- WGP deciding Brazilian game it is enormous! Japan which Brazil was defeated and set in pattern!
http://bondi-beach.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-08-25 Brazil wins a complete victory 1st set, it has been defeated with call the 2nd set with 5-1, still opening Brasil ganha jogo da vitória completa um ø, ele foi derrotado com chamada o ò jogo com 5-1, ainda abrindo
- Japanese weblog
http://yamamorisoccer.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/14-g2-5b41.html Brazil 2-1 North Korean this probably is called realist = actual principle O North Korean de Brasil 2-1 isto é chamado provavelmente realista = princípio real
- Japanese weblog
http://bondi-beach.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-11-24 As for the Brazilian player at such play, in the tournament it can keep” creating” steadily the place where with strength the shank Quanto para ao jogador brasileiro em tal jogo, no competiam pode se manter” criar” firmemente o lugar onde com força a pata
- ワールドカップの組み合わせが決まりましたので、決勝までの全組み合わせの予想です
http://diving.air-nifty.com/marlene/2009/12/world-cup-2010-.html Brazil is the usual condition that it is finished in the degree where the tournament advances, Brasil é a condição usual que está terminado no grau aonde o competiam avança,
Against Brazil, Sport,