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    Inaba Atsushi,

    Sport related words Pitcher Darvish Chiba Lotte Marines Nippon Meat Packers, Inc. Pacific League Chiba Lotte Marines Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters Kintetsu Yakult High School Ekiden Saito Yuki Miyamoto Shinya Rakuten Director Takata Foreign Ministry Director for Economic Kotabe Youiti

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    • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kojiji2006/e/70576f90514bb803eb18c5f3a138eee2
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    • http://matometeron.seesaa.net/article/283949251.html
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    • ���������� fushime
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    • �� puro yakyuu �ۡ� shubi no nin �� ga 2000 hon anda ��
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    • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/pekopoko2009/e/317f605d7f34185b3ba32a58b5676ea4

    • Sie fragen mit dem Inaba Spieler [ich], es sind
      Nicht denken Sie? sachverständigem Inaba innerhalb des Zeitraumspielers wurde 2000 Schläge Atsushi, zu einem 2724. Schrittbemühungshaus als, erzielt war- sehr einsam bringend auf den Tagesschinken von [suwarozu], es, ist, aber, wie Sie älter wachsen, zwecks mit diesem proportional umgekehrt ist zu sein, [tsuito] die zur Form, die, hält Aufzeichnung zu erhöhen, wird Fragen wirklich immer angeregt, mit [ich] und

    • GW thrust [tsu]!
      gw thrust [tsu]! … Before, Hokkaido Japanese [hamuhuaitasu] Inaba you question Atsushi with your period player 2000 hit [me], it is! Simply, 2000 flat knots before the sharp light/write where furthermore Inaba it seems! This the humble attitude that “it is thinking that always you are unskillful by your,”, “to be able to win in order, piece by piece it keeps persevering” humbleness, as for the not learning [te] the gw thrust [tsu]! … Before, recently, it thrusts to the line of the children, well as for gw and the careful driving not endeavoring [te] where the outrageous accident where is congested, large number the degree which looks at the news which occurs, “and…” with sorrow and anger hurries to destination, the gw thrust [tsu]! From yesterday, as for me 28 days 29 days 30 days and on the 1st, 2, a liberal translation

    • Celebration 2000Hits, a liberal translation
      It joins an organization in Tokyo [yakurutosuwarozu] which Hokkaido Nippon Meat Packers, Inc. Fighters Inaba Atsushi the period player, in the anti- northeast optimistic [gorudenigurusu] game, questions is with the [me] which achieves 2000 these hits and, voice of those which challenge to the major league with fa does not catch, there are no times when also the joining an organization big wound makes the Hokkaido Nippon Meat Packers, Inc. Fighters, latest great achievement achievement this year… Tokyo [yakurutosuwarozu] Miyamoto Sinya player Fukuoka [sohutobankuhokusu] Kokubo Yutaka period player, the achievement of 2000 these hits is expected, so in the sense that you said, the pleasure it is season

    • 与实时性的Inaba击中2000个被击中的成就! 您问与[我
      从Yakult您瞄准了往与fa的职业体育总会,但是您在1内渴望了和没有担当和被盖的北海道然后至于Inaba的,真实地队的队和谐的一名成员那些专业在第28小心地做战斗机Inaba期间外野手,在乐观-日本Meat Packers, Inc. 4比赛的Hokkaido Nippon Meat Packers, Inc.战斗机的,射击在权利之前的命中从[himenesu]乐观Atsushi,甚而接受的妻子从现在起成为39在北海道达到共计2000被击中在专家第18年想要享受棒球,最新文章日语的历史的公众的关注 典型的mf香川县“weblog”类别,曼彻斯特uEmpty年薪大约600,000,040… 由任天堂Co.互联网下载销售任天堂Co.和第一连接了3月的缺乏期间12最后43,200,000,000 Yen Hokkaido Nippon Meat Packers, Inc.战斗机的Inaba决定的曲拱! 关于2…大约2.5次ipad 11,798,000单位

    • ゜+☆ «ветчина 1 до 3 програмное обеспечение b» ☆+゜ дня
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    • Inaba player, 2000 these hit achievements!
      Inaba японии Мяса Упаковщиков, Inc. игрок периода, поражать своевременного прежде чем свет/пишет Atsushi 1 приурочивает, от питчера [himenesu] присутствующей оптимистической игры, перенося к японии Мясу Упаковщикам, Inc. от Yakult которое героикоромантический документ внимания общественности 39 в историях профессионального бейсбола которые достигают 2000 эти удары, теперь игрок Inaba в будущем было стороной команды участвует следующее вероятно будет игрок Yakult Miyamoto, но он и игрока игрока Inaba тот из таких же периода и его и его достигает к следующему месяцу после того как игрок Kokubo банка програмного обеспечения 21 оно то следующее вероятно будет, но после того как это которое получает дисциплину наблюдения Nomura оно достигает вероятно будет во время следующего monthLami более менее (dena Иокогама) оно, но если все еще 100 или больше оно поражает, оно не становят 2000, 2000 книга Hari которая преогромный показатель раз рекордный держатель с 3083 ударами, но, игрок 3083 [ichiro] ударяет или больше поражать показатель с измерением совместно, теперь

    • In Tokai Ooturu Sugaya pitcher designation greeting…
      Inaba Atsushi to period all the power running - new challenge - [dvd] 31 day 佑 which looks at [kuchikomi] in Sugaya the love call, “we would like to do together”, at 1 day Matsumoto guerrilla warfare one funds. 2 Nippon University which is exceeding 嶋 the preliminary contractual agreement 1st number! 3 day Kuriyama supervision birth! To conclusion within ham which in 2 year contract “is not formal acceptance 4 day Sugaya change of mind” denial year 5 day 佑 with the bull pen real 45 spheres deep emotion Kuriyama new supervision is decided with 6 day Teikyo Matsumoto and others facility observation which is thrown in, while fall camping and, just as for the world which everyday of season off is the Japan Series entered team is decided in the young center and some seems that is risen, but interest without growing completely, unless you become the party who the shank after all, participates,…, main day 7th among such, main person of the Sugaya pitcher of problem received designation greeting of the day ham, once, %, a liberal translation

    • As for practice tournament successive defeats start
      ¿Inaba Atsushi al período todo el funcionamiento de la energía - nuevo desafío - [dvd] 6 campos Japonés-Chinos del arroz que consideren [kuchikomi] “él es duro”, no obstante vuela de la vuelta del día de fiesta 7 sorpresa de la supervisión del día que se va “5” Kuriyama nueva declaración japonesa software de 8 días? Béisbol grande 1 del 嶋 9 campos Japonés-Chinos del arroz, 々 de Tsu del interés “que golpea normal 10 tropas del 嶋 1 de la universidad de Nipón que comienza a sobrevivir bien” en el 嶋 grande, el juego de Hiroshima “1 juego de la esfera” supervisión de Kuriyama de 11 días y los primeros dados. La decoración “es fastidioso”, a los 12 días que los campos del resorte de la salida de la derecha 1 de Ukumori de la uno mismo-alabanza cuando el torneo de la práctica usted mira apenas la oposición del resultado también con el otro equipo que comienza a 3ro fresco, no son buenos con derrotas sucesivas comienzan, pero… entre tales, en cuanto a la atención lo que que dice, en el colector grande juego anti- de Osaka del 嶋 y de Kobe, cuando aparece con, cuando del ventilador del socio se convierte en la bola de la cuenta 3 del aplauso, el “margen pinch-hitting del juego” que “escapa”, la jarra de nuestra tropa ser también una burlería y otras [con referencia a] la escena [ru], incluso amigo del ventilador de Osaka y de Kobe (?)El futuro cuando ha hecho, apostando a sobrevivientes de 1 tropa, después de ser el horario que participa en el juego coreano del lg en el 14to

    • , a liberal translation
      Le base-ball professionnel, Inaba du Nippon Meat Packers, Inc. le jeu optimiste où le joueur de période (39) sur le 28ème, était Atsushi fait à Sendaï 1 fois frappée avant que la droite ait été tirée de [himenesu] avec le ęr à la batte, l'attention du public 39 a frappé la première fois dans les histoires qui réalisent le total 2000 frappent le 21 juin 1995 de l'ère de Yakult, le parc de boule de citoyen d'Hiroshima (à ce moment-là) avec le projectile d'abord à la première course à la maison de chauve-souris du rotin de période à Hiroshima 13 jeux Vous interrogez avec votre contrat héroïque [je] 39 de l'attention du public dans les histoires, le soutien-gorge à jour de battement de puissance de cavalier de jockey de 脩 de *Ishibashi de catégorie « de sport » d'article… * [le directeur de troupe de ya], prenant le chapeau outre de « lui ne pourrait pas soutenir faiblement, »… Le football olympique de Londres de l'année ■2012 qu'il combine,… or [MEDA]… troupe géante de *After 6 ans moins de significative du stand [Bu]… * maître [ebian]… L'article de popularité de ceci [burogu] * transportez l'accident, les personnes de la mort 39 du passager 7 qu'il n'est lourd sur la route de surpassement de Seki la blessure de chair… rien… *

    • Inaba Atsushi period and [nomu, a liberal translation
      Inaba do Nipónico Carne Empacotador, Inc. Atsushi o outfielder do período no 28o, o total 2000 bateu que se transforma a atenção do público 39 em histórias do basebol profissional, na grande realização do discípulo favorito da realização ao mesmo tempo, quanto para a Katuya Nomura quanto para a Nomura que “não são o jogador que nunca favorece ao caráter, o presente do esforço” após o elogio, de “borda muito estranha Inaba isto, apenas verdadeiramente a vida” e quanto para ao encontro que a expressão profunda da emoção profunda dos flutuadores naquele tempo de maio de 94 é a supervisão de Yakult, a régua do 克 do filho ele estêve no registo em Akehiro do basebol da universidade de Tokyo seis quanto para a o sócio quem visita a estimativa do santuário com a sustentação que dispara em grande legal do funcionamento home thereWhen além disso o next day que é Inaba e outra vez ir suportar Inaba um “ir disparado a 2 que vêem, conseqüentemente 2 vezes antes que nós eye o funcionamento home além disso com total somente 6 da universidade entre aqueles ele não é golpeado igualmente 2 você não pensa? , Yakult tinha apontado para a aquisição do lançador esquerdo do mesmo potencial da guerra com o esboço do mesmo ano que sente a borda enorme”, mas nesse ponto a tempo quanto para a % conhecidos de Inaba [ri

    • '“Inaba of proud seed 2000 these hits of Katuya's Nomura Atsushi period”', a liberal translation
      „, wie für ihn den Fuß bis mein verweisend, können Sie nicht, das“, Bewohner von Nippon Meat Packers, Inc. Inaba, dem und einer es sein kann, Katuyas Nomura stolze Geschichte zu hören, „was den Wohltäter anbetrifft von 39 öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit 2000 geschlagenen“ Inabas in den Geschichten, denen ist der Zeitraum-Außenfeldspieler Atsushi am 28. April Berufshereinkommen aufbaute, was Inaba anbetrifft schlafen, das, Nomura Yakult 1995 entsprechend Nomura zu sein ist, das Überwachung dieser Zeit und Yakult, die am Rang des Entwurfs 3 kommen, was Inabas Namen anbetrifft, den er nicht in der Liste des Pfadfinders war, wenn versehentlich, der Sohn des Akehiro Fangfederblech 克 Richtlinienbeobachtens ist Ihr Turnier mit dem Schrein, in zugelassenem großem Inabas playWhen Nomura riet nicht Erwerb stark dort, wo Sie bezaubert werden, Inabas Fachmann, den das Hereinkommen spät 2 war und 3 Jahre, vermutlich sind Logik Nomura, die „in mir der Fuß…“ mit Ihnen verstehen Sie nicht, ob und, über jetzt Sie der Spieler, der die gebende Höhe erhält, was den Spieler anbetrifft, dem ist zu zusätzlich zu gesagt wird, vor kurzem ursprüngliches Osaka und Kobe Akahoshi, das es alte 75 Jahre ist, der Arai Hiroshi 昌 Pfadfinder des Nankai Hereinkommens wurde

    • , a liberal translation
      日本Meat Packers, Inc.的Inaba它冲击了实践在第2的期间外野手,小学校在指挥对共计2000的等级之时的运用了Atsushi低落从被击中接近抚养34命中,但是爱知县Toyoyama Cho的打击中心至于为它开始美国职业体育总会的这个打击中心,作为的实践地方[ichiro]外野手[marinazu]通过对著名的少年期, Inaba的它猛撞下来非常与地方“起点”记忆,并且“一普通的年若可能,并且感觉好我们希望达到迅速”那,这个夏天的退伍军人,当欲望被烧是40岁对大记录到来,在早先季节性最后stageStalling,是最近的图片附上文章对重要它也成为问题让逃命同盟胜利, [生动描述总结] … 昨天… 事12月31日昨天我们今年希望最后说

    • Inaba Atsushi period, to 2000 these hits after 2!, a liberal translation
      Vindo aqui, esse Inaba dos lutadores que pensa se a parada curta Atsushi ele era contagem regressiva a 2000 estas realizações da batida do período, mas hoje (25 dias) o ajuste de 4 nos bastões 4 bate-o golpeia da equipe de funcionários de lançamento [do marinzu] e quando vem a aqui onde cada vez mais a parte traseira 2 ele aproxima a 2000 estas realizações da batida, amanhã, decide com abóbada de Tokyo! (Fotografia: Dispara na batida que se transforma este nó liso em sete lados reversos antes que a luz/escreva, Inaba do dia 4 que é abençoado do Miki Hajime um período baixo de Atsushi do ônibus)

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    • 由于它赢取了,没有叫或, ♪
      Obtaining? It is what? When all-inclusive throwing you want to make the Saito 佑 tree blockade? If today it does not do, when it can point??? There is no calling, is or, because it is to win it won in [tsu] ♪ anti- optimistic 2 to 1! The victory [u] which wins - it is, how to call, it echoes, the ♪ certainly…If, the person who is seen sees, perhaps, it is such tournament is, but…Until now, there are no with several degrees, viewing the composition, where timing of alternation is slow and [metsuta] strikes and -> mass mistake to?…Even if (crying) even pear rice field supervision those which are the human even the [wa] seeing those which are the human (<- today there is no relationship, (laughing)) is not calling, is? Because it is to win! (With, conclusion (laughing)) so so selfishly! Suddenly, story substitutes, but me, unintentionally to before the 4~5 day, selfishly %, a liberal translation

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    • < 独善的 dokuzenteki sensyu kou   >   inaba 篤紀 atunori ~ 正念場 syounenba を 迎え mukae 支柱 sityuu
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