSo a little more than. There is no blowing palm, is, (laughing) with the player who is left during now, guard is two, however it is, you called to the boiled rice eating with yesterday gm and the 2 people whose rather level is high and is however it is, the leadership 2 is of course the [basuke] [tsu] [te] which is surprised to the good quality of the head knowing those which are said, the [ru] is, while having understood your own game securely, gm and speaking with the coach quite, even [ru] like furthermore they analysis of the other prayer is possible at this short period and from the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] [ru], such player [tsu] [te] say at this level which is surprised trulyThing becomes, when you speak with Steve Nash, how, the [tsu] [te] it is, you probably will think, don't you think?? (Laughing) nevertheless, with Canadian [basuke], it is enormous it is until now! And others it is dense you do it is very! However the [tsu] [te] you thought, because only [basuke] of the student where the top is on and rubbing does you saw perhaps, however is, the practice which mental or skill even [hanpa] it is not the player whom it has been about to live with [basuke] and, is seeing, the [re] above the professional player who is understood is before the eye, only it polishes the arm by his as a professional, is

    • 'As for you meeting… of bat man'
      The present [teintaitanzu] [wa], “[teintaitanzu] [biginzu]” is* From 彡 beginning, the enemy facing toward the robin 'as for you phase… of the bat man'The [tsu] [te] [yu] - grinningly it can point, don't you think? * 彡 And don't you think? trap [tsutsu] where as usual [reivun] is too lovely (the ´∀ `) cartridge viewing [tsutsu] DREPT (=^▽^=) the no and accomplice [tsutsu] which [reivun] [wa] omnipotence is done as usual (the *^_^*) 'the power [tsu] [te] of the darkness we fear in the B strike boy' the [tsu] [te] the [yu] it just cracked a little, cuteness [wa] abnormality of [reivun] which is dented (the ◎∀◎) even with [haahaa] in the cyborg being encouraged, happening dead regeneration o (^∇^o) (o^∇^) o [reivun] be too lovely [haahaa] (the ´д `) now of shank ♪ next week it is [wa] the batman with [haahaa] and [are], [tsutsu] (the ´∀ `) [tsutsu] which is the pleasure \ (the ^_^) (the ^_^)/

    • The Art of Lenore
      In March of >2010 the book, the art of lenore from titan books sells, it seems, is, even what in [] the art of lenore @amazon.jp Japanese Amazon reservation entering, don't you think? it increases,… the [tsu] [te], “sale day: 2035/12/31” being the Japanese Amazon secure, at the [tsu] ww [jiyunku] hall 2009 September 30th ago, the [ru] it did, expecting that in the future information appears, just a little circumstances seeing kana in the first place, titan books ended in the English publisher England oak viewing which is lenore popularity > the comics [tsu] [te] of [taitanzu] completely, it is, don't you think?? It becomes matter of concern, however it is it does, under the mask of [sureido] you saw after all to end and the [re] were not it is? The by [ji] [ro] - it is round [komikaraizu] “teentitansgo of tv animation edition!”It is the series, don't you think? even now continuously it increases original [amekomitaitanzu], but it ended this tt go, (it has irregularly and continues with the [tsu] being however there was also how speech, without coming out after all) with tt go as for the bare face of [sureido] simply however it came out, > the square D auditorium, something you probably will lecture that [tsu] [po] potato with the #49 which does not come out after all? If lecture of [suke] receiving, it makes be troubled like - the ♪ [so] it is with to a question attacking!! ([aho]) with you say or, the clothes dispersing at the divestiture place, to go to the bath, unless you must pass by the studio of Frank ream, because, the shank - becoming fearful midway, 100 rubies > “this useless sight” is funny in lecture end! There is “the useless sight” 0 manufacturer a variety, when is with the shank air faces, it tries doing

    • Japanese talking
      The ^ω^^ robin where why heat enters into [teintaitanzu] suddenly dvd asks to we wife [haahaa] tomorrow puppy, it is! The term end it perseveres, the [o]!!!!!!!!!!! Because it is postscript, in it does not do from tomorrow to term-end end!! It is leaving!!! As for the thinking which that extent I bet on the robin ry

    • weblog title
      According to espnchicago.com, it is not distant so for the place of new participation of problem child wr mat Jones's to be decided, therefore with the radio interview so, as for Jones 4 teams (cow baud is, [jietsutsu] and [taitanzu]) which include [beazu] and presently while negotiating, becoming the big target of qb [jiei] [katora] being inevitable, the extent which [beazu] powerful well, [beazu] has been about probably to take wr [purakushiko] [baresu], the eye it probably will collapse in a little trouble

    • [taitanzu] =NFL where it finishes to escape pre- match
      As for the palace entering commemoration tournament of tradition, as for [taitanzu] where [taitanzu] lowers the bills with 21-18, ace qb Kelly Collins the first 2 series with the traction enemy's camp 40 yard it became punting, but after you refrain with [hueikupurei] and a.j. [torapatsuso] of p carries the ball to the ended zone that way and drive of the preemptive td following bills becomes int and Collins plays, to td of rb [rendeiru] white ties the refrainment qb [binsu] young which with [taitanzu] and the first half which pass through the td pass of 5 yards 21-6 as for latter half [taitanzu] which was led/read largely as for the non score bills pk [raian] [rinderu] 3 flat knots of 3qDeciding fg, but the cb [reji] corner marked the int return td of 27 yards in 4q, it remained and qb mat [beika] of 4 public attention int was done in 2 minutes, as for [ji] ended end [torapatsuso] of preemptive td as for bills wr [tereru] [ouenzu] of the attention which finishes the tournament to a safety, finished first campaign with 2 catch 27 yards 0td

    • NFL present pre- match
      [huarukonzu] anti- [seintsutaitanzu] anti- [kauboizuchihusu] anti- [baikingusu

    • NFL pre- match result
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , Japanese talking

    • Result of pre- match =NFL
      [igurusu] 38-27 [jietsutsu] qb Michael Bick single stage! The td run of 2 yards was decided with, 4 sacks to be done, finally 喫, 1 fumble losses and int throwing 11 passes up to 7 these sequence 26 yards, with the run with 7 times as for 35 [yadojietsutsu] new member qb marks [sanchiesu] [hitsutopeitoriotsutsu] 38-27 as for [patsukazu] qb [tomu] [bureidei] according to schedule to default the td pass of 21 yards in wr Jericho [kotsuchieri] only 1 series through participation 5 all pass, the refrainment new member [buraian] Hoyer through 18 pass in get 25 firmly as for qb [irai] Manning of 242 yard 1td0int Giants play only of 1 seriesThe [deibitsudo] car of the refrainment 2td pass [makusuteirazu] 21-10 [pansazusuteirazu] with the regular player designates the first attack of [pansazu] as 3, and out PR Stefan Logan returning, 80 yards designates punting as td, even on the latter half as for [pansazu] where s [raian] [mandei] marks the return td of 31 yards qb [jieiku] [deroumu] deciding the pass 2 in 4, with total 2 drive of 19 yard gains as for the alternation team pre- match complete defeat [reibunzu] 20-3 [huarukonzudoruhuinzu] 10-7 as for [seintsureibunzu] and [doruhuinzu] with 4 game complete victories [huinitsushiyuramuzu] 17-9 as for [chihusuchihusu] complete defeat [bengaruzu] 38-7 [korutsujiyaguwazu] 24-17 [retsudosukinzubeazu] 26-23 [buraunzutaitanzu] 27-13 [patsukazuraionzu] 17-6 the bills

    • weblog title
      2009-09- 1215: 22: 11 | From weblog sale beginning, this time after all it is not? With it was said, but the cover of the video game “[matsuden] 10” in addition it may become according to the jinx, [suteirazu] ss Troy [poramaru] and Michael Bick which [kadeinaruzu] wr rally [huitsutsujierarudo] past is 2003 [huarukozu] qb, Shaun [areguzanda] which is 07 year [shihokusu] rb, in the commencement game of this year when the [taitanzu] qb [binsu] young breaks down respectively, [poramaru] twirling the left knee mcl in 08, 3 - 6 weeks it became not be able to play, (as for the team formality announcement it isn't to local Monday) [huoteinainazu] game of tomorrow, as for [huitsutsujierarudo] all right?!

    • [taitanzu] [ritana] alternation
      [taitanzu], to this season 1 victory eyes trump acquisition?! Rb Albin [piaman] of original [jiyaguwazu] was acquired and, ir it enters and mark Jones, as for Jones whom it could point the ham string because it can hurt, being judged, that participation of this season is difficult, as for that representative of the result having assumed, that 4-6 it heals at the week, dissatisfied [pansazu], Jones whom you play in [batsukaniazu] and Giants, as for kickoff the even 23.5 yards, with punting the Pia man who 9.3 yard gains has been done, opposition last year of the old home also play with 1 tournaments, with total with average 22.4 punting average 8.6 yard gains has done suddenly with kickoff

    • Though as for dirty NFL player
      大量的日本當前主題 , linked pages are Japanese

    • As for tunnel deeply long
      [netsutsu] opposed with [reikazu], as for the element which already, it can win being the case that it does not have either part… to be defeated beautifully, with this commencement 17. Don't you think? it became tremendous thing, [netsutsu] this much declines did not think even in dream How, although still it is 11th week, [korutsu] the tournament, overwhelming victory area victory is decided completely is to be little, but without being defeated, the shank - (wry smile) 6 successive defeats and [taitanzu] which is the quagmire to decorate 5 successive wins from commencement, it had up to debt 1, because well - just this it changes… as for [kadeinarusu] which opposed it was the tournament which is not defeated, it becomes painful 1 defeat/miss and increase certain remain, in 6 seconds reversal being defeated

    • NFL WEEK13
      kanji , please visit the following link

    • [burebo] of yesterday
      According to expectation the robin came out! And voice of the robin was good being Onozuka of tt and the batman!! The robin was opposing period, although - already it is the adult, don't you think?, the [te] the [ma]… that how it does and [kiyanarikiyanari] saying from before, it increased, [taitanzu], but when source language you hear, as if the [kanari] [tsu] [te] the same pronunciation as ca of wcanada which is audible thinks is different, it is to combine, [kanari] it is it is the beautiful voice + green arrow (laughing) song umeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! [te] or [kanari] is aggressive style being similar to [kiyamii], [ru] case it is [ri] kana? In any case being similar to someone, the [ru

    • When it could do again to draft and designate the ・・・2009 year 1 巡 became like this?!
      Nihongo , Feel free to link

    • [huarukonzu] CB [taitanzu] selection =NFL
      That the cb tie hill which you play with last year [huarukonzu], agreed in [taitanzu] and 1 year contract with [ramuzu] which erspn Adam [shiehuta] conveys 3 years you played from 06, with [huarukonzu] last year 8 tournaments (forerunner 3 time) as for the hill which participated [baikingusu] local Monday and the result former which was put on the pair of scales, last week [taitanzu], visit and visited you selected

    • 'Titans' Battles to No. 1 SPOTs With $61.4 Million
      'titans' battles its way to no. 1 SPOT with $61.4 million at weekend boxes office box office - shopping - entertainment - tickets - sports . . u0026#39; [taitanzu]. . u0026#39; To fight to the office office box, with the method weekend at 1st rank box 61400000 dollar - shopping - entertainment - the ticket - sport

    • 1023) DANIEL CONN
      daniel conn has belonged to the team, [gorudokosutotaitanzu] which is the Australian Rugby player, there is sexier picture, but height 182cm and the weight 116kg which are not placed the [tsu] rear end having done here, the date of birth which is groovy and is: 1986.2.14 The ↓ 338 which past of the white Rugby player is the article) sonny Bill williams: 347) danny cipriani:

    • Praying hands
      Steve [makunea] which is name qb of [taitanzu] gunned down seems

    • 2
      1. precious time under covers which this month were seen (title to be good is) (1.5. green cards) 5. total [huiazu] 6. [taitanzu] which 2. lead Bronx 3. parasite 4. young blood now was seen is not forgotten from the [wa], well, as for 5 before seeing, the better seed perhaps last year well contents… do not forget [taitanzu], after all in calling the shank

    • Japanese Letter
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , Japanese talking

    • About 2009 5th Kochi engineering department large cup mixed volleyball 2 section conference
      About 2009 5th Kochi engineering department large cup mixed volleyball 2 section conference

    • Practice tournament
      The kana where the road which faces to Kamakura where real gw starts is packed? With you thought, but always the bridge which crosses the Sagami river which is the change descended and direction considerably had been packed, but because… today Tokyo Ota Ku which asks photographing to i rice field doing to cause [taitanzu] which has been active on the center, the forming small main coat which did the practice game is the high ring, although the partner you do, all right kana? With you thought, but don't you think? with the notion that where, the ring whose also [taitanzu] is high somehow, furthermore it is the ball and the times when 7 is used, without hesitation if as for supervision of [taitanzu] which can thing fights, the story which is the one which that old times participated even with this league is heard, in order being able to sympathize in large quantity the ladies and gentlemen of [bureikazu] which is, experience not to be enough yet, it is slow to ride in your own rhythm, is, it could do game to win, when it could put out the fact that you do more with practice it was good, we want aiming toward the game whose up-down is extreme from beginning as a feature after and inside,Also the future everyone of shank [taitanzu], it is being, thank you for and making the opportunity make, it would like to receive today to the specially distant place and, we ask may

    • NFL WEEK4
      [korutsu] with [shihokusu] and opposition the p Manning 2td pass etc where [ejierin] James is wins with 34-17 and as for confrontation of 4 successive win afc south [taitanzu] commencement 4 successive defeats last week [jiyagazu] tears [taitanzu] with 37-17 successive defeats Lions which escapes [beazu] and tears with opposition 24-48 and does not become successive win good [kadoreibunzu] 21 to 27 [peitoriotsutsureibunzu] successive win [su] of this week

    • Inbikutasu
      Yesterday the thought which is seen just a little…As for diary or [burogu] which truth does not come and is when you write during morning of the following day, it is in the brain and calls and you do the empty, always morning to do the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] is not possible rushingly with the television (; The ´д `) [inbikutasu] this nelson Mandela becoming south African president, the story which is truly being like, the shank (o) the no the [me] [chi] [ya] oral [ya] was good candidly, is, however you were impressed, after finishing seeing, refreshing it is accustomed to refreshing feeling enormously, rather than that feeling does the sou [tsu] [te], you say?…It is main the tournament of Rugby is main it is, but however it was the extent that tournament and the sense of urgency rather than, the extent which falls to the feeling which looks at the tournament truly, the name, nelson Mandela who force is you have heard, looking at this movie, it removes the wall of the race which you think that enormously to be enormous it is to be the great person, riding normal thing it is not possible, is, don't you think?…Again, however the word, apartheid which stops wanting to know the person, this Mandela enormously it is made, as for me even the [u] [tsu] only studying is remembered, it is, but…When of thing of that party is thought, the kind of air which looks at the darkness whose heart is deep doing, peace where the chest becomes painful this society and there are no times when I who am born in Japan can say to such a wind simply however it is, don't you think?…Just a little, history of the world, [iroiro] Freeman Morgan who stops wanting to study rub the [chi] [ya] oral [ya] it was good, the truth which is the sport human drama which is the good movie movie…Unexpected and we like, (the ¯∀¯) “[taitanzu] is not forgotten,” that the extent lover which enters into my 10 these fingers in the movie which it combined and (^w^) as for this it saw until now [inbikutasu] which is the movie…As for [inbikutasu] which may enter to 10, is however it is not the case, sport main…When it is good, it is the movie which is wanted trying seeing

    • NFL_開幕_スティーラーズ連覇に白星発進_ブレイディマジック
      En japones , please visit the following link

    • 1本
      This month 1. precious time under covers (title to be good it is from the [wa]) (1.5. green cards) 7. water world 8. hearts of woman 9. spider man 210 who does not forget 2. lead Bronx 3. parasite 4. young blood 5. total [huiazu] 6. [taitanzu]. [oshiyanzu] 1111. “Theater edition [poketsutomonsutadaiyamondo] pearl bouquet [shieimi] of [girateina] and the ice sky” (11.5) the New York & New York 12. trance porters (12.5) [kiyasupa] now 13. protection God well, it is the sea or the river or the swamp or hateful what, don't you think?… especially, being stagnant, if the clean water where the [ru] feeling is clear but it is to call, unless the river or the sea or the foot are attached we fear, however well, there was no air which is seen from the fact that it is the work of such feeling, even in such point and the Japanese painting, unexpected it was, however heart of woman 2nd, the good movie time you saw it flows and is understood and sees once more when fromYou think and that to be understood it is the easily good movie, increase wants time…

    • みなべ花火祭り
      August 1st only common usage with paper lantern queue of child meeting of pan town Kashima shrine offering fireworks area to the beach with the other side in the horizon, frequently while the thunder has shone, the rain does not fall to fireworks celebration end, “is in can beer one hand - the [ma] and the [a] -!” … The [te] the person who says it is, it is kana? When the return, you drink at the Ku hall, in some [ma] outside story as for the liquor while only Susumu getting wet 0 where it becomes the somehow small getting off:30, the bicycle flying, returning home now even with the bicycle the fine it is taken with drinking driving the heavy rain it returns not be able to return, it is the [tsu] [ke] which is? This day, daytime the boy baseball team which comes from Kobe, “Nagasaka [taitanzu]” and a team 4 - 14 of 5 and 6th grade subject which does the practice tournament, b team ●2 - 84th of 5th grade subject with the rec of c team ●0 - 3 summer vacations below grade you stay in Shirahama, so everyone of the player supervision coach guardian who is, it was the team whose feeling is very good

    • null
      belief , original meaning

    • 「そんな熊なら捨てちゃえば?」~QMA
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , original japanese letters , translated

    • だ…だぅんww
      Densely it is, is went to the [wa] (Ω) present [wa] doctor, but it is, waiting being long, it is flowing there 'the [yo] which from first to end looks at [chiyari] and the chocolate factory'! But it is with the blood-collecting red sandal wood when blood you see, it was inserted in internal ww which becomes anemia and something with the injection but it is after that being inserted, you could insert no [gi] [i] ww what, it is by yourself who is; Because `д ') in any case it is tomorrow [wa] important day, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, don't you think? the [tsu] (∩゜∀゜∩) [ho] which it cures it is the [ji] [ya] and -* (^ω^) the Sakura (^ω^) article url [peta] article summary | The [pu] [u] - (゜3゜) -… also the show biz celebrity of that topic which becomes the reader of this [burogu] (check) doing [burogu], the [ru]!? As for [ohuishiyaruburogu] register desired one this/amoeba member register (no charge! ) ameba show biz celebrity famous human [burogurankingu] 2008 annual ranking boldly 1 rank! Area male 輔 [ohuishiyaruburogu] “God child playing help” show biz celebrity famous human [totsupuosusumeburogu] bulletin amoeba member register (no charge) ameba show biz celebrity famous human [burogu] famous human shop new arrival [burogu] photograph this week on upper area male 輔 pickupvar so = new swfobject (rcflash09, 365, 200 and 8, #ffffff); so.addparam (allowscriptaccess and always); so.addparam (wmode and opaque); so.write (rcflash09); It is calendar July day month fire Mizuki gold earth inf [butsukumakumun] the child [looking at summary,] recent article summary…The [u] which is it is the ww [pu] [u] - (゜3゜) - the [tsu] slipperily (Ω) even thickly…(; `д ') while returning home (Ω)! * The fence [tsu] it is to come the [gu]* [evua] ━ (゜∀゜) ━!!! '[taitanzu] is not forgotten, that' the [ro] - there to be [ri] (Ω) [hi] [ru] (∩゜∀゜∩) [hi] [ru] [looking at summary,] [burogutema] summary [burogu] (1311) favorite [burogu], the short-necked clam place (by araki-arisa renewal! ) Fujioka Sizuka official…(by fujiokashizuka renewal! ) [Looking at summary,] show biz celebrity [burogu

    • 帰宅中(〃ω〃)!
      The present [wa] [me] [tsu] [chi] [ya] where also everyone today is 1 day fatigue (∩゜∀゜∩) the [yo] which is drowsy 1 days (; `д ') it is with now in the streetcar to be shaken, [jiyudeimari] hearing, the [tsu] (Ω) bosom which it increases tilting, it does, the [yo]! Liking from time of the cherry tree small school, don't you think?, recently the album you borrowed (Ω) we like 'the classic' even in the ♪♪* Something shaking in the streetcar, if favorite music you hear being less crowded - (o´ω `o) oh it does not do to change! In addition don't you think? [tsu]* Paying attention everyone, don't you think? please return* (^ω^) the Sakura (^ω^) article url [peta] article summary | * The fence [tsu] it is to come the [gu]* Also the show biz celebrity of that topic which becomes the reader of this [burogu] (check) doing [burogu], the [ru]!? As for [ohuishiyaruburogu] register desired one this/amoeba member register (no charge! ) ameba show biz celebrity famous human [burogurankingu] 2008 annual ranking boldly 1 rank! Area male 輔 [ohuishiyaruburogu] “God child playing help” show biz celebrity famous human [totsupuosusumeburogu] bulletin amoeba member register (no charge) ameba show biz celebrity famous human [burogu] famous human shop new arrival [burogu] photograph this week on upper area male 輔 pickupvar so = new swfobject (rcflash09, 365, 200 and 8, #ffffff); so.addparam (allowscriptaccess and always); so.addparam (wmode and opaque); so.write (rcflash09); During calendar July day month fire Mizuki gold earth inf [butsukumakumun] the child [at summary looking] recent article summary returning home (Ω)! * The fence [tsu] it is to come the [gu]* [evua] ━ (゜∀゜) ━!!! '[taitanzu] is not forgotten, that' the [ro] - [ri] (Ω) [hi] [ru] (∩゜∀゜∩) [hi] [ru] love - the ♪♪ after all (o´ω `o) movie day (o´ω `o)! [yatsu] (∩゜∀゜∩) tar [looking at summary,] [burogutema] summary [burogu] (1307) favorite [burogu] Fujioka Sizuka official…(by fujiokashizuka renewal! ) To be, the short-necked clam place (by araki-arisa renewal! ) [Looking at summary,] show biz celebrity [burogu

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