- Me who become the adult, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/hanamel-mkt/entry-10557070872.html The factual just a little front that even, the [zu] - the [tsu] the beer was drunk pleasantly, the beer how, a liberal translation L'effectif juste l'avant qui même, [zu] - [tsu] la bière a été bu agréablement, la bière comment
- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/pk0124/entry-10789150858.html The nun pre- (number place) (also several Germany say don't you think?), the hammer [tsu] [te] increased to just a little front La nonne pre- (endroit de nombre) (également plusieurs l'Allemagne indiquent vous ne pensent pas ?), le marteau [tsu] [te] a augmenté à juste l'avant
- [doo] which goes to Hokkaido!
http://ameblo.jp/medi-forum/entry-10533960484.html Because just a little it is tend to become tired, it begins to be broken and it is [gachiyapin, a liberal translation Puisque juste il est tendent à devenir fatigué, il commence à être cassé et il est [gachiyapin
- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/godsurf/entry-10802254275.html Just a little between, it became one flat and observation group Juste entre, c'est devenu un plat et groupe d'observation
- original letters
http://yotayota515.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/post-e94f.html , a liberal translation Juste attendant, la cuisine que vous empruntez, -
Gachapin, Broadcast,