- Green Ishiki
http://ameblo.jp/xango888/entry-11245926095.html Though also ♪ today the England soccer checking Chelsea which appears in looking ^^ cl decision to the dawn! ¡Sin embargo también ♪ hoy el fútbol de Inglaterra que comprueba Chelsea que aparece en la mirada de la decisión del cl del ^^ al amanecer!
- Name was decided!
http://ameblo.jp/personality-decky/entry-10826606834.html It is Chelsea! As for the photograph the [rudei] [tsu] [po] it is and is, but being very vigorous is Chelsea (laughing) also adjusted characteristic so high, a liberal translation ¡Es Chelsea! Como para la fotografía [rudei] [tsu] [po] es y es, pero es Chelsea, (riendo) siendo característica muy vigorosa, también tan arriba ajustada
- Although it is the soccer, the heart of the chisel
http://dyxlein.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-25e6.html Semifinal of [chiyanpionsurigu], yesterday Chelsea won the balsa, the tournament which becomes that opponent was done today El semifinal de [chiyanpionsurigu], Chelsea ganó ayer la balsa, el torneo que siente bien a ese opositor fue hecho hoy
- Balsa you…, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/bigtree_peugeot106/e/63f3f67ec15abdf99f755f837b3777bb As for the semifinal of Chelsea and the balsa, Chelsea defending desperately 1 points of the treasure which [doroguba] lifted, with the 1−0 victory, a liberal translation En cuanto al semifinal de Chelsea y a la balsa, Chelsea que defiende desesperadamente 1 punto del tesoro que [doroguba] levantó, con la victoria 1−0
- to^resu ni shuuchaku shi haitai shita chierushi^
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/igarashiam1976/9157291.html Chelsea which overtakes with goal of [doroguba Chelsea de el cual alcanza con meta [doroguba
Chelsea, retail sales, Sport,