- Japanese representation and goleador
http://ameblo.jp/s-contigo/entry-10248024752.html Scoring in the Brazilian partner, the Japanese most numerous 4 scores 计分在巴西伙伴,日本人多数许多4个比分
- 2010 world cup 11th days
http://sheva.way-nifty.com/shuki/2010/07/post-ec4e.html Fighting you obtained result in the Brazilian game, assuming, that (Brazil was half of all power, because) as for North Korea the equal partner and, start of the tournament is faced in the kind of form which confronts each other (the partner with respect to case knew of course whether self-confidence grows, however probably will be,) 与您战斗得到了在巴西比赛的结果,假设, (巴西是一半所有力量,因为)至于北朝鲜的相等的伙伴和,比赛开始在这面对形式互相面对(关于案件的伙伴知道了自信当然是否增长,然而大概将是)
- It is cold
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yamanone2004/e/82f07d0decef087f9c680d7566bd853a Because the day before yesterday as expected is the Brazilian partner, that you think and start whether it is done in [kotenpan], and, considerable cliffhanger 由于前天正如所料是巴西伙伴,您认为并且开始的那它是否做[kotenpan],和,可观的峭壁吊钩
Against Brazil, Sport,