- Victory pitcher, beginning blockade!, a liberal translation
http://katze.cocolog-nifty.com/cinema_diary/2010/06/post-dfd0.html “To “being similar to [gachiyapin], being similar [ru]” [totoro], being called the [ru],” you are delightful, is? As for me whether it is not delightful excessively, ...... ““Sendo similar a [gachiyapin], sendo similar [ru]” [totoro], sendo chamado [ru],” você é delicioso, é? Quanto para a mim se não é delicioso excessivamente, ......
- * Furthermore the dinosaur to be connected, the lunch ♪, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/knknhimemaru3/20770380.html Therefore “as for [gachiyapin] the dinosaur however it is good, because as for the mook there is no relationship, useless - - [tsu]!”, a liberal translation Conseqüentemente “quanto para [gachiyapin] ao dinossauro entretanto é bom, porque quanto para ao mook não há nenhum relacionamento, inútil - - [o tsu]!”
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://jiyu-nepi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/11/118-4877.html Rather than “the assassin short story 13”, the shank thinking at last with broadcast, the kana ^^ which is honest; When [gachiyapin] comes out, the splash ~ Um pouco do que “a narração breve 13 do assassino”, a pata que pensa no último com transmissão, o ^^ do kana que é honesto; Quando [gachiyapin] sair, o ~ do respingo
- It is round, the child & you see, - the seeing & the mother @ coffee
http://marukofmama.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/09/post-cfba.html “[a] [chi] [chi]…How does also the cover [ri]??”, a liberal translation “[a] [qui] [qui]… como faz igualmente a tampa [o ri]??”
- PS3/Xbox
http://dragun00modification.blog58.fc2.com/blog-entry-963.html “” With 'Tokyo game Shaw 2010 the Mega man universe' and, collaboration of that large popularity [kiyara] '[gachiyapin]' lightning announcement! With the latest collaboration, the character 'Mega pin' of dream appears! 'As for the Mega pin' as additional contents transmission schedule “” Com de “jogo Shaw 2010 Tokyo o universo mega do homem” e, colaboração dessa grande popularidade [kiyara] “[gachiyapin]” anúncio do relâmpago! Com a colaboração a mais atrasada, o caráter “pino mega” do sonho aparece! “Quanto para ao pino mega” como programação adicional da transmissão dos índices
Gachapin, Broadcast,