http://zelkova.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-11-10 When it mixes with Calais,…The feeling which becomes Calais where fermented soybeans peculiar stench is not felt almost and has the [te] and viscosity, a liberal translation Quando mistura com o Calais,… o sentimento que se transforma Calais onde fedor peculiar fermentado dos feijões de soja não está sentido quase e tem [te] e a viscosidade
- Soybean investigation committee
http://blog.livedoor.jp/outrage/archives/52467975.html The package which becomes the Calais fermented soybeans, a liberal translation O pacote que se transforma o Calais fermentou feijões de soja
- Japanese-style Calais of chicken and mushroom
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/gogomarin2001/52394612.html The feeling kana which the foot warmer wound catches in Calais? Mixing, when you ate, the foot warmer wound almost it stopped understanding O kana do sentimento que a ferida do aquecedor do pé trava em Calais? Misturar, quando você comeu, o aquecedor do pé fere-o quase parou de compreender
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