- [kiseki] June 10th Saeki [chizu] of Friday
http://03mgb.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/610-3b5e.html (dion troop): 2011/06/11 (Saturday) 11:14: 57.76 id: l5dkktue0 this cm the trap which will be been nervous it is with as for the hydrangea Saeki [chizu] washing the face method is what, whether bosom forcing (dion Truppe): 2011/06/11 (Samstag-) 11:14: Identifikation 57.76: l5dkktue0 dieses cm die Falle, die es nervös gewesen wird, ist mit, wie für den Hydrangea Saeki [chizu] die Gesichtsmethode waschend ist, was, ob Busenzwingen
- Japanese talking
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-06-09-3 2010-06- 1008: 56 nice! (0) , a liberal translation 2010-06- 1008:56 nett! (0)
- Thought @ drama “Mother” 8th story: There is bond which it cannot shut off & [netabare] which
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-06-02-4 2010-06- 321: 16 nice! (0) 2010-06- 321:16 nett! (0)
- Japanese Letter
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-04-23-7 2010-04- 2414: 37 nice! (0) , a liberal translation 2010-04- 2414:37 nett! (0)
Takahata atsuko, Drama,