- YeWook_VN
http://twitter.com/YeWook_VN RT @CloudsVN: [Torrent/DL] MBC SM Town Tokyo - Super Junior (Full HD - (cont) http://t.co/XBt3JvpI
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/masanori-taguchi/entry-10566639719.html With influence of the bai-u front which is the cloud of rain, in Kyushu southern district, the extreme rain fell, so is, a liberal translation 是baiu前面的影响雨云彩,在九州南部的区,极端雨落,如此是
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/albart/entry-10566704746.html From the fact that activity of bai-u front has activated, as for 18 days Kyushu southern part and the extreme rain falls in Tokai district, a liberal translation 从事实baiu前面的活动激活了,至于18天九州南部的零件和极端雨秋天的在东海区
- シニアネット 『おいおい』 第859号
http://s-tamura.cocolog-nifty.com/oioi2/2009/07/sen-6cec.html It cannot be careless the torrential rains of bai-u front, still for a while, a liberal translation 它不可能是粗心大意的baiu前面暴雨,仍然有一阵子
- 竜巻と豪雨
http://ameblo.jp/sugano52/entry-10308882547.html At Tokyo Toshima Ku rain of 60 millimeters in 1 hour getting off,, a liberal translation 在60毫米东京Toshima Ku雨在出发1个的小时,
Mudslide, Reportage,