- chamagakawaisugite dokidoki suru �� ...
http://yaplog.jp/ichika-akai/archive/1624 The fence fence fence - the [tsu] striking, because the [ru], only by your from the [wa] it is the [tsu] [chi] [yo] [ri] you increase in specification, a liberal translation Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- Fukuyama elegance Osamu live (it is the super long sentence)
http://papipapico.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-da16.html That… (inside the meeting place to laugh), the person who disturbs the love road of the person dying being kicked in the horse, calls the stripe obtaining in part reporting, but (laughing the element how it did Fukuyama here? It stops knowing whether even by your what you say? ) There are times when it is not understood in only the person in question, don't you think? it is the ~, don't you think? the ~” Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
Obotchama kun, Anime, Gamble,