- You sound
http://ameblo.jp/f-c-k/entry-10614157327.html 1,234,567 1.234.567
- shimokitazawa esora nochi
http://blog.livedoor.jp/esolablog/archives/51008049.html 1. Light 2.moire 3.92d 4.grayscale it flows 5. gently 1. 2.moire claro 3.92d 4.grayscale flui 5. delicadamente
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/frkw2004/e/9e6ee8ca3fbcd68ca491f9edb7691328 Flax wooden Kuniko the cat ear has done in the sailor suit! 23:41 from tween (re: @triona_klee) With your @triona_klee your [o] - complete sale [me] - by frkw2004 ON twitter, a liberal translation Linho Kuniko que de madeira a orelha de gato fêz no terno de marinheiro! 23:41 do tween (com referência a: @triona_klee) com seu @triona_klee seu [o] - venda completa [mim] - por frkw2004 no twitter
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/f-c-k/entry-10622344186.html 1,234,567 1.234.567
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/trendnow/entry-10565523185.html 1. Tsunoda 悠 mediating/helping 2. Otake boss 3. The Pacific 4. The meeting 5 which protects [dobusu]. Satoru Sakaguchi 6. Yutaka no island 7. Morita cool flower 8. Your fighting power 9. [nikoruritsuchi] 10. [gachiyapin] probably is some child?, a liberal translation 1. Saliência de negociação/de ajuda 3. do 悠 de Tsunoda de 2. Otake. Os 4. pacíficos. A reunião 5 que protege [dobusu]. Satoru Sakaguchi 6. Yutaka nenhuma flor fresca 8. de Morita do console 7. Seu poder 9. [nikoruritsuchi] 10. da luta [gachiyapin] é provavelmente alguma criança?
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/f-c-k/entry-10553749002.html 12,345 12.345
Gachapin, Broadcast,