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    Politics Drama related words Democratic Party Ichiro Ozawa Apple House of Representatives election hayakawa Books Violations of the Political Funds Control Law House of Representatives lawmaker Kobayashi Tiyomi Teachers union Hokkaido

    • Morgen Mack, das wir gehen möchten [u]
      Wenn das Tragen es ändert, vom Datenfaltblatt erreichen, [bezüglich] [PU] [yo] ist er dort ist keine Abbildung, weil (> nur das _ Adressenregister verschob die Daten, (lachend) was die Abbildung anbetrifft im gegenwärtigen Datenfaltblatt… Matsui 玲奈 2, wo [ich] von der Feier 1, wo, ←←8/2saw6 ausborgend, das [kopiert, ich] 1 Gesamtmenge der Feuerwerke, ist keine andere Wahl aber bis 4, werdenes Gefühlsschlechtes mit der Szene von Anerkennung erste eine kopierend, weil sie was die Säge-Reihe anbetrifft spucken kann, die wird, wenn 1 am lustigsten ist, andere die Tatsache, die Sie denken Sie, dass frisch einfach der [guro] Film es dort ist, das Interesse 3d… der Säge ist, dieses 7 Ansichten Sie jedoch Sie Anruf wünschen, [guro] 3d oder werdenes Gefühlsschlechtes im erreichen, das Sie sagen, 8/3, das trägt, das die Luft die Straße, die Schule im Mittelkursraum es lässt, tun kann, die Mädchen Chinesen der chinesischen Gaststätte der Stadt des Wesens tut, das zunächst gesetzt wird, das ist lovelyWith geändert wird, das, Sie kennen, „ihm wird benannt wiederholt den Kunden,“ es geht zur kopierensitzung des Tests des ←← „spezieller Angriffskerl eine Mannschaft, die es über Notwendigkeit“ bestellt, gleichwohl es nicht vollständig erwartet wurde, folglich wohl lustig Test kopierend Sitzung es war frei und bis zu Jahreszeit 2 von Übersee Drama „[dekusuta] das wird von 8/4 gerade kleine Frontseiten“ wir empfehlend von der Richtung voran das Byte gesehen, das fertig ist, sie sehend, begann, von der letzten Woche zu schauen, „[dekusuta]“…, wenn von der Erfahrung kleine der Zeit, der Personenmann [dekusuta] der den Antrieb nicht niederhalten kann, den der Mord Sie wünschen, es sei denn zögert, die Beendigungen mit 1 Geschichten, weiß, dass der Protagonist, bis jetzt, das Sie borgen und den Hammer [tsu] r15 borgt ist Sie sich allgemein empfehlen! Jahreszeit 3 von 8/5 Byte, „[dekusuta]“, das es versucht zu borgen, aber, weil 2 Volumen inmitten heraus verleihen sind, mit [geo] das gestoppt wird, zu kommen ist zu sein [Chi] und die neue Melodie „Blumenstrauß“ wird gehört zum ersten Mal,

    • This it lifts up to [oruhue] the fullest capacity.
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , Japanese talking

    • Creme limitado da sapata
      Es denso, él es, él es [wa], ya a las dos la caña, apenas cuánto tiempo ocurre [ro] hoy que es, él fue a la visita de la hermana más joven, cuando no va ayer con cualquier cosa, él hace para ver, [tsu] es él parece que es cuál que es si, es encantador, no obstante él es, apenas es embarrassed un pequeño él, es, ahora mirando [dekusutazurabo] con el NC, él aumenta, el caos vvvv encantador [del dekusuta] que es fijado al NC recientemente, [ru] él es, el remache cuál usted puso la repisa del coche, [homumubizu], ahora viendo al favorito [ru] [dekusutazurabo] probablemente, acompañó hasta cierto punto al hermano menor que duerme por la línea del lugar del entrenamiento que usted debe ser, porque

    • Ausschnitt P 2
      É [bengaruzu] qual é designado no Rank mais elevado que chama o gongo 5 de Hoover da cabine de p, mas é rápido. Como se apenas você está dependendo, quando p 2 ele fêz um contrato, talvez ele faz ao acampamento que corta [rason] e [puratsukumeiya], talvez, já acompanha concorrentes de 1 ser humano, mas [rason] que sira aqui uma rectidão p de 5 anos pode considerar p com este, provavelmente será que decidiu em Hoover, retrocedido punting o Rank 3 sucessivo da equipe, mas porque o ano passado a queda do registro é demasiado extrema, quando em algum lugar é agradávela à aflição do mundo novo do corte é encontrado, perseverança, desejada lhe é o pessoa da batata 5 quanto para ao wr Portugal do corte quanto para ao minuto e à libra [meizu] a kc s [dekusuta] quanto para ao qb do wrtjtosea do corte [huitsutsupatoritsuku] ao buf

    • 2连贯holidays*
      The [yo] which is the [ya] [tsu] and consecutive holiday is with, dvd has come from [ya] [tsu] [pa] [ri] early rising tsutaya the [yo] season 2 of [dekusuta] to see the [tsu

    • ¡[Ze] donde el marco de marco no para!
      Well [a]…Yesterday it started seeing, '[dekusuta]' it is funny after all! As for protagonist, as for homicidal maniac ♪ public, blood. Flying. With the reverse side of special judgment official, police 逮. Without being possible, the homicidal maniac which is, kills the brutal homicidal maniac furthermore, you take the blood of the partner whom you kill in commemoration…[hu] [hu] [hu]…[wore] taste…It returned to three dimensions at last! … Reading 'also fate/zero', however the [ru] don't you think?…This and is funny…Two dimensional ⇔ three dimension, it goes back and forth and/or is

    • [uerukamuroi
      japanese means , linked pages are Japanese

    • [dekusuta]: Estação 3
      En la casa usted hace la última mitad del gw libremente y fácilmente con el zorro [dekusuta]: Usted ve la grabación video de las difusiones de la acción de la estación 3, pero del juicio de la policía (inspector de la sangre) que es ser el ajuste, el asesino continuo que mata al delincuente que no puede ser juzgado con ley, pero consiguiendo casada, parece que es el límite en el actual flujo que también el niño nace, bien…, solamente la simplicidad que en cuanto al último arroz hervido de 5/6, caída China que fríe el arroz hervido persona fría de la tortilla de huevos de la caída de la sopa de miso de los pescados de espada en cuanto a los pescados de espada 1 la cantidad congelada de la retención que se ha comprado para 38 Yenes en 2, con la salsa de soja, y ¡licor la harina de trigo deshiela las fritadas de impregnación de la cubierta de la abertura! ¡Completamente, cuando con el vehículo usted come, es bueno, es, primer desafío que produjo la tortilla de huevos del ~ con el ih y herida y comparada a en cuanto al huevo si la facilidad en ella era suavemente la terminación!

    • Japanese talking
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , please visit the following link

    • Cada presente é [wa].
      ¿También era hoy caliente brilla [] del tragaluz y con el sol que es temperatura del aire interior lleno se ha levantado al 29.5℃ que este vez ya sola usted ve de [a] [ji] [ya] [mA] y, la inserción [hola] el medio cuando le encuentra es hacer, él hace en absoluto y bien [] (privado ya un poco deseo cremoso) [dekusuta] que los préstamos él son y [el tsu] usted hace y usted no piensa? ¡[dekusuta] donde el ojo se seca (*_*) [guro] es bien bastante!

    • We would like to go to the city.
      [A] которое присутствующая слабость макаронных изделия [wa], оно выходит, оно делает, когда оно выходит немногая, гайка оно завтра, оно повторно использует сухое (^▽^;)Так, если вы говорите! После искать, побега из тюрьмы и старта проката - kana 4~6 оно был для того чтобы насладиться, хи] настоящего момента ~ [wa] «[dekusuta]» [[yu] - международная драма одолженная с [za] ~ [u] которое сделано смешной дубу и другим ~

    • Stuff is Messed Up.
      Новое ━━━━ ━━━━ pv [kita] (゚ ∀ ゚)!!!! hammerhead который состоит из настройки которая прикреплена к также названию путешествия которое дерьму messed вверх теперь [otsusupu] поворачивает с хвостовиком полностью одушевленност cg составления, kristy и вы делая о'кеы куда скоро как раз вы пойдете пойти далеко, малыш и [dekusuta] который в проверке кино составления закончен появлялся? Непрерывно 4-ое он проекты от характеристики альбома окончательно действительный член появляется в диаграмму и [ri] [я] которое оно увеличивает (∀) делает полностью и любой pv который упакован не плох, но такой pv [otsusupu] [tsu] [po] приватно и воздух делает как говорит или этот западный seashore вульгарное [tsu] [pu] [ri] добро патрона однако торф, малые, когда вы видите тщательно, 3: Торф который объявляет что танцулька робот к простому ~ с в 06 оно симпатичен вы не думаете? торф однако эт pv, совмещающ которого вероятно совсем прав что поистине наилучшим образом, которое когда вы скажете какой момент времени смысли размера который заключительный этап изображения, вы увидел даже в секундах 1 и нет говорит размер который в каждом глаз ясно монарх шипучки… Cripes, [ho] идти и вид [ma] который кто-то приходит к такому времени

    • 费城故事
      1956 October 20th, “high-level society” the musical, was seen with sy capital projection because full is the seat it was the grace Kelly last movie which “pure white, with the swimming wear of new design it looks up before the garden pond as for the place where, “until [marina] [hu] ゙ [rate] ゙ [i] of romantic love age” it is noble similarly, also beautiful her with this the separation?” with tune of my memo call porter of that time and the mischievous [tsu] air of Louis Armstrong's remains even now in impression him where sliding. Gesture to be possible and “the end be with this” saying, because it is the musical which the movie ends, the story which shows the inside of high-level society was back burner, but because the same you are conscious of beautiful people it makes extent and the story which [rimeiku] of the “Philadelphia story” was not either the reason which at that time is informed and become, this is not the drama musical, tempo it develops story well from the shot to which [dekusuta] where the eye goes by the trouble of weird human pattern indignantly comes out of the tray sea residence, but human relations complicated being, calling this, are the commonplace story which is not either the times when you write particularly, simply, George a little pitifullyWhat you think him me is from the friendship which similarly is not beautiful people or, but at the place, [kiyasarin] as for automatic ゙ [ri], both sumo champions of [hehu] ゙ [ha] ゙ [n], when is not [hetsuhu] ゚ [ha] ゙ [n] from time and it reaches the point where it calls [te] [hehu] ゚ [ha] ゙ [n]? 1940 (48 releases). The United States ([heraruto] ゙) [supervision] [shi] ゙ [yoshi] ゙ [kiyuka] [photographing] [shi] ゙ [yosehu] [rutsutenha] ゙ [ku] ゙ [music] [hurantsu] [watsukusuman] [performance] [kiyasarin] [hehu] ゚ [ha] ゙ [n]. [keiri] [ku] ゙ [ranto]. [shi] ゙ [emusu] ゙ [suchiyuwato]. Loose [hatsushi]. [shi] ゙ [yon] [hawato] ゙ [field subject] the philadelphia story [screening time] 1 hour 52 minutes [my appraisal] 65 points

    • Journey revolution sphere diary Kanagawa compilation & all the Japanese junior strengthening player strengthening lodging together
      日本語 , please visit the following link

    • The anti- terrorist game with Afghan
      Frieden, den Sie nicht mit Japan, öffentliche Meinung 倦厭 Stimmung dich vorstellen können, tauchte sogar im Morast wie erwartet Amerika des Afghanen auf? < das Anti-Terroristspiel mit Afghanen „der Wert der Kämpfe ist es nicht“ Präsident der amerikanischen Meinungsumfrage der Majorität > [obama], in so wird es ein Zustand, in dem es auf sehr schwierigen Führer gedrängt wird, dass dieses dort keine Ersatzzeit und dergleichen ist, wenn es in der Grundregel der Entnuklearisierung drei von Japan verbindet? Japanische Politik, jede Phase ändert nicht, Argument meanderingly… * die Taliban Wiederbelebung - zur Zeitschrift Afghanistan, die umgewandeltes ist (Schienbeinrattan-Mannesvermittlung/helpingAfter der (einschließlich Steuer) veröffentlichende Getriebe-Korporation Co-prosperity der Blume ¥2,310) Taliban, warum, geboren ist, einmal einstürzend, jetzt und warum schnell wieder belebend? [pashiyutoun] von vielen Rennen? Größte nicht Regierungszone der Welt = pakistanischer Stammbereich? Die pakistanische Taliban Umwandlung? … Wird die Weise zur Ausgleichung auf der Grundlage von die afghanische Geschichte und anwesende Bedingung, die nicht bekannt, * und es beendet nicht Krieg, gesucht - vom tatsächlichen Ort „des Kampfes mit dem zweiten Kommen des Terrorismus“ ([huirukinsu] und [dekusuta] Arisawa Vorzug treeNippon Rundschreibsystem-Publikationsverbindung) von [harubasutamu] pries die Junge war der Journalist, der betrachtet, was? In den Kindern denen mit [huarujiya], Strandung durch das Feuergefecht, das nach dem jungen US-Militärsoldaten, mit [kandaharu] betrifft, altern der Minenfeldsprung auf und ab angenehm zu [GE] am Ausnahmezustand, welchen Yell Hari und das Schlachtfeld in dem täglich ist schwierig angehoben wird, der US-Militärsoldat, der Einwohner, der Religionführer und die loyale Datenerfassung des Halters usw. des Gegenregierungssoldaten eifrig, die All-Americanbücher, welche zum Wesentlichen des Menschen genähert werden, der den Rand und die Religion übersteigt. Kritikervereinigungpreis, das „New York Times“. Jährliches bestes Buch

    • [Hola] al moho, noticia se relacionó con la película
      Opinion , Feel free to link

    • Merveille il n'est pas défait à l'défaite
      能在很长时间以后办感受敏锐地一案,当认为,仅它继续应付中午它十分时地是的那次会议,看希望变成incenter马的人民,井母牛然而您能慢慢地走,至于为哪些必须继续跑今天及早上升,然而也与感觉敏锐地小那和这和头得到平, 090915个舰队5_image1张贴的马是恢复感觉(c) yoneden知道空间的形象您坚持地认为,但是检查机器人胳膊的事的发行, [dekusuta] (国际空间站) [dekusuta] 事务(特别意欲的机器人胳膊) : 与发行相关的词汇-空间站以后的[bo] [u]公共信息美国情报中心- jaxa

    • original letters
      En japones , Japanese talking

    • [dekusuta
      Apresente [o dekusuta] (drama ultramarino) você olhar na última vez, [wa] [wa] [wa] [wa] - é e não há nenhuma ascensão da corrente do frio fria além disso hoje e a tensão [a] onde igualmente a batida da campainha eléctrica é a última vez quanto para a tal presente [o kode] que é [ri] a que é semeado quanto para [kade] quando caiu no amor com conexão francesa já, tempo é mau, 1 Japão e China é o frio [tsu] que sai entretanto é, você não pensa? a colar é [vuivuian], [a], você olhará a batida da campainha eléctrica com todos

    • Campaign of [tsutaya
      Прежде чем отделка tv смотря сезон 3 «потерянных» международной драмы которая была передачой на последнем, потому что продолжение будет [я] [хи] [ya] воздух, приправляет 4 когда оно идет к задолженности, теперь с кампанией 1 к [tsutaya] borrow для 100 иен только первый сезон международной драмы, в добавлении от [re] [ru] потерянной репутации хорошо с сетью с как этим временем, оно шло вами borrow, когда «[dekusuta]» к воздуху пугливому такое изображение, котор нужно быть, [guro] вы не думало, потому что вообще перед спать, вы видите, fearfulness оно redoubles, вы не думаете? увидел что ожог рекомендации мы опасались что был слишком пуглив также увидел фаворита в personAfter 3 видя, или если быть нежен оно делает потерянным и разрешает собирать в хорошем дне повелительницы, то вы одолжите

    • 闲话女孩
      Gossip girl [korekutazu] box 1 [dvd] break lively other things. The Warner foam/home [bideohama] [tsu] [te] for clear Dean whom it increases even in drama relation…This time of today when it has enjoyed without either year worth… Especially as for favorite the drill & bus way perversity condition does not accumulate! When (laughing) each time it becomes the scene of the drill, [niyaniya] it does, (<- feeling it is bad…If you mentioned overseas drama, if the notice which now looked at the pilot of Veronica [mazu] you saw with was not the work which excessively is stimulated interest, but it is whether it was funny well enough even, unless you are patient still and solve; Loss or [dekusuta] or [bonzu] are not ended view…; ;

    • [a] [a].
      Cuál usted pide prestado el dvd, terriblemente siendo preocupado, si exprimió a uno y volvió y “e hizo [tsu] [PA] el y debe haber solucionado” que este vez del hoy cuando usted ha lamentado después de que una época sea tan de largo si el gato - usted dice además eso la película [del kusare] del grado donde [kuso] se ata, porque era más excesivamente la película [del kuso], no obstante usted no llama algo, haciendo, aquí recientemente la película, si [tsu] el ver, la pupila el kana que entrará probablemente en alguien que es el alcohol [ru¿] por una cierta ocasión puede ser acostumbrado adentro con también el crítico de la película? ¿No obstante pasa y bien, sólo la fila de la cosa que dice la historia normalmente él es posible en con excepción de, después de [gureizuanatomi] se decida que que satc donde el interés entiende recientemente era borrowed* que se ha convertido antes de intentar pedir prestado [dekusuta] al aire, pero usted lo ha tomado está en la mano, convirtiéndose también [dekusuta] y el brazo angular bueno, volvió y con ahora, con tsutaya, el “tsutaya gritó”, 100 Yenes es de alquiler él no está con [tsu] [te] anuncio? ¿Que ningún estándar qué el combinar se hace que? ¿Simplemente, pero solamente la película que último asunto de los tiros simplemente y golpes o el lado que es recomendación [tsu] [te] cosa? ¿Así pues, usted no piensa? ¡es, cómo piensa! ¿También [u] el brazo angular es bueno, usted no piensa?

    • [dekusuta
      Während, wenn Jahresende, ist dvd wurde begonnen zu schauen beschäftigt, an allen, die es stoppte, mehr zu stoppen, Sie, benennen Sie „[dekusuta]“, das amerikanische Drama an einem Anschlag die 1. Jahreszeit alle Ansicht [Chi] [ya] [tsu], ist sie, es war lustiges höchstes! Anstrebend das Bösewicht, wer nicht mit der Ausdrucksweise urteilt, dass der Protagonist der Probeberater ist, ist der mörderische Maniac gleichzeitig,… in einem Wort junger Mausepriester wie Gefühl? Am Anfang vom Jahr, 2. Jahreszeitansicht [Chi] [ya] konkav

    • 关于法国喜爱的爵士乐
      The person, favorite jazz well enough seems that is in French and German. Long time ago, [bado] [paueru] something of the genius jazz pianist participating in Paris, it does even with the time where I am not in this world, leaving sound recording in Paris, it increases [dekusuta] Gordon what. After, movie supervision Louis [maru] of famous France took, [mairusu] [deibisu] has taken charge [santora] “of the elevator of the capital punishment stand”. The composer pianist of famous French's, [mitsushieru] [ruguran] what the album of jazz producing many with music of movie, “shell boolean umbrella” it increases. (Something having, it increases. When) then, in the certain French school of the brown no water, learning French by, it is to be moved but, as for elderly French's teacher, the kind of air which is the jazz fan with considerable probability does. That such a thing was remembered because it found how French jazz bureau when with itunes radio, bureau of jazz was searched various types suitably, .radio jazz plus which is (smooth jazz sans frontiers en francais) is. (Most, there is also a German bureau but) standard you do also jazz extremely, but, also fusion and generally known smooth jazz of recent years catch. In any case it is optimum as bgm. Basically, the night when the child sleeps, hearing with the headphone, it increases. It is the calling feeling. [kuratsushitsuku] and the lock and we like, but, jazz in 々 being hard to throw away, the shank. When it tries thinking, the fact that it is most with cd which I buy to the past is [kuratsushitsuku], but, are the lock and jazz almost probably about the same? When it tries thinking, when the lyric feels feeling troublesome, the air which hears jazz well does.

    • [dekusuta] 3, sehend an.
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , original meaning

    • As for the pot which you think, the [do] pot
      Пока после того как я о рис ел, dvd препятствуя подаче, 睡 взрыва с вами говорит на грелке ноги, тип куратор изменения кота, но как вы проходит? [Высоко] к [tsu] путю сделать, потому что завтра круговой дн выходной день, перо Noboru раи нашивки хорошие! Завтра, она отвечает! Если вы упоминаете dvd, то долина плюща ваше нападение 100 иен! Бак которому каждая неделя когда вероятно то обстоятельство, вы одалживает нет, или сезон 1< оно думает сезон 1 когда вы увидели временно с мечт и реальностью, уродский [betei] грибок разума Др. дома уголовный [dekusutareberu] [e]! Смешная, международная драма! Сезон 2, все еще, производя руку увеличивает героев план-графика и потеряно вам см. постепенно, он даже вы одолжил, но конец, держа дежурство, он может увидеть что он кладет вне? Сезон он длиннь и? [Ze] которое так, вы одалживаете определенно и [хи] [ya] носит! , Эта серия [hebirote] оно делает, но вызывающ смеяться над, 24 где нет хороший час (используя [gaki]) присутствующая статья, там никакое отношение он!

    • [它换的chiyajiyazu]和母牛波特是?
      Cow baud is, examines [chiyajiyazu] and player exchange?! If cow baud is as for hc [ueido] Philips, as for cb [antonio] [kuromatei] where rumor of now and the trade which at one time are dc of [chiyajiyazu] spreads, in a manner of speaking the disciple of [ueido], story is quick? Rb cow baud puts out the desire of [chiyajiyazu], is may, like whether it supports [tashiyado] choice that of, cow baud is draft 2. But in the workout check purely the width of attack it expands, [dekusuta] [makurasuta] of candidacy Mississippi rb and wr aptitude check as [ritana] just it is done it probably will put out, perhaps kid 4th grade of 173 centimeters and 75 kilometers it does big expectation, and, it designates the coach of the pillow star, as [jieri] Jones of the owner closely and good Houston nut “don't you think? good thing we want (the nut coach) saying”, that, unexpected it is settled even with the pillow star which jokes, it is it isn't?!

    • D D
      When [katounnetsutowaku] you attach, [dekusutazurabo] you do (the ゜∀゜) (the ゜∀゜) the ━━!! Bosom it forces, the small wolf ahead the wwwww jujube seeing

    • Na árvore de cereja…
      … ¿Sangre mono gotea y las gotas y [dekusuta] [tsu] [po] es y quisiera tomar está, (riendo) ya con el cs [dekusutashizun] 4 comienzos inmediatamente, pero usted no piensan? ¡con entrevista del cm de [dekusuta] y [masuoka] y el ángel y otros que fluyen, cuando w que aumenta nunca ser namelessness, él aumenta cómo WWW ahora que visita la venta del cuchillo de cocina y como arma peligrosa agradable que es útil! ¿w eso? Visita del 販 del cuchillo de cocina que vende,… un más viejo hermano [i] seguro… (riendo)

    • 当您突然发觉,一月离开(大汗水)
      japanese means , original meaning

    • [dekusuta] 4
      柴: season4 being broadcast more and more, 1 stories… [dekusuta] which looked at 2 stories promptly work and childcare of judgment (are associated directly with the rust before season, with preparation everything where [batsuichi] two elliptic neck women because you became pregnant, marriage) with everything trying probably to handle homicide, insufficient sleep -> by the car becoming independent accident, or the feeling which is wretched the [te] can laugh at their own child now then capture the homicide which you enjoy the target! Therefore at the [tsu] [te] place the child the sickness that the medicine buy, in the wife it is used with the jaw [ri]…Well that therefore puzzle will be many in the murderer where quickly, as for the 柴 season1 is hostile and (the actual older brother of [dekusuta]) 1st the favorite abandoning, the household [ji] will see in habit of the homicidal maniac you tried probably to lukewarmly watch over [dekusuta] which struggles

    • Drame d'outre-mer 4/16/10
      别名别名csi季节1季节3季节4疯狂的人晒干1兄弟,并且[shisutazushizun] 2罪犯[maindoshizun]别名3块[bonzushizun] 4块[vueronika] [mazushizun] 2块[dekusutashizun] 3块中等季节4季节5板材[konakuronikuruzushizun] 1块板材[konakuronikuruzushizun] 2损伤季节2 dr.house季节3鬼魂季节3闭门器季节4疯狂的menses 2咬或卷起季节5边缘季节1媒介并且观看它结束了,…它是的鬼魂什么,您位,它开始结束以后方3,也咬大头钉或者褶裥高兴地后方4末端和大约继续减少,…

    • #251: До тех пор пока [ho] не будет с вещью понимает
      kanji character , Japanese talking

    • The month when you laugh in the present reading Ryo book '[dekusuta] darkness'
      [jiehu] [rinji] «[dekusuta] смеет над в темноте ощупывание месяца» которое как довольно нет в привычке которой с dupe, это нет персоны, в помощи привычки людской как для большого выгодского сыщика обозначения серийный убийца! Во-вторых беспрецедентной homicidal маниакальной характеристики героя сразу, оно увеличил, -! По мере того как обычно хотя хмурый случай, рассказ вероятно насладится развитием предварительного подчета невозможным которое он держит начать слегка!

    • 说笑话者没有被允许的罪犯调查人
      柴: Usually, however the detective who faces to investigation in the extent calm attitude which is called “the French Date” the unique drama uniqueness which lowers sanction to the brutal offense which escapes has called the net of law, “always calm -> to tell the truth enormously necessary already to send homicide [matsushin] [tsu] [te] of the arm” with shooting or [dekusuta], exhausting, because the [ru] air does, but after so long a time there is an impression, brutal offense literally, “God hidden”, as, the raising/holding where the 忽 way the [tsu] [te] setting which goes out whether it is new even in the 1st story shoots the boy of the pet 7 years old with the remodelling handgun and ridicules and kills. Had been accustomed to sending those which in the owner and the bereaved family the victim and the pet have attached to the body in last moment rots the outside road not to be killed, being led away, because life and death did not continue to understand whether by the boat the [do] [tsu] don't you think?

    • Подъем & диамант
      Le ~ d'édition spéciale de ~ de diamant de montée [dvd] /it est chrétien [sureta], [allene de teimu] et le Richard [doreihuasu] ¥2,940 amazon.co.jp étant [film disgusted de chef d'oeuvre de ya], la musique qui à avec après qu'un long temps énormément elle puisse se réunir le bon film a éteint appeler et les lignes et le goût où maintenant retirant la Mafia 2 union qu'humaine sont bon routiniers et le protagoniste de synthèse essaye le diamant approprié des 4.500.000 dollars où l'associé cassant la prison, les anciens temps d'associé cache probablement la prison pour aller au fossé mais est, son propre 詐 de statut il fait pour aller bien à l'humain qui meurt afin d'appeler, il augmente, mais il est parce que cela que c'était la personne du cadre étant joint que l'humain qui meurt voudrait viser dans la Mafia, il continue à être impliqué par incident. Vous riez et, l'un ou l'autre le genre de homicide de scène sans lequel l'oeil [ainsi] est dirigé, avec l'extrémité et lui est impressionné et vous êtes profondément impressionné le fait qu'il rencontre ainsi le film drôle que c'est « RECHERCHE de galaxie » depuis avec [mA] [ji], si ainsi vous disiez, ce film où tempo bon histoire garde avançant étaient film de [allene de teimu] privé chef d'oeuvre film évasion superbe expriment [] de dvd/Frank Sinatra et [torevua] Howard, le galaxy* de sang [dekusuta] ¥4,179 amazon.co.jp le chef d'oeuvre qui RECHERCHENT [] de dvd/[Toni] [le shiyarubu], [shigani] [uiba] et [dariru] Mitchell ¥2,625 amazon.co.jp neuf reine escroc [dvd] qui deviennent magnifique [gasuton] [porusu], Ricardo [darin], [reteishia] [buredeisu] serrure de ¥3,990 amazon.co.jp et [sutotsukutou] [bareruzu] [dvd] /as de tabagisme pour [dekusuta] [huretsuchiya] et [jieison] exprès superbe d'évasion de Fleming ¥1,980 amazon.co.jp vous voyez avec [maji] et devriez résoudre sans faute

    • [tsuito] Zusammenfassung von 08/01
      os países europeus nortes do akiraasano do mn_viola do sweettone do moikahvila @ @ @, aproximadamente no foi ido perto, talvez, impressão áspera no álcool você não pensa? antes da geração, a loja de especialidade da Helsínquia durante todo o jogo que é, da fabricação de cerveja de cerveja da cidade era algo que admira ao acessório profundo para seu licor mas… 08 - ska_vi_fika do 110:52 @, tal fazer da exposição, [ru] é com a pata? Prontamente, estando a ponto inspecionar, Bosch como é? 08 - ska_vi_fika do 112:43 @ é áspero!? É o local de trabalho original, se (rindo) o lugar da cópia de bloco [tsu] [te], de um lado fresca pode ser [ge], a pata que eu pareço de que presta atenção ao livro das pinturas [buriyugeru] ou do Bosch na biblioteca da escola como o 嬉々, consideravelmente ele era o estudante delicado da escola primária, (rindo) 08 - 113: Porque não é o interior onde o fósforo de 05 saxofones do conteúdo que deixa o fluxo este álbum [dekusuta] de Gordon no princípio da tarde do domingo que sidestepped tende geralmente mas, esperado decisiva, um igualmente som de [vuiburahuon] que você pensa que “é e” está fresco na orelha 08 - 113:55 [assim] [tsu], agora o evento “de fazer da seção [do reko]”, [ru] é… porque há uma loja, porém não pode ir não importa o que, (gritando) nós gostaríamos de você de apreciar a essa que participa (& limite possível [repo] é pode por suposto) o #recobu 08 - 114:01 o teste padrão que o “hora do almoço” [u] (em torno do 15:30) a diferença de tempo do verão de 2 e 3 horas ocorre de repente na conduta do cliente 08 - 117: Porém é @ da razão do ska_vi_fika 28 [wa], o lugar onde não é com em algum lugar e tem o encanto é bom, está, você não pensa?! 08 - 119: O homem insensato da pesca de 03 Heisei (riso) particular, porém “pesca” e não é o caso que é interesse, este algo que esse que é visto está apelando você não pensa? > o continente apaixonado

    • As for here earth? ---20081022egypt
      View the middle which returns to the bus ========================================== * as for June last year when it is birth month this year when you buy the bicycle by your in end of the month closely now the various continuing resolutions * you looked at [dekusuta] 2 entirely in going to travelling in the place, “there is no season 3?”However with the extent which is said to be round it had been settled and the [tsu] beam above like this which continues how it does, it is probably will be… As for the 邦 subject subtitle which by the way [the policeman says the homicidal maniac] the [tsu] [te] there is no how kana and others it is, or * the project runway (season 1) saw entirely!! It is funny!! * However you do not know whether [oribuoirukurenjingu] after that this consequence, some consequence condition is good, because “it dries oil cleansing, without fail the excessiveness!”However was, when it is olive oil, after that double washing the face securely, it does not dry at all still beginning, because it is one week, ◎lady gaga which it tries continuing it is lovely, * Sunday from morning, however it kept accompanying the [chi] densely in the yoga, the lunch did, after that directly had shopped, it did not do and “how did the squander which especially is conspicuous recently even by your?”About the [te] ◎ice cream which has not shopped [hakendatsutsuazukimiruku] ★★★★ this, enormous bosom it forces and it is creamy even with the taste sleet scratching ice like feeling and well - it is, * imperative. The subject [tsu] [te] parenthesis it is not good? “Be able to inquire about the song of the wind and” “come out of the peninsula and” “slow make [bugi]” and so on

    • DEXTER season3
      Opinion , please visit the following link

    • At tropical night
      这时,是热的仍然,仅热空气它来自电扇,当(tt)时它处理,至于成为正方形II艺术家的这样a今晚♪的bgm的[n]真正的blue~no室: 更短的韦恩, Bick公爵皮尔逊和大约翰Patton,唐[uirukason]和[dekusuta] Gordon、[aiku]魁北克、斯坦利[tarentain]和[huredei] [habado], [harorudo], [habi] [hankotsuku]出版者或者制造者: emi音乐日本销售天: 1994/03/23媒介: 当询问关于蛋糕爵士乐,这样a [n]时做,它增加的^^的CD的右侧gordon乳酪

    • Gordon
      When you mention Gordon, you do not understand well it probably is tune what of some movies which remember the tune of queen, but “flash Gordon approach!”Because with such a thing which has the speech which is said did the medieval times of cd and dvd and the sale of the abandonment item at the shopping center which sometimes anyhow, this time [dekusutagodon] goes, there was per vol.1 of [chiyaripaka] which it tries looking and my favorite of the colt lane things, but both having, because the [ru] many jazz ones met to pass in addition to, it is, but that when thinking whether there are no saxophone ones and the [te] probably will return with this 20 tunes which are mingled into the place there is no jazz corner which is found place 500 Yen [potsukiri] of prime cost 1500 Yen! When it tries hearing, sound changes from tune the middle, when it tries inspecting, as for that musical instrument conn and mar.ⅵAs for the mouthpiece however it was not inspected, whether in [deyukohu] Otto link, in some time you used with some combination to when with well, the shank you see carefully such thing something, sound recording: Being 1945 ~1947 year, in conn which it increases nothing saying, however you have heard, Gordon had blown [deyukohu] with the combination, if is, you think that it is and is but is how it probably is what? With you say, or in the tenor [deyukohu] however you thought, that to become too lively is, is the surprise in such an artist being, when and it tries probably to take in to the personal computer, it does promptly, it is not possible, why the ~ which is spat out

    • Being bet on magic
      Возвращающ от эстрадного артиста исправил еда, (как для мысли вы потом пишете ли?! ) Оно сделал видеосъемку и solvedWhen влюбленность [deizuni] которая была увидена что она положить вне и [sugoi] хотело увидеть заранее было кино, тем ме менее оно, - супер было хорошо! (`o) *o & 艸 [purinsesujizeru] ведущей роли делает [kawaii] во-первых, [ii] ребенок кладя вне представление хорош, двигает princess одушевленност все включено [kopi] * та персона делает ~ [jizeru] поистине [ii] проходить ребенка, [tsu] [te] милый взрослый ww который верит сновидению w которое воздуху который был помыт делают однако только странному ребенку вы думаете, принято факту который к сердцу где это scurvy ребенок легко princess, также ребенку актера ребенка которого также [хи] [ya] [u] [tokoro] хорош был симпатичен, когда место где вы думаете что оно странны, увеличены там никакое paulownia, но оно, мелет рассказ что, что если вы думаете, то тот думать, надеялись ли с что муравей w [shiyuretsuku] который сарказм ощупывания полно оно как больше vis-a-vis [deizunianime] но вы его, оно не было на всех и оно был [te] прискорбный… даже тогда быть приятны достаточно, оно был кино которое становит после feeling* долгого времени счастливого хотя (никак [tokoro] который плачет на всех, во время [urutsu] [хи] [ya] [tsu] w) и международная драма [tsu] [PA] уголовного дела, [tsu] видеть, вы не думаете? оно [хи] [ya] никудышно, w вы спрашиваете, когда, [dekusuta]ⅲОднако передача действия видя [хи] [ya] [tsu] он, ww

    • This week (7/18-7/24) the overseas drama which is viewed

    • Complicated. . .
      With influence of drama '[dekusuta]' 2nd case! The boy of 17 years old because the ≫ which reads the murder '[dekusuta]' season 1 finished product box Paramount Motion Pictures foam/home entertainment Japan .......... ≪ continuation [amoeba news] this news, I who very become complicated feeling am the fan of dexter, the question where influence appears in the production of drama and is but the especially blood which is the person where [dekusuta] has judged by the way with the Miami station a specialty originally, homicide impulse is in the thing where as for that perhaps is murdered the mother with the human where it originates it is (the policeman was) with the guidance originally although it is guilt, with circumstances it does not become innocence and/or is not prosecuted, could not arrest the younger brotherYou say that murderer is designated as the lynching, because just a little black by all means there is a shocking scene in beginning of setting drama, the telop which notes and taking says densely flows, but it is, in being broadcast with cable, tv regulation being loose from the [ru], don't you think? you accomplish it is the [tsu] [te] which acquires f word every clause of the example which is not to limit that you say it is touched off perhaps, the person who certainly latently has interest or impulse in such [guro] and nude and also four-letter word, the sister-in-law who is present abundantly (in actual life the lady) word is dirty, don't you think? even with the [e],The most person understanding, even fiction you see and 99.9% human does not do, being influenced, homicide how, don't you think? tv drama say, regulation the [tsu] [te] which standard is possible as for those where you say it is strange story just because of the super minority, that the [ru] person does not look at [dekusuta], in the first place, such impulse with and therefore [te], as for the possibility of having an influence on those which are different is high you think 17 years old which however furthermore how others who designate his own is attached younger brother as that target you learn and call the judgment of good and evil and reason, of course are not assuming, that there was an impulse, holding down with reason is the humanAfter all, when it is strange, thought now inhaling, you call that it makes consequence of drama or, to be quick season 4 wants view, is

    • Complicated. . .
      日語句子 , original meaning

    • Dexter Gordon “The Montmartre Collection Vol.1”
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon Feel free to link

    • [tsu]! In such a place east God happening ♪
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , linked pages are Japanese

    • In one person walking of night of May
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , Japanese talking

    • When you inquire about the Sherry man of yesterday black hawk
      The master such as elvin jones and shelly manne is truly free what, that this time which again is thought already, time keeping maintaining with total, was the direction that it hits excitingly in the range, it is, if so you say, the man exciting it has the duo of [hokinsu] in impulse the shank speaks changes 'with 2 of 234 and' also the dollar fee which tries hearing 'also pony's express' of pony poindexter has entered, but it ends with the session man and the sled [ya] so is, therefore as for intention of this album the notion that where master [poindekusuta] blows feeling well, nevertheless the dollar fee this sound recording (February 26th)Because after, the movement at this time is written on [shimosuko] which does not have official sound recording but, actual sound recording does not remain to October, because also the subject which occurs to the television which how does not become has come up, whether such does not come out? Departure of these days when with it tries having faint expectation, it is. When you look at the play, that patience it forced the fan and rubbed you think freshly

    • In order to sing, the saxophone is blown
      Это мнение , original meaning

    • glee that this
      É denso, ele é [qui] [wa], ele é a criança [do sunahu], poço

    • Drama
      Comentarios sobre este , linked pages are Japanese

    • Gossip girl
      [buroguneta] : Pendant la participation d'outre-mer de drame que nous voudrions voir que l'année dernière le marteau [tsu] [te] que vous mettez loin admirablement mais, l'amoureux d'outre-mer de drame ne coule-t-il pas au drame d'outre-mer qui n'a pas l'intérêt d'ampleur qu'il est parler possible jusqu'ici complètement, appelle le marteau [RU], « 24 » et « évasion », « sexe et la ville » (l'épellation concave [te] [RU] ? ) Il tombe les « arrêts que le drame à mi-chemin et la façon dont, peut là être a [au sujet de] [le RU] tôt, au ~ est ! » Avec, vous peut s'insérer [tsutsukomi] de [kimu] vieux frère faisceau,… temporairement, l'année dernière marteau [tsu] est quant à, « dommage » logiciel coquille dommage saison 1 (4 groupes) [dvd] /Tate [donovuan], gorge fin et s'est levé brûlant « [dekusuta] » [dekusutashizun] 1 complet boîte [dvd] /the Michael c trou, monde vol.1 « de monde l de [charpentier de jienihua] et James [rema] l » [] de dvd/[mia] [kashiyuna] et, « fille de bavardage de la fille de bavardage » [la boîte 1 de korekutazu] [dvd] /break animé, s'occupant du modèle d'école de [reiton] [misuta] et du stylo [batsujiri] « fille de bavardage » belle est, le ~ mais école mini- indiquée la chemise blanche lesquelles des manivelles de cloche de poussoir de genou la peau initialise portant, le tweed [tsu] [PO] il est, manteau ou la plume tissant,… involontairement… et [tsu] [chi] [ya] il avait lieu, même avec l'année [EE] faisant, en tant que pour le drame d'outre-mer si seulement la popularité il sort, le ♪ dont c'est fabrication en série délicieuse pour continuer à faire solidement, même dans ce cas, extrémité vient il était une fois, mais il est, finit-il « le monde de l » à la saison 6 et que voyez-vous que vous pensez comme ou le ~ comme lequel est, est une autre extrémité là est aucun 勿 corps ? [Te], la saison 5, on ne le voit pas encore, il est le ~ qui est fixation, rendant mûr, [le RU] (riant)

    • 2009/06/10
      我,居住,它增加,您上床在为时,并且您是否不认为? 13个小时运作至于为天[tsu] [凯爱] [ya] [tsu] [te] [tsu] [te]被认为的8个小时幸运[tsu] [凯爱] [ya]迅速现在转动多么自然地在我超级超级超级幸运和[是] -,麻痹[tsu] [te] [ru],今天生锈和使用与游伴的事情况[喂],在与它来和”的平均的很长时间看它通过成为的救护车之后, “土地帮会[tsu] []的te说法, 它也生了病它增加…您不认为的您这一个? 它是朋友[tsu] [te]物产,没有知道未来是否不是它到达对结论的地址, ~没找到您能期望…当现在时听青春期的时期的歌曲是以是不同的它的感觉在是~和在后方4个故事的最近乐趣末端的心脏…好的季节1随声附和[dekusuta],当它完成看见时,什么它将居住在乐趣…然而也有季节2,新的工作费…那里是借用在冲程的没有勇气,因为它临时地是昏昏欲睡的,您 睡眠

    • [[do]] CHUCK
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , original meaning

    • GW with Taylor conduct full enjoyment. . .
      kanji character , for multilingual communication

    • [dekusuta
      Apenas un poco, después de que una época esté tan de largo, pero viendo, [dekusutadekusuta] que aumenta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - en cuanto al protagonista [dekusuta] Morgan la sangre de la policía de Miami. 専. ¿En cuanto a él en el lugar del poste del gobierno del juicio, es por persona bueno, siendo el claro del cerebro, hace la dependencia la existencia que por una parte, no pare incluso por su él lleva a cabo el impulso del homicidio que el interior, porque la cancelación en las noches que usted no puede juzgar con ley toma a vida de la ofensa brutal que es el asesino en serie natural que el instinto que - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - el ser humano no puede ocultar, algo que él no es cero absoluto el lugar donde está bueno usted no piensa? es, tal ajuste a ser enorme llega a ser preferido simplemente apenas el poco aire el punto que… - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ①El kana que quiere la impresión de la velocidad de desarrollo ya un poco②→1 el minuto de la historia 40 cuando el shaku de las historias 1 es demasiado largo es bueno, * en cuanto a esto cerca de 1 hora③Echando al ejecutante - > [sukohuirudo] de la fuga, [hiro] de la placa y los héroes, queremos [kiyara] como de Peter y [kurea], usted se aplicó, porque - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - esta estación tenemos gusto del ajuste sí mismo de 4 volúmenes de 1, espera, diaria cuando aumenta empresas

    • It is to bite to do,
      Dicht ist es, es ist zu sehen, [dekusuta] ernsthaft sehend, in einen Zeitpunkt des Kabeljaus… solch ein heutiger Tag des ~, das [detsukusu] wie er Sie wünscht, trank von der Zeit nur des lokalen Endes, 22 Uhr, ist vor ungefähr 4 Jahren, die das Byte 2 Leute getan hat und simultane Arbeiten an der Kleidung bringen Zeitraum unter, obgleich die kaum 2~3 es Monat, ist dass sie diese 3 Leute des nahen Freunds kein Regal ~ sind, die Geschichte, zum nicht heraus zu laufen, außerdem ist die Unebenheit mit 2 Leuten das [Chi] [ya] reizende dicht, - [ze] das das Reisen unfehlbar geht einst mit 3 Leuten -! [A] - morgen körperliche Überprüfung kann sie gehen das kana…, das

    • The weariness [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is -.
      Past trying solving question, in the same order, as the production as for correct answer ratio less than 1 hours of good ones as for 150 minutes catching, the [ru]… that there is meaning in the test of time over 90 parts, if it is don't you think? - you spend time, because there is no such a time of the test which everyone can correctly interpret, being the case that you can measure the capability of that person how doing rear one hour, whether it should have shortened it is practice simply, don't you think? however certainly there are only 1 weeks after, - still the latter half remaining, although the [ru] concentration being cut off, [dekusuta] which it is not possible seeing, being softened, although in [ru] case it is not, however (, there is no kind of drama which is softenedWhen) you see and end, properly and the [ro] -

    • At hospital English study!?
      Wann [nasusute] - im weißen Brett in Shaun, was x-p, das findet, dass das Abkürzung, x-p und dx dx, das vermutlich ist, Röntgenstrahlfotografieren nicht erkannt wird und versucht zu hören, aber „Sache anbetrifft der Kontrolle von [dekusuta] und des Blutglukosewertes“, im medizinischen großen Wörterbuch der Nanzan Halle und, England der Universität von Oxfordsausgabe, die regelmäßig in London benutzt worden ist - dx seiend irgendeine Abkürzung im englischen Wörterbuch??? [U] - es ist whatdose dx Standplatz für? Nicht denken Sie? so sehen Sie und es ist der [tsu] Lichtstrahl, das ~ u. [dekisutorosuteitsukusu] das dextrostix (das medizinische große Wörterbuch der Nanzan Halle) das einfache quantitative Format der Blutglukose, im Lackmuspapier die Traube. Dieses Blut anwenden, zu dem Ortho Tolidin bildet, als Oxidationsenzym, Peroxydase und Clo Mhogen zu tränken. Ob es das Farbenteil mit Verhältnisfarbenspezifikation vergleicht, reagiert das snesitomety, dem sie, misst [rihurekutansu] Messinstrument mit 10mg/dl zu gebrauchen, zum Dextroglucose einzigartig, die Laktose des Verringerungzuckers, Saccharose und der Fruchtzucker und die dergleichen, was das folgende anbetrifft es vermutlich Name des Kontrollenbehälters ist, den Sie vermutlich vom dx hier von genommen haben [dekusuta] welches nicht reagiert, wenn AG nicht kontrolliert wird, die Krankenschwester (der Lehrer) ist es die Krankenschwester am Platz, aber als der Ursprung eines Wortes, das eine andere Bedeutung möglicherweise in der Krankenschwester England hat - es versucht, das zu ziehen, das Zeit mit dem nachfolgenden Feiertag in dem hat dieses ist alt und vermutlich wird, in England sein  Quellen die Krankenschwester von smc hervor und sind ausgezeichnet, selbstverständlich Krankenpflege, die freundlicher Assistent ist, die Anerkennung ist sie vorauszusetzen, dass sie die erste auch sein kann heute, wenn es Zeit gewesen ist, als es zu [Kuchen] von innen sich treffen [BO] ist gut geht! 

    • [haisupotsuripatsupupaison] S HS-350
      Gleichwohl das Schilf [MA] es ist (die Herstellerpferdestärke [te] das bis jetzt 22cm des Übertreffens null es verwendet, ist mit den Bogenringschuhen, die nagelneu sind, weil sie klein ist, Sie sagen, über diesem, große Betrachtung bereits zu sein und [ro] spurten, gleichwohl Sie auch dachten [dekusuta] das 23cm bestellt, auch das Diateil kann das Übertreffen null verwenden und, weil auch Breite der Justage, nach der Entscheidung diesbezüglich, was 5 Jahre [te] und [haisupotsuripatsupupaison] s anbetrifft breit ist, die (hs-350) 17.410 Yen verwendet werden

    • With the notion that where you say HNM game of the 怒 涛
      Opinion , linked pages are Japanese

    • [dekusutashizun] 4
      ¡[dekusutashizun] 4, era espléndido verdad!!! ¿Cada estación, [ho] está con usted se sorprende con el desarrollo que la conclusión inesperada cuál es diferente, usted no piensa? ¡, debajo del ^^, poco pedacito, pensamiento [netabare] el odioso sin ver!!

    • Round midnight
      En japones , please visit the following link

    • 3:14. Nubosidad.
      Это мнение , original meaning

    • weblog title
      Porque o interior de ir para a cama aonde igualmente 3 feriados consecutivos são extremidade rushingly no interior fêz somente a água que emite quando termina igualmente a �a flor de [penerope] na cabeça e a percebe, transformando-se o escudo da flor, aumentou,… o botão a viola que os sopros… algumas flores da cor na bacia da rosa que é deplorável, ele do ~ são o prazer Porque hoje o mestre está saindo da tarde, você toma e a vista é semeada o aumento [do ri] que você quer o ~ que é você espera para o csi ny3 de inútil e [dekusuta] de 3 e do “do registo liso” etc. do curso da ofensa ogre? O mês passado é tomado levantou-se… do whichThe da loja [tsu] [KE] que que é onde? Cada vez mais quanto para à filha quem é a programação que vai à emergência de Fuji da produção das férias de verão urgente do amanhã com a notícia da interrupção seja desencorajada a combinação que sairá com igualmente à compra que é…? Kana tão quente… original sai e é o pai e a criança preguiçosos,…

    • Japanese Letter
      Porque veste presentemente Sawayama o ~ que lhe é comprado desgasta na reunião de fotografia do amanhã quando um desfile de moda da pessoa é terminado agora em uma maneira geral antes do espelho, porque… se aproximar ao tutaya no retorno, ele retornou discas que mas manhã de ontem, ele retornou a verdade [o] ao borne, alcangando talvez a é a abertura da semana porque você não pensa? com o prazer, com isto que pede o oferecimento/acompanhar desta noite, você recomenda [giyarakuteika] qual são as conquistas da estação 2 [giyarakuteika] um pouco quanto para ao seguinte que que pensa como o ~ do kana que você verá, de se vai à estação 2… [yangusupaman], se você observa nele é novo [dekusuta] que é incomodado é engraçado, porque parece, o thatWe gostaria de considerar que é o filme ou o drama ou o favorito o que no ~ ou na verdade, porém não vai com meu diário, 1 vê firmemente no ò,… recentemente o que você viu no registro, escrita, ele são o Rank [ru

    • weblog title
      belief , original meaning

    • Japanese astronaut
      6:21 americano japonês AM (7:21 japonês PM do tempo ö), Naoko Yamazaki (39) e outro do tempo oriental ö da NASA do astronauta (NASA) a canela de espaço “[deisukabari]” que coloc o aviador 7 (capitão de Alan [poindekusuta] e grupo 7), lanç do Centro Espacial Kennedy, (a companhia) de Yomiuri Shimbun [o artigo toda a sentença] 2009 de dezembro Soichi Noguchi no ISS ao permanecer acuse de um crime como a abril de 10 e na programação do lançamento da canela de espaço do embarque de Yamazaki Naoko [corrupção com a corrupção de que é relacionado à fonte do equipamento da defesa do incidente da corrupção da secretária assistente antes da casa de Mori da citação informação relacionada] na corte de distrito vice administrativa de Tokyo da agência de MinisterDefense antes do 昌 junho dos casos militares da casa de Mori de uma citação de 2 penas de cadeia [de informação relacionada] a pensão da base da montanha de Yatsugatake, negócio do proprietário da residência da casa de campo! Intenso é barato!! Finalmente é começo do ~ geral do orderThe do correio intenso ele é barato! Lenha da acácia - 沢 da íris - shoubusawa-18kg~ o negócio de família real inglês [burandosutsu]: O normando [hatoneru] (hartnell normando) o terno aparece com caso barato intenso! Grama de bambu [burandosutsu] do atum sênior livre barata high-class intenso do gato do negócio do porte postal da coisa de Siyuutou [debihu] (952) que vê 80g1 110 do atum sênior intenso do gato do negócio dos ienes x24 (o artigo da venda de caso) a grama de bambu barata [debihudebihu] (952) ver 80g1 o sénior dos ienes x24 do preço 110 [debihu] (659) [miliampères] [gu] [ro] o malote 80g1 do negócio 10 anos de 110 ienes velhos x48 (o artigo da venda de caso) intensos é barato [debihudebihu] (659) o malote sênior 80g1 do atum do negócio 10 anos de 110 ienes velhos x48 no preço

    • “'[deisukabari]' launches to the track, and the fact that success” <- Yamazaki accomplishes duty and returns safely is prayed.

    • [They] could not sweet apple donations anyone pluck
      Opinion , please visit the following link

    • 速報! 第67回ゴールデン・グローブ賞 結果発表!
      issue , Feel free to link

    • 死は結構近くにある
      日語句子 , Japanese talking

    • 米・俳優組合賞2010 ノミネーション発表!
      Opinion , please visit the following link

    • 第67回ゴールデングローブ賞ノミネート速報

    • ホワイトソックスがピービー獲得
      白色袜子,获取较不空的垫的垫[jieiku] [pibi]投手至于较少的至于为[marinzu]哪些获取4个投手[kureiton]理查, [aron] [poreda],亚当清洁雪,并且[dekusuta]在替代的卡特,获取了裂口约翰逊一垒人从[nashiyonaruzu], [aron]汤普森投手至于放电的[yankisu],从[retsuzu] [jieri]给亚斯顿外野手至于为承购[retsuzu]获取了Scot [roren]三垒手从[burujieizu],释放[edouin] [enkanashion]三 棒球垒手和[yonda] [aronso]一垒人

    • 泣きボクロ
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , linked pages are Japanese

    • ここんとこはそんなとこ
      日語句子 , linked pages are Japanese

    • 大丈夫か!
      Comentarios sobre este , Japanese talking

    • 映画「ナイト ミュージアム 2」を見てきました!
      kanji , original meaning

    • 神5-6巨 う~ん、う~ん、う~ん
      [u] -它是[u] -它是[u] -… [u] -它与[huaru],并且[u] -它是与三摇摆, [u] -终究它是[u] -它今天是Yomiuri,它是收音机的音频abc喉头(冈田原始的监督解释)与厚待是, [u] -它是, [u] -它是,移动向我,々的可怕地没有拍应该的照片[ru] [做] 它是[u]收音机-它是,触击在活人的制造的愉快的反应, “的比率[u] -它”是,考虑, “[u] -它”是…是的事极大的它已经成为了抓住上帝的fearfulAgain 3速射[aniki]是自负… [menchi] [tsu] [凯爱]…与防御装豆子小布袋,在迈克尔伙伴[ebizori]击中难题。 爆炸!! [凯爱] -它is*垫轻地死了与[是],…至于为他…它可能大概改变或,… ? [u] -它是, [u] -, [u]它, [u] -它是< [uniko]房子>获得的, [顾] [u的]一点疑义-团结与拍子被投掷,比去年相当地慢的Kanou,从[ru] ? 间隔时间打开相当地,是,您不认为? [e] [atsuchi]秸杆雨衣”它是快[tsu]!! ”是拍子-对某处的获得[顾] [u] ? 上帝宽8−2 [aniki] 3速射! [hade]和- Koshien开始! 疲劳&回归[dekusuta] Gordon ‘去’开始!!!

    • ”プッシング・デイジーズ”はおすすめ
      Em japones , Feel free to link

    • 週報
      japanese means , Japanese talking

    • 日常とか...。
      Il y avait demande, parce qu'elle semble, photographie [metsushi] de l'arrangement de famille ? « il est idiot, cela » que l'air où il diminue pour penser, fait et, en outre avant l'histoire de la télévision, quant à [dekusuta] - le policier qui sont écrits même avec l'entrée le fou meurtrier - la série à jour la « saison 3 » quant à [dekusuta] ce que finalement tout regardé la personne qui a enregistré en vidéo action de 13 heures annonce en gw après tout le [wa] [a]… drame domestique drôle voyant, et d'autres [au sujet de] côté cette fois autre que la première fois, là n'est aucune [scène du ○ de setsu] [su] et l'enfant est et si la vue [au sujet de] [RU] pense et commence et montre la scène de homicide de faisceau et [au sujet de] n'est pas [suge] est drôle mais lui isBecause que l'and avec « le prix grand 2008 de manie japonaise de programme de TV « ce qui a été vu sur de fin d'année [la frontière de makurosu] » était populaire, le ménage marié étant même, pour vouloir l'arrêt essayant voir, « voyant toutes les 36 histoires, après ce, édition de théâtre « amour spatial-temporel superbe de forteresse [makurosu] que vous vous rappelez spatial-temporel superbe est la première série télévisée ce qui était émission il y a 25 ans en raison de la dame ce qui n'a pas compris que [makurosu] lui-même excessivement forteresse [makurosu] » elle a été dit ? » après avoir vu, enfin » [frontier de makurosu] toutes les 25 histoires enfin la dame qu'il y a quelques jours il finit de voir, toutefois « l'être a dégoûté [ya] qui est ce qui » était, dedans nous le marquons est énorme juste avec [dekaruchiya], il pourrions apprécier, (laughingThat quand vous dites,) qui ampleur qu'il pourrait apprécier, cet artiste de doublage de fois amour de Nakajima d'une personne « [ranka] [ri] » du protagoniste [de la frontière de makurosu] habite à Osaka, parce qu'est ainsi, qui à vous pensent comme kana qui ira probablement regarder [ku] et d'autres [au sujet de] il a augmenté le coeur de manie immédiatement (riant)

    • キラアスSS更新
      ‘震动诱惑三维是继续更新的一个早先稀薄的地面ss [kiraasu] ss [pikurosu]’,它是ss更新。 ‘三维[pikurosu]’吸收是,但是那,因为目前时刻,工艺品或在我们中间的改革的玩偶希望导致,假日什么最近playing'? ‘三维[pikurosu]在间隔时间[dekusuta]’欣赏, ‘能见面,持续,假日一点借口不是可能的正如所料它是的它是否将做[我],增加, [yaba]和人[tsu] [po]是…与

    • してやったりして
      It is slow, the way when already you sleep immediately, the tomorrow shelf recently, the thing to be enormous being fixed to American drama, it is dangerous, is!! If only spare time it is, one Japan and China seeing, it increases! Recently exclusively from the movie drama! fox and anx and the fox crime highest* As for recommendation! Medium [shiyaku] [dekusuta] [samansa] who [setsukusuandozashitei] [hirozu] [bonzu] ghost which the highest! [ichioshi] after all [dekusuta] and medium kana* Story changing, at this time has been reserved at last live dvd of the Shiina apple which to the hand entering* Everyday seeing, in a trance, it is to have done! When and the apple is live in the Shibuya and Shinjuku tower record, hearing that the clothes which it has worn are decorated the ☆☆☆ coming [ya] which goes back and forth to the Shibuya tower record first - it is lovely! We want! Arrival you want! You asked those clothes to the [tsu] [te] heaven in tower record me and, something very much somewhere to stop wanting to make clean, recently in the nail of the self who is sabotage [ri] feeling to be lovely it is the French nail in the spring color which art it tries doing and good morning with such a everyday life which can be made lovely

    • 8: 【2009年1月から6月2日まで『最新』目次】
      kanji character , please visit the following link

    • 笹塚飯
      日語句子 , Japanese talking

    • 「立体ピクロス」クリア
      If today small news item surely with [ma] story [tsu] [te] [kanji] ■ds, “three-dimensional [pikurosu]” it cleared you should have thought slowly the line it goes, it is, but problem it is time, don't you think? in order to become perfect, unless it is it solves at speed, it is useless, fighting of time it is but, this game poisoning characteristic is high truly, time is less crowded even a little, the extent new work game which you have played can be downloaded, because so is, it is the intention there trying challenging, * after all, 'lead cliff part2' even one word calls also the Ishida lines which do not go to seeing if and, you look at notice, small QiaoFurthermore fragrance protruding, because so is,… After all, there is no Sangokushi which the decaying woman expects it is, don't you think? * 'to [dekusuta]' 2nd season to finish seeing increase you want and -, it was funny, because still, it is the middle of season, although it is not the rust in true sense, concerning the method of ending picaresque ones when there were some which can be made to think and method of ending better seed '[kodogiasu]' and 'the black steward' were and utilized the power of badness, as for the proper rewarding a certain [tsu] [te] as for the fact that you say however perhaps, it is correct morally other than dying, as for the road it was not? The [tsu] [te] what you say remaining by any means,… On the one hand, '[dekusuta]' is a strange catharsis, it is, why, the shoulder doing to insert in [dekusuta] of the serial killer, that you feel relieved happily, you say?… Perhaps, the script is strange but that when it becomes, well becoming matter of concern the true last time, season continues to somewhere, it is the combining which probably will be?

    • ブログの型紙を春っぽく変更しました
      Recently, just a little, [burogu] the consciousness, kana ~ which from the coconut log will be changed into the live door even shakily (laughing), so the paper pattern of design, the live door [me] [chi] [ya] is many funny, it is it is!! There is also [dekusuta], it is it is!!! When it becomes (<- this truth), but if how [se] no charge, the good trap [a]… well gradually one person living will be done with whichever, whether because with you have planned, provider hp [burogu] which it is full that time and must move in various ways it is reason, but telephone fee with the place where it is completed together cheaply, unless the varieties you search, as for the book regarding one person living sometimes certain like as for such part way it has not touched excessively, therefore… (because rather conservation book, such, one which is searched it is good…)

    • 赤毛のアン借りてきた~
      The good year when we like the worldwide masterpiece theater, doing, with such a reason, the red hair un and you borrowed, borrows the air already the 3rd way does, after… looking at [dekusuta], because being the homicidal maniac [tsu] [te] person, when you look at enormously funny this, the mother “fears the policeman whom it increases [yamete]!”With it is to say, but the story truth is funny, but it is, the ~・・・ already immediately season 3 action release it seems, the pleasure! However former and the latter gap are enormous (with [sukapa]), being the same as fashion, if it is funny, you want to rub saying with something, it is type, if (also fashion is lovely, genre question arrival you want! Therefore like, as for the ・・・← gal other than gal system unless it can maintain somatotype, the excessiveness…) your tramp socks color of jane black somehow white is popularity like, but because shortly the [wa] foot which is the foot, however we would like to grow light it is, becomes very thing it made safely black, but… as for the truth which is the socks of the ribbon and race/lace however all color you bought you applied, pink being too lovely, the expansion color which is abandoned therefore with thinking, it tried buying when expansion color with the thick [wa], without understanding that worry it does not try wearing, the shank… the boots of vague height (?? ) With it should have adjusted kana? However this was twisted and was twisted and applied some time which is the trench coat of emily which is bought about before the 5~6 year rinsing washing, (the iron it was twisted and to be twisted) it forgot that you take from the image rear which enormously hard cloth hugely the [tsu] dust is done, but just the lining of the back part becoming the dot, the [te] lovely it is, (however it is not attached,) now when commuting wearing [kore] and [kore] and [kore] and [kore] which are bought with jane, that there is no trench coat which it increases being convinced, you bought the entire lining too much, return being it has worn carefully,… the coat where the especially navy is short arrival is easy with the cloth which the favorite plate plate is done, it is buying with ~sale which isIt was lucky

    • 海外ドラマ
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , Japanese talking

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