- The Kobe JAZZ school
http://blog.livedoor.jp/hiro_tsax/archives/51473525.html By the way the return returned, driving alternating to ragged [tsutsuki] with the liquor!!! Übrigens ging fuhr die Rückkehr zurück und die Abwechslung zu zackigem [tsutsuki] mit dem Alkohol!!!
- Father touring in Odawara
http://blog.livedoor.jp/yoo2ok/archives/50396996.html By the way living in Yugawara of being placed next, as for the [ru] person [yugawarayugawarayugawara, a liberal translation Übrigens, wohnend in Yugawara von, was die Person anbetrifft [ru] zunächst gesetzt werden [yugawarayugawarayugawara
- As it becomes vain nature.
http://white-colour.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/09/post-836b.html You took care first day by the way among the friends Sie mach's gut ersten Tag übrigens unter den Freunden
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://ameblo.jp/assam-847/entry-10680420637.html By the way as for the boy as for the girl acquiring pre- cure, it increased the mask rider, in the head, a liberal translation Übrigens was den Jungen anbetrifft, wie für das Mädchen, das pre- Heilung erwirbt, erhöhte es den Schablonenmitfahrer, im Kopf
- 今治ジャズタウン~向井滋春クインテット
http://ameblo.jp/sally-please-smile/entry-10326615691.html By the way today there is main stage of jazz town Übrigens heute gibt es Hauptstadium der Jazzstadt
Jazz Festival, Music,