- Weather forecast
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kotusemi/e/2f6f4ed59057875307cb83910cf1cd05 As for Chinese district, front and the rain falls with influence of the low pressure 关于中国区、前面和与低压的影响的雨秋天
- Tokai and Kanto shell trust, extending through the 5th fear of the rain
http://ameblo.jp/zwn46912/entry-11008105335.html It is expectation of the future rain, but the nimbus starts moving at last to east, a liberal translation 它是未来雨的期望,但是雨云开始移动在为时向东部
- taifuu saigai
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/350308mm/e/1bc8878fa514f3f10542aac41cbf2a0d In the past, if you mentioned the typhoon, Kyushu, had become common sense, but influence of the typhoon causing to also Saitama prefecture, it seems the [ru] way 以前,如果您提及了台风,九州,有成为的常识,但是也导致对崎玉县,它的台风的影响似乎[ru]方式
- Japanese talking
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/maomiosumire/e/ba3124c93b5bd65dc86e16df91b492b3 Don't you think? today with influence of the low pressure which passes the south of main island, Kanto district seems that becomes the heavy rain, a liberal translation 您是否不认为? 今天与通过主要海岛南部低压的影响,成为大雨的Kanto区似乎
- weblog title
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kotusemi/e/749ec470f1f64dafa4654145bcfc73bd As for Chinese district, with influence of bai-u front, the rain falls, a liberal translation 关于中国区,与baiu前面的影响,雨落
Mudslide, Reportage,