- Sad characteristic
http://jiroramos.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/10-bd34.html So, 'like [bihu] of back to the future', a liberal translation So „wie [bihu] zurück zu vom zukünftigen“
- The [ji] [yo] which growing hoarse - the leprosy it does and is - - -!!, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kazuzo_hamano/15614670.html Then, in famous Shimokita, we had decided to go to the store of the normal curry rice with soup Kurie!! Dann in berühmtem Shimokita, hatten wir uns entschieden, zum Speicher des normalen Curryreises mit Suppe Kurie zu gehen!!
- original letters
http://blog.livedoor.jp/himantai/archives/51877216.html So is! It will make Calais! Ist so! Er bildet Calais!
coco Ichibanya, Food And Drinks ,