- Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sudapony0722/archives/52118985.html Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
- Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
http://ameblo.jp/kikyutto-gibbit/entry-11184393794.html Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
http://l---jump---l.jugem.jp/?eid=14823 Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/akamoto_30/63266822.html Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/honakendo2001/44616537.html Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
- O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
http://takahasachi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/06/post-9f7e.html O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
- Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yokonagayama/54761319.html Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
http://komochi-honyaku.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-c4e5.html Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- , a liberal translation
http://tiara-t0519.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/07/post-4.html Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://blog.livedoor.jp/iiikazuiii/archives/52021494.html Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- At home 70 minute runs
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/lahaina38/e/9a93b909dd1fd386b74e53e57ef0ae66 Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Handmade., a liberal translation
http://misoc.at.webry.info/201202/article_2.html O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
- Entering New Year, a liberal translation
http://dosankoshinichi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-4cbb.html It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
- In Nagoya 1 [chi] [me
http://ameblo.jp/yukadayoo/entry-10219188442.html The morning bus being attached, 漫 喫* However it tried to sleep because the new publication of [wanpi] you found, it is unreasonable, don't you think? around ~ nine o'clock the [ho]. [shiyachihoko] of the [pi] receiving gold seeing, and the mark only it is [so] [katsu] you ate, it is good, when - the [tsu] after that it is [marukiyu] like, speaking densely, lazily the way of such a it did arrival with ~ lith ゙ [risa] the speech which does not want it received, - such a such a it is with now of laughing almost it is the house, - it is solitary house [chi] [yo] [u] clean it is large! The mother it is young, it does high to the [tsu] coming and has repelled the guitar to do, (^o^)/seventeen 2003 you read, -! With you throw away the man and in the [ku] make [tsu] [ku] reference! Laughing
- Chicken [so] rag boiled rice and [shisochizu] meat winding
http://blog.livedoor.jp/yukiko0121/archives/51270693.html Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon linked pages are Japanese
- Seeing [so] [katsu]! ★●◆
http://ameblo.jp/kumatteru/entry-10236282184.html As for the present [hi] [ru], the ♪ arrow place it is! The ★●◆ roast it is and is, - the chair [tsu] coming which is x p seeing [so] [katsu]! ♪♪ [perori] question economized [ya] now - the ♪ which is done: p because inside and others lining up went to about 11 [ji] well, when the [be] easily - be no other choice but to the ♪, ending, helix it seems it is coming queue! It was possible to come quickly, -:)
- Supper 2008 December 19th
http://ameblo.jp/ryu-ka/entry-10180747315.html Only the boiled rice bean sprouts which are the supper 2008 December 19th cut pile up and try the [so] juice thin and the meat and this range of the [so] [katsu] fungus the ^^ book ceramic pistes style bloom which is very the treat which is boiling
- This space star Japan response how the [ji] [yo] ~
http://ameblo.jp/noa-kooma/entry-10242550768.html The [a] it is to do, it is to discover in the [u] and others of the house which is not the store it is slow, with you see and [so] [katsu] form and don't you think? pink and you are nice sense*
- The Shinagawa starting
http://blog.livedoor.jp/dancer_masaki/archives/51475682.html It appears in Nagoya, [tsu] departure! Infrequent Nagoya -!! The tastiness potato it is the food - ahead the hand feather -, to see, [so] [katsu] -, you will see and the [so] cooked noodle -, the shrimp inclination [ya] -, the [u] probably will need - (it is not) the Nagoya girl…Well well, is only Nagoya, the mark, it can meet to tasty treat, the [ma] - it does to a pleasure! It perseveres, -!! -!! That [e] it is!
- * Enormous fixed food*
http://ameblo.jp/hiau/entry-10261960723.html It went into the fixed food house of the American size where the thing [tsu] enormous quantity is many, without the fragment as for many this as for large shrimp fly fixed food this in shrimp Calais, China frying such a of taking after the seeing [so] [katsu] fixed food which I ate large fixed food… That gluttony it is to see everything you ate thickly,… [ma] [ji] color it is in sense [yaba] to be, don't you think? therefore even with the [e] morning and noon simultaneous it is, such discovery of the [tsu] or after
- After a long time river no island (^_^;)
http://shousaitei.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/05/_-c050.html After the lunch being able to finish, it went (^o^) the after a long time floating blow in the river no island fishing it was pleasant, - (^o^) the [chi] [yo] it was and with [mejina] of the pot applied it is, but (-. -;)The needle coming out with the consequence whose adjusting is quick [barashi] (; _;)But after that in order in meeting countryside to think in attack of [saba], it could not fish, is! [mejina] of 22cm it fished lastly (^o^) it was good, it was good! Was senior adviser screw one fatigue ('*') HKDRT present male is completed the lunch to see, as for the night when it is set fixed food 890 Yen of [so] [katsukorotsuke] fried egg (^o^) usual business doing from 6 o'clock, the [ma] - the tomorrow which is done (^o^) you go to bed fourth Sunday! Your age Gee gift thank you the (^o^) fried bean curd it was good, -! The [tsu] 〇 it was and thank you also the (^o^) children rejoiced also the purine, (^_^;)V where tomorrow goes to the Saitama darts championship and the [ma] - does (^_^)
- Radio live program (^O^)
http://shousaitei.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/05/o-d993.html Some time ago it appeared with one in [redeio] Shonan live program 5:30, because - (^o^) you spoke the Shonan darts championship June 7th, - one which is done (^o^) becoming tense, [gachigachi] it is high f^_^; [gabu] of dj such as [ma] [tsu] varieties and story of the darts and story being possible, the present male which was pleasant and is (^o^) is completed the lunch to see, it was set fixed food 890 Yen of [so] [katsu] and green pepper meat stuffing fly and fried egg, (^^;)(^^;)Usual business doing from 6 o'clock, the [ma] - it does the night ('*') HKDRT you question with your age Gee passing [me], it is (^o^)/as expected the shank - (¯ - +¯) this time showing, it is the [ku], - it is, (*^_^*)
- * Seeing [so] [katsu] viewing [do]*
http://ameblo.jp/princess23/entry-10275090797.html impressions , original meaning
- Move request!
http://ameblo.jp/gakiranger/entry-10277774136.html [pu] - - - - June 12th is [kachiyarenjiya] move request (the gold) Nagoya @saru seeing [so] [katsu] June 13th does to eating (the Saturday) the Osaka @donflex callous plug [] this time is the excursion feeling which does to eating as for the snack is designated as 350 Yen especially, (usually 50 Yen to increase) with weekend we probably will meet
- Japanese Letter
http://703-pokkapoka.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/post-66f7.html To the g Gun the first day when it does to study meeting, as for appointment with here ~, it was regrettable not to be able to eat that, “Ogura toast” of the noon boiled rice first, but… Buying the ↓ to the gift of the house, the heaven [mu] which returns it does, + shrimp [hu] leprosy lunch + you see and ahead the hand feather of [so] [katsu] lunch + vision & creak are
- When we assume that it puts out with wedding, what kind of rice ball
http://ameblo.jp/sennmatu/entry-10288370054.html Question: Do you when we assume that in the manager of feast of the important friend became has the tide customer forms with” the rice ball”, prepare what kind of ones? So don't you think? is, because it is being born and being brought up are different shape of the rice ball of the because both houses (there is the straw bag triangle and a variety don't you think? it starts the tool which is agreeable to the rice ball with the specialty of) area (the plum [u] [gi] seeing [so] [katsu] etc) with two rice balls as one plate one rice ball is built up afterwards and it probably is, the [ri] and so on with saying, you will think the [sapuri] United States 2 people who were brought up with the environment which differs no year! When we assume that it puts out with wedding, what kind of rice ball? <- In the midst of participation
- Seeing [so] [katsu
http://ameblo.jp/shilovepuni/entry-10301216465.html To receive, specially made handmade seeing [so] [katsu] of the Miyazaki forest spirit meat store which it receives from the opposite side which is the thing continuation to see securely, because it has become the [so] soaking, as for especially seasoning without necessity it damages this way, with it is and it is possible to do to seem, burning right away, the [tsu] which you try receiving the [tsu] be it is well softly so far the common [so] and you ate, but you see and that horse mackerel is exquisite and the [ho] it is with, the soft ~ completely to like also the meat, taking the [so] and it became densely
- Summer holiday diary 1
http://ameblo.jp/flipflop18/entry-10319253865.html 大量的日本當前主題 , original meaning
- It ended, (; ´∩ `)
http://ameblo.jp/ai--ishikawa-t-impact/entry-10319515287.html You became tired…Everyone walking, it returns, - it is and others there is no vigor which walks…To Shinkansen of return after one hour…The refuse it was…The noon you see and [so] [katsu] mini- creak are set Nagoya it seems being as for the [yo] ww set list the memory strike please do and see…It can expect, tune and tear [sapuraizu] of b3rd and 4th, it was yell and new tune, is [arigatou] the middle 4th flows, but it is as for that end cindy saying the performance member, the lottery [ya] it is!? That, just the [ma] [yu] [yu] ww which was not called everyone mc biting too much ww that it is funny is at all pleasant, but it is, however it was the 700th unit, the good…Or well, it was rather close, w well, the member becoming firm, center however it was not visible that at the time of the [ru] [kechiya] it is done, don't you think? the [te] or the restaurant ending, the [ru] and it is the lunch complete sale…(; ´∩ `) in foam/home a certain kana…Now the gift seeing, it increases, it is good discovery! With everyone you will eat at the 畠 house! It returns from the [ru] densely
- @ Nagoya
http://m-c5c79d64859b7d00-m.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/09/post-22b8.html The feeling which yesterday the [a] which returns home already crying too much at the airport, being pushed the back in the child of 18 years old, the excessiveness does end and returns home (laughing) the [ho] it is Korea it was possible to call with to the [tsu]!!! It is with now to see as the Shizuoka child which becomes chummy in Korea which is in the midst of staying in Nagoya, you ate also [so] [katsu], die* Because the 彡 [ho] it is memory of the extent which it cannot write with on the [tsu] we would like to write properly after and it renews and don't you think? the [ru], if again first present Hokkaido returning, to have the [yu] rearrange the report of practice of topic to 3 days does not do, the [ji] [ya] even 4 where you sleep o'clock buzzer beat seeing finishing, when it is it does to around the bed, you sleep and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] have awaked repeatedly it is it is the [a] - Chinese character without the [wa] can becoming the [ru]!!! (Laughing) with [wa] [tsu
- It escapes to the food.
http://ameblo.jp/c40714ks/entry-10344653287.html Recently, gluttony is terrible, when… stress is felt, it was found that it runs to the food, (the °∀°) the chain of stress starts from m-1 study of b last week and… [potechi] (thin the tide consomme the Chinese noodles eats in the tide person who also the boiled rice which eats the size for virtue which the) [porinki] cabbage Taro older brother buys crunchy is eaten if and the Chinese noodles at the time of the boiled rice, you attach also the mini- chaofan and the potsticker and the scale it is - the [tsu] [te] thinking, the [te] just you think (the ¯ - the ¯) <- how the stress which the oak wants… as for work contents, assuming that the plain gauze - it is not,①Same period of example one by one affecting the 癇 you say, it is the shelf - the [ho] it is with puzzle and -②Ordering to 8/17 where the goods of thegame do not come, 1 months passed, “as for the goods in the event there are times when it receives your 1 month hours from 2 weeks”, therefore the delay communication which 1 months it tries waiting it does not solve and… because… already you can buy in any case immediately at the event meeting place, we would like to cancel being, inspecting the utilization guide, whether it cannot go the fact that it makes the generation pulling “when we would like to cancel,” -> (click) -> “please verify good question” this repetition to be good it is from the [wa] [] in any case with the waiting of communication [su]③Whether it is the time when periodic problem exactly now, it is easy to do nervously as for sw the recreational area going, seeing and to the [so] [katsu] eating and going the karaoke going, to the boiled rice eating going Tokyo going, [ikemen] seeing, [rihuretsushiyu]: *: (¯∀¯): *: Unless with, the mail which is dispatched from one solution [asumato] at the point in time when you write temporarily, the money you prepare to here and solve - REPT (the ゜▽, MARU) [nokado], the [ro] which something wrapped?? <- After so long a time w
- 9,28
http://ameblo.jp/hatapuu/entry-10352793809.html It is dense, it is, it is [wa] today to see, after eating [so] [katsu], the boiled bean curd somewhere of 1 day 1 food the tofu whether the fermented soybeans in order to eat the yogurt, it did healthily it increases in calling and recently even with the [yo] when it compared before, also the opportunity which eats the pan where the between food increased increasing, unless from the [ru], you pay attention with, the shank!! If the present night shift which is the byte from now on ends, because it is the day off, as for day of day off which perseveres and increases only sleeping temporarily slowly there is a head, but it is, this week weather is badness so being, obstinate Hari [ro] [tsu
- 108) Hurray, hurray and sun queue/cue, hurray ~♪
http://ameblo.jp/green2006rk/entry-10436775947.html The [tsu] [ke] kana which is? In [tenimiyu] Nagoya performance returning on the same day campaign…3rd time the impression of being accustomed considerably (laughing) [ruki] expresses is in the greeting of end, but 'the [hi]' giving a feast dazzlingly in the people of [raibaruzu], as received, the imitation [tsu] child doing, when you wanted to eat, (laughing) time the excessiveness did at time, because is, to however seeing [so] [katsu] which tries eating the Nagoya specialty fixed food (the ^~^*) creak it is tastily tastily (the ^~^*) ahead the hand feather tastily (the ^~^*) <- with, it was wasted not to be possible to eat cleanly, Î Nagoya you question with your end [me], be the [ma] - after doing,…When two articles it places, today already [petapeta] doing, to sleep, - well well the [tsu]! So, it probably will put out, was! With bs2 ratio 嘉…Furthermore rice field benevolence will vs [riyoma] game doing, the [ru] it is you did!! \ (゜□゜)/
- Your present lunch*
http://ameblo.jp/blog-maiko-yamaoka/entry-10444578797.html Today not to want to occur truly, the [te], enormously - to be, because you slept to last time, the head the [bo] - makes the [tsu], (Ω) the winter splash, true we are poor being, the lunch properly the preparation* But conservation of course the lunch which even for dieting you make by your is good, it seems being, the shank (∀)* Salad black bean the present not putting whether of the seeing [so] [katsu] sweet potato is oven cheese [minitomato]* More the vegetable it is the [be] [re] [ru] way, unless the lunch you devise,…
- So it is [bu] cat @ Nagoya
http://blog.livedoor.jp/debuginger/archives/51042724.html When it comes to Nagoya with errand, the owner owner of after all 5 large cats is similar to the pet? It is, or with the [ri] which the Nagoya hood you eat sow with that removing of original work and while loitering the miso cooked noodle seeing [so] [katsu] [hi] whether the meal [tsu] [te] why one day only 3 time being able to eat dazzlingly? While staying also the town which is main day Nagoya snow of the [tsu] where we would like to borrow the gluttonous stomach of the cat which we would like to eat more, is being clean, it is what, it is the atmosphere which is different from usual Nagoya
- Bi- bi- ~ Nagoya
http://ameblo.jp/ai-y/entry-10511897599.html Because there is no time when you eat in Nagoya…The Osaka countryside (¯○¯;)(Laughing) and, the lunch (≧ε≦) you take and it is the lunch! (b^ - DEG) [a] [a]…The [hi] it is dazzling…Seeing [so] [katsu]…Creak it is…Ahead… the hand feather
- The Nagoya specialty
http://symphonia.cocolog-nifty.com/hitorigoto/2010/04/post-60e4.html Well well, as for tidies up work from tomorrow providing the children to the school, hurrying the morning when it is the air route from the Nagoya business trip Fukuoka airport to cent rare and the tomorrow and thinking the person who the shank after a long time depends on the eye with early rising, heart is poured thinking the person who in new project and making provision for the business trip from tomorrow, if and usual thing traveling as for me who am accustomed, reaching, human one Tomari where the baggage is little quickly it is to prepare starting at 10 quantile which is [totobatsuku] one recently the herb medicine for the change of life remedy which is the being late strict prohibition which faces to the airport without forgetting,… and forgetting and the [chi] [ya] without being good, the portable chargerAs for the iphone charger night the kana which will eat what? - It is also the [te] pleasure in business trip as for the Nagoya specialty which is certain “the rice tub dazzlingly”, “creak it is”, “you fry from ahead the hand feather and” “see and but [so] [katsu]”… the [tsu] [te], it is quick! for the store to close! Why probably will be? After all, the lunch buying with [konbini], single lonesomely is eaten it means that some lever which is many at the hotel, (the sweat) tomorrow it probably is to sometime to be accustomed there to being as expected a dinner while… catching the feeling of the respective people where also today is one day of completeness, the new one week started
- Noon half & half.
http://ameblo.jp/miyuki-dayo/entry-10519243660.html 'The [a] of Takamatsu city brocade town the greed where we would like to eat store both where, the noon boiled rice Chinese noodles and the bowl with of the [hi]' are tasty as for the Chinese noodles set which is also exactly set in me, as for the bowl set where the half bowl is attached to Chinese noodles one public, as for half & the half where the half Chinese noodles are attached to bowl one public, as for the set bowl of the half Chinese noodles and the half bowl, as for 4 type me of the [demigukatsu] bowl, the egg soup [katsu] bowl, the rice with chicken and egg and the seeing [so] [katsu] bowl today, you saw and made half & half of the [so] [katsu] bowl! Being healed in the smiling face where the master and the madam of the store are kind, also the stomach being filled up, from something, in this skillfulness large satisfaction…P (^^) which is the store which makes happiness feel q
- in Nagoya
http://ameblo.jp/tippii/entry-10525647311.html When at date Nagoya travelling first day 8 o'clock to sing starting song, the rice ball you eat, however it was we who go out with high tension at the service area the middle, accident 'perhaps stretches the house in the waist of the master, it heals, however' the [tsu] [te] you say, when getting off from the car, because the trap it is rather harsh so, as for schedule of beginning just a little modifying, as for visiting first outside this Atsuta shrine however it was hot, when it enters into the shade of the wood, from the cool ~ and big camphor tree (the photograph right) also the money offering which receives natural power spurting, the side which we pray securelyAs for day the wedding of 2 sets it could see after and you are defeated, there is a meal vicinity, 'thickly it is 蓬. But the [tsu] [te] which the Nagoya specialty '[hi] eaves' here' wanted to eat dazzlingly, without fail goes it has decided the place however around 2 where also your line lunchtime of here long snake passes completely o'clock was, of the time waiting thing being disgusted [ya] unreasonable shelf with the [tsu] lever, it moves the place, sees and the [so] and 'the arrow place is' to (by the way this lined up about 1 hours,) as for I ordering 'only the [here] meat the [so] [katsu] griddle burning' fat without the [tsu] [te], unexpected it was not persistent, it has been less crowded to do also the stomach which is, [perori] you consumed, is, it is normal'You saw to version griddle burning ↓ in addition to and the [so] [katsu] bowl' were, were attracted even to that but it is the master 'being recorded before the book (guidebook), although the [ru] as for we the [wa] which is done!'With you say because, well me having, (<- transferring which is easy to be influenced), well, the leprosy which the meal ends it is good you eat with such feeling which faces to the hotel traveling of the grommet cell married couple still to continue is,
- The Nagoya arrival!!
http://ameblo.jp/ibvt4461/entry-10536014304.html Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , linked pages are Japanese
- original letters
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/jyu_gorou/32706796.html Examen, evaluacion y resumen , Japanese talking
- It is, the valve
http://como-nacs.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-04-12 lawson×fighters “stars project”, this time Inaba Atsushi the taste “rice plant of Nagoya where we would like to eat also the fan which is the period player produce menu. Ai gourmet masterpiece selection” ~vol.1 of 渾 body However you happen to see the heaven [pu] and others of the chicken which is rice ball set of the small awakening where all the 3 kinds of shrimp heaven chicken heaven pig heaven enter recently, the heaven [pu] and others of the pig the heaven [mu] does the shrimp heaven which was eaten for the first time not to be the heaven [pu] and others of the shrimp the way, was seasoned with [boriyumi] where the pre- pre- seriousness shrimp has entered, also three was very tasty, is The cone being sweet fully, tastiness to be and also the ham and the broccoli having entered and coloration the pocket of the good mayonnaise having been attached, it was designed in such a way that you can adjust taste with the taste, but it was sufficiently tasty even that way, is It is sweet, [katsu] and the crumbling up cabbage which are seasoned with miso [dare] with seeing [so] [katsu] which has the volume which the sand is done, being agreeable to also the pan, it was tasty, is Last year with 2010 version of the “Ogura toast”, shape affinity of the same [bu] bean jam as the lunch pack and the whip cream being good, sweetness was exactly tasty well, is It tried writing on Inaba's logographic wind with the ketchup of the [omuraisu] inclosure which is 1 rank with fan poll “of the Inaba produce menu which we would like to eat”, (laughing) the ketchup rice where the chicken onion mushroom enters, this egg which coating is done was also a kana sweet taste of the [ho] softly with the egg burning whose Inaba player prejudice is sweet, was very tasty is
- It flies to Nagoya
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kasshun/archives/51362767.html Today there being an errand, seeing [so] [katsu] or the [hi] which goes to Nagoya with returning on the same day is to like to eat dazzlingly, but because there is no time, useless so is the [ya] - so and well there is no Hanamaki airport or more and more being like it becomes the new terminal the shank current Hanamaki airport today is new fee, but certainly the rag to be, a lounge the bus terminal it is like, (laughing)
- Mt. Fuji②*
http://ameblo.jp/112648/entry-10301836033.html As for us who have enough Mt. Fuji which is the previous continuation, in Yamanaka Lake which goes to Yamanaka Lake with the estuary lake afterwards, Italian eats the cute coffee in pica Yamanaka Lake village Yamanaka Lake which receives morning heuristic here and the [re] increases the [danna] way but like it is a little unsatisfactory the wind of morning feeling to be good, while tasting refreshing feeling, [gadeningu] which you ate being very clean, the boiled rice to eat also one together, the [re] it increases, because there was also a cottage in the vicinity, looking at Yamanaka Lake which the person of the family accompanying was many and is a little, buy the gift to the parents, the starting ~ [danna] way the male be completed trust 玄Because the going which is the rice cake came being the route which passes by Nagano, as for the return when there is a time in returning on the route which passes by Shizuoka ~ Nagoya you want to go to the Gotenba outlet, from ~ Gotenba to ride in high speed, to buy the gift in the middle sa, because after all the [u] of the Hamana where also Fujinomiya and the coming side gal 曽 root which receive this area gourmet are the chow mein of extolment lake the [gi] ~ restaurant was full, however it was hood coat, the Hamanaka lake weather which was tasty and is being good, your hot [a] ~ gift of course, the candy [u] of the night [sakusaku] which is the [gi] pie doing, is tasty, it is, don't you think? the Nagoya specialtyTime of the seeing [so] [katsu] it does the byte student, with it is and at the house the time, when we would like to eat also ahead the hand feather which remembered that often miso [katsu] you ate but it is not to be found with sa, the eating [re] increase it is the heaven [mu] which is it does it received with sa of going, because miso [katsu] was tasty, as with your source gift with such feeling which the buying [tsu] [chi] [ya] is, with sa the varieties pleasantly everyone and others, evening returns to Takamatsu around 6 o'clock [danna], the latest traveling which is driving fatigue of long haul, it goes to the Mt. Fuji seeing, as after a long time just a little you thought be tired kana by the carThe [danna] way, when it tries going, being unexpected and vigorous, returning, because this it is, although still long distance by the car all right time of the large 學 which is like, it returns to the parents' home, because it drove, there are also times when it has been accustomed however it is, don't you think? this time where it keeps accompanying, the ~ which it increases in the pleasure
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/mi2nari/e/1c08893fd7112372cca8997e3f0706cc The name generation [hi] which is purchased with the Shinkansen Nagoya station dazzlingly past, seeing [so] [katsu] system and the Nagoya cochin system it was many the station lunch which is purchased with the Nagoya station which introduces the lunch, but this time for the first time the [hi] dazzlingly the Nagoya [tsu] [te] which purchases the lunch, the [hi] dazzlingly it is famous, don't you think? this station lunch, the [u] of three river Ishiki products using the [gi] after all, now it inhales and the [gi] boiled rice and to be very tasty are the ♪ [u] where, but the [u] winding which is attached to side are very tasty to burn the [gi] and also allowance and allowance of the flap being exquisite, cooling down, the tasty ♪ and taste and food impressionAlso being highest, the domestic [u] of after all three river Ishiki products with the [gi] [tsu] [te] feeling it was tasty station lunch the shank very, satisfaction and satisfaction <- as for coat without forgetting
- It is December 13th. (2)
http://yaplog.jp/nobukomichi/archive/2571 impressions , Japanese talking
- [miya] which is Nagoya
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/apple83130213/10436718.html Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , please visit the following link
- Don't you think? traveling is good, - the ^^♪
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/bara_7180002/59440234.html In the latest travelling the variety you encountered accidentally, the ♪ which with ^^ Kanda discernment God you question to genuine wedding with your encounter [me] and is (the *⌒ - the ⌒) o∠★: ゚ * the [so] with ^^ Asakusa who is you encounter to “three corporation festivals” accidentally!! When float float ♪o (^-^o) (o^-^) the impressed ^^ portable shrine we would like to try shouldering together in queue of the portable shrine whose o framework framework ♪ power is good, at ^^♪ Akihabara, normally made it is, it is with the shank ^^; Don't you think? the sprouting - the _ (the ^▽^) your no store funny all the way there is a cousin, with ^^ [ame] side “the meat rice ball” of the Ghanaian person it was tasty!! Don't you think? (¯ε¯) the hitting sale of your b candy funny the cousin well enough there is experience ^^ Tokyo, >< which ^^b seeing [so] [katsu] which in ^^ Nagoya the [hi] dazzlingly, the ^^ which ate the miso cooked noodle super is tasty and is you eat and impair; 岐. Meeting to the ^^ important person who also benevolence goes, it tried climbing in the Gifu castle of the Kinka mountain, that the ^^ which is impressed whether ^^ Nobunaga from here the “public cloth military affairs” were advocated there being a variety, don't you think? the ^^ traveling which is pleasant traveling is good - the ^^♪
- Winding winding [katsu]*
http://ameblo.jp/muscattea/entry-10484885195.html Going to shopping, when it returns…
- Nagoya
http://ameblo.jp/refre-sports/entry-10397537952.html At 3 Tomari 4 day, it started going from Thursday of last week
- The Nagoya specialty ball-point pen
http://ameblo.jp/xoyaro/entry-10442537677.html When the [tsu] coming cardboard is opened, it came out being attached, name of the [ru] emblem does not understand, it is, (the *^_^*), you saw in the chart and it is the ball-point pen of the Nagoya [zu] paragraph which the miso cooked noodle [hi] the heaven [mu] is done, dazzlingly to the [so] [katsuebihurai] reverse side (the ^ [he] ^) you received in v certain and the event
- The arrow place only it is the [so] [katsu] bowl
http://emuh.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/post-bb6b.html When some days ago going to Nagoya, the [chi] it became so, - (^-^) only v Nagoya specialty [so] [katsu], the fact that you ate means that it is, but the famous arrow place is it was unprecedented to receive the thing, -! Rather than the seeing fascine [re] thinking, having done simply, it was tasty, is, oh with while saying, you consumed and the [chi] [ya] were -
- Hamana lake two of fall* Extra compilation (Toyokawa gourmet)
http://myhome.cururu.jp/aikoguma/blog/article/41002897598 Unless the circle event of earth day was safety charge of the latest [te] ゙ [shi] ゙ turtle which is ended massage, the chocolate chocolate doing, because the cod there was no spare time when you take, there is no photograph massage and the [te] if ~ww just a little conception kneading and others it is not, because is, first ♪ Sunday of the extra compilation is, coming out of the inn, after the dispersing when with 5 people of [deku], [hirotsupe], Magna, [naguratsuchiyo] and [koguma] her whose [deku] which faces to Toyokawa is new, you see from Magna rear in the suicide seat of the “[saburina] number”, the [ha] ゙ [iku] group where the [jiyare] meeting of the father and the daughter to step on is and smile increase w finishes with putting keeps with [ta] ゙ [tsushiyu] in takingIt is Magna and the [tsu] [pa] professional who come! Small 1 hours running with the guide of [deku], Toyokawa it was and your ♪ latest aim which is done in the appearance from [kore]” every normal [baga]” front to be tremendous it had become matter of concern! Because the float for [teikuauto] makes before the store, ordering, it waits, ((o (´∀ `) o)) It waits, (o ゚ [e] ゚ o) it waits, if (`д´) it waits recklessly and normal [baga] get recently [ha] ゙ [ka] ゙ - in system 待 it is it is patiently with mind of the slow foot ゙ it is made wait recklessly, don't you think? [ta] ゙ [me] ~ [karitsu] while being the frying which is burnt soft [katsu] entering, the [kechiyatsuhu] ゚ [po] it was and the source caught and the [ru] is the [ma] applied when ([tsu] ´∀ `c) it stops being, also the sushi buys and sits down searching densely, search [urouro] ↑ [hirotsuhe] ゚ and [te] ゙ [ku] [koguma] ~ correct answer: Normal [ha] ゙ [ka] ゙ - looking with every extreme left and being packed and finding the [ru] human bench it was already and aim seeing [so] [katsu] of the [tsu] [chi] [yo] was and either tasting meeting was and or [misokatsu] where [shiso] enters rode and the [ru]… was tasty being taken to the [un] inner part, as for [ru] it is and or the father of the noisy Aichi prefecture resident 2 child (the daughter while worrying) is to change to the sushi next at heat, either the horseradish which you try buying, the mixture, the Japanese radish and the potato, is white or (the kana which is? ) It is tasty, but it is, but [misokatsu] the [so] - what to be itself taste being attached securely, the [ru] �
- Drive
http://hamakko.cocolog-nifty.com/schwarzkatze/2010/01/post-ff6e.html When it tries probably to go to the old age God hot spring, when it is obstructed in the snow and abandonment altitude is a little high, with the station of the road which is in the vicinity where everywhere is the snow, you eat lunch and the callous are densely and one phrase only seeing [so] [katsu] which can be composed there is no [so] simply [katsu] in the afternoon the brassiere brassiere does -!
- Eat Nagoya and exhaust!
http://kamekiticream.blog93.fc2.com/blog-entry-264.html Nihongo , linked pages are Japanese
- As for orange page February 2nd number “immunity”
http://orangepage.cocolog-nifty.com/orange/2010/01/22-c0aa.html En japones , Japanese talking
- Japanese weblog
http://jinx.at.webry.info/200905/article_1.html Last night, staying in the inn of the sen 函, although we which does the story of tie country and it has not done to 2 o'clock, whether it can keep being attached to story with something the customer of w and the last night when it is puzzle kept buying with your all Aichi prefecture people gifts, 'you see and [so] [katsusunatsuku]' there is no meaning furthermore and it is orz, in regard to the circumstances which are wrong in the calculation of change, presently it is in your Uryu inn which beforehand sends the baggage being, still, the baggage reaching only go, the viewing [a] -, tonight decreased the stomach which is the 餃 child of the line person garlic entering…As for the picture your Korean candy w which the air which has the fact that you saw somewhere it receives from traveler [toraberumin] does also [chiyotsupari], [nida] which receives the candy of [urinaraorijinaru]!
http://northernisland.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-08-24 En japones , for multilingual communication
- 3日目、、、
http://ameblo.jp/uretano-boss/entry-10416451045.html Opinion , please visit the following link
- みそカツ
http://ameblo.jp/gogogou/entry-10252629311.html Comentarios sobre este , Feel free to link
- 山形弾丸ツアー!!
http://ikasama-master.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/post-e4c3.html Comentarios sobre este , for multilingual communication
- 友人が中国公安当局に・・・
http://mishina.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/10/post-5ddb.html 1 people of the Chinese media which is my friend, as for the kind of reason which is at one time restrained to the public peace authorities you do not understand, but being restrained, as for being arrested without either the meaning you say that already, 2 weeks pass, unexpected, the fact that it has news lastly was, after that the mail is sent on October 15th, is not hits, but because it is the country which does not have the freedom of reporting and speech, just a little only today when it is worry whether it is not to dispatch the Chinese domestic social article also, as for Japan and China the maximum air temperature which is the air temperature which sweats 2 o'clock in the afternoon presentlySo there being also a 25℃, that it was about the same as the air temperature of 9 ends of the month because daytime does not need the coat, ending also the professional draft of yesterday which it can move about lightly, because the tomorrow which will become excavation of draft candidacy and others of next year Ogaki Nippon University x Nakagyo of the Gifu prefecture spirit where semifinal of the high school baseball fall Tokai conference is done at the Okazaki citizen ball park of 2 tournaments and Aichi prefecture Okazaki city, and Nakagyo large Nakagyo x triple of the sisters school with the good card, the inside 1 schools of 2 schools of Gifu prefecture are deciding advance from now on, next spring [senbatsu] participation whether almost decisive, Ogaki which is thought[tsu] occasion is the prefectural conference victory pitcher who is the splendid pitching where), with quarterfinal game ahead, 9 times being perfect to two deaths, with the rear 1 people, that you make the perfect game think, whether Kasai of the 1st grade pitcher of Nippon University (whether the achievement tenderness of the body which 阪 oral supervision is extolled and, well it seems that puts out the result whose inclination of the kind of arm which is stopped doing is good, the Kamigahara city cormorant of the buckwheat noodle place where always the encounter whose today is tasty was what and probably will be goes. The forest nearby “萬 step eaves” of the Italy wood your present noon which is [za] [ru] side and the hand which are the day substituting lunch to make, to try, [so] [katsu], the egg applying boiled rice and the pickle etc being attached to that, they are 880 Yen, because… as for the egg as for the miso eight miso, as for the buckwheat noodle side of the Gujo product is used when with, as for taste the tomorrow which is the folded paper being attached, it is the Okazaki citizen ball park with the Nagoya cochin, it is the lunch
- でら、うみゃー麺通団(東)名古屋へ!
http://ara-hobbysroom.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/post-9ec3.html Examen, evaluacion y resumen , Japanese talking
- null
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/s0533256/e/02bed31424823cdc2f7d027917bd982e Recently it has determined it is, that the speed where the electric battery of the k tie decreases will drop and abnormality fairly well the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is consist of - type change will do this in period, but don't you think? when now has become [suge] high the k tie itself just is densely is high, it shrinks as expected, this and only the [tsu] [pa] electric battery searches that or some generation who is changed the person before, the [a] seeing [so] [katsu] food being well, [e]…
- 仲謀に婚姻を申し込む。
http://ameblo.jp/mzyo-destructive/entry-10282822819.html kanji character , please visit the following link
- ひとりごと?
http://driper.blog.drecom.jp/archive/410 Это мнение , please visit the following link
- 牛肉とじゃが芋のオイスター炒め
http://blog.livedoor.jp/yukiko0121/archives/51265296.html As for lunch of white-collar worker of this day… The beef dresses oyster frying fried egg spring of the potato the chrysanthemum, sausage seeing [so] [katsu] * Frozen food* The circular boiled rice of sprinkling day you did, -! They are 3 consecutive holidays from tomorrow!!! Saturday when it clears up, Hanami we would like to go the ♪
MisoKatsu, Food And Drinks ,