- Foot warmer and sock me, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gamagama7/archives/51684175.html However present title, just a little it has been similar, is not title of song, (being similar, the [ru]? ) Porém o título atual, apenas um pouco ele foi similar, não é o título da canção, (sendo similar, [ru]? )
- Me and spring 2011 December 15th of horse
http://ameblo.jp/puru1225/entry-11107964865.html Because today was not work, morning just a little occurring slowly, a liberal translation Porque hoje não era trabalho, manhã apenas pouco uma ocorrência lentamente
- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/maple115/entry-11126393843.html Present Osaka is cold tremendously with gale, a liberal translation Osaka atual está frio tremenda com vendaval
- Change of season
http://mine-matukaze.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-7a78.html Although the winter solstice of 24 seasonal datum point (December 22nd), you thought as between unintentionally this, today coldly is small Embora o solstice de inverno de 24 pontos de referência sazonais (dezembro 2ò), você pense como entre involuntàriamente este, hoje é fria pequeno
- As for recent external, evolution…
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/rdgty29/e/4ec136d366175ddfcad9eb553bbbf3c0 Today 11/23 seems at day of labor appreciation,” day of glove” Hoje 11/23 parecem no dia da apreciação labor,” dia da luva”
Kotatsu, japanese culture, electronics, Livelihood,