- Movie
http://musikcafe.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-12-03 It had enjoyed with the work of [deizuni],, a liberal translation Tinha apreciado com o trabalho de [o deizuni],
- The ~ 其 之 56 ~ the [ze] [tsu] which after a long time is
http://ameblo.jp/cobba/entry-10488914064.html The extra large size movie which [deizuni] sends, a liberal translation O grande filme extra do tamanho que [deizuni] emite
- 「クリスマス・キャロル」
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/cocoa3003/e/1e35d931ce7dd242a9ee4fa04778ac52 Because with [deizuni] it became the movie, you saw Porque com [deizuni] ele se tornou o filme, você viu
- えっ?もうクリスマスツリーなの・・・?
http://powaro-h.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-09-10 November 14th of [deizuni] up-to-date movie “disney's Christmas carol” (the Saturday) to commemorate nationwide load show release, in sunshine sakae 1f enormous Christmas tree appearance! With it was Novembro 1ô [deizuni] canção de natal do Natal do filme de “Disney moderno” (o sábado) para comemorar a liberação de âmbito nacional da mostra da carga, na aparência enorme da árvore de Natal dos sakae 1f da luz do sol! Com ela era
Christmas carol, Movie, Music, Books,