- Palau and China, Solomon islands and portable telephone, Palau and Taiwan
http://ryukyujichi.blog123.fc2.com/blog-entry-470.html The business delegation from 9/26pir China visits Palau A delegação do negócio de 9/26pir China visita Palau
- 中国の対トンガ援助、仏領ポリネシアの基地、パプアニューギニアの草の根銀行
http://ryukyujichi.blog123.fc2.com/blog-entry-429.html Those for Tonga in the help gold for 6/12pir /matangi tonga Chinese Pacific Ocean islands country are most Aqueles para Tonga no ouro da ajuda para o país chinês dos consoles do Oceano Pacífico de 6/12pir /matangi tonga são a maioria
- トンガの日本大使館、フィジーのクデターと中国、PNGと中国との軍事協定、日本とソロモン諸島
http://ryukyujichi.blog123.fc2.com/blog-entry-434.html 5/15pir /matangi tonga Japanese government installs the embassy in Tonga o governo japonês de 5/15pir /matangi tonga instala a embaixada em Tonga
Solomon Islands, Politics ,