- Just a little delightful thing just a little hateful thing
http://niya-1216.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-841a.html Furthermore the expectation to which also and others is said complying with absoluteness and takes, a liberal translation 此外也和其他是说的依从绝对性并且采取的期望对
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://niya-1216.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/post-10f3.html Furthermore the cow is eaten! Cow! 此外母牛被吃! 母牛!
- weblog title
http://niya-1216.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/post-5f76.html Furthermore recently only Okutama goes furthermore the inner part which multi rubbing, there being a sacred place well enough, the person no person, a liberal translation 此外此外最近仅Okutama去多摩擦,那里在一个神圣的地方还好,人没有人的内在部分
coco Ichibanya, Food And Drinks ,