- 2011 July 04th (month) 5 o'clock weather situation of announcement
http://stmore.blog93.fc2.com/blog-entry-1972.html Kanto in the afternoon there is a shower and a thunderstorm with the here and there, probably will be, a liberal translation Kanto na tarde lá é um chuveiro e um temporal com aqui e lá, provavelmente será
- 2011 July 5th (fire) 11 o'clock weather situation of announcement, a liberal translation
http://stmore.blog93.fc2.com/blog-entry-1974.html West is the possibility that the place of tropical day is many from Kanto, a liberal translation O oeste é a possibilidade que o lugar do dia tropical é muitos de Kanto
- 2011 September 1st (wood) 5 o'clock weather situation of announcement
http://stmore.blog93.fc2.com/blog-entry-2151.html On Kinki Pacific Ocean side, accompanying the thunder, there is about it falls extremely from Kanto, probably will be No lado do Oceano Pacífico de Kinki, acompanhando o trovão, há sobre ele cai extremamente de Kanto, provavelmente estará
- Today like gale and typhoon
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tantei-tiu/e/fd231f93e7ee7caa7bb8006c268ac23d These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics. Kanto parece que se torna máximo da tarde que estende com a noite
Mudslide, Reportage,