- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://taket.at.webry.info/201109/article_4.html - The radar echo figure left: September 2nd o'clock of 9 o'clock - 12 the right: September 2nd o'clock of 13 o'clock - 16, a liberal translation Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://taket.at.webry.info/201110/article_4.html - The terrestrial live weather map left: October 1st 9 o'clock the right: October 1st 21 o'clock, a liberal translation - El mapa de tiempo vivo terrestre se fue: Hora del 1 de octubre de 9 la derecha: Hora del 1 de octubre de 21
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://taket.at.webry.info/201108/article_25.html ●500hpa solution. The weather map left: August 26th 9 o'clock the right: August 26th 21 o'clock, a liberal translation solución de ●500hpa. El mapa de tiempo dejado: Hora del 26 de agosto de 9 la derecha: Hora del 26 de agosto de 21
- �������� kirokuame �� kagoshima ���� 8/15 �ˡ�������
http://taket.at.webry.info/201108/article_15.html - The radar echo figure left: August 15th 17:5:5 - 20 right: August 15th o'clock of 21 o'clock - 24, a liberal translation - La figura del eco de radar dejada: 15 de agosto de 17: 5: la derecha 5 - 20: Hora del 15 de agosto de las 21 - 24
- NEWSLog 2009年 08月06日 (木)
http://blog.livedoor.jp/s_46/archives/51320197.html 2009 August 06th (wood) Sawako Watanabe, a liberal translation 6 de agosto 2009 (madera) Sawako Watanabe
Mudslide, Reportage,