- New development
http://myhome.cururu.jp/dangerzone/blog/article/61002908878 May be linked to more detailed information.. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Oil side of Kibi black chicken, a liberal translation
http://jeronimo.air-nifty.com/new/2010/01/post-312a.html , a liberal translation Das Eigelb des Eies reitet in das kleine, das vom chashaomian abgeschnitten wird
- Sakai city Sakai Ku Kita tile town “noodle seat [gi] it is” second time, a liberal translation
http://oyabun2009.cocolog-nifty.com/tabeblog/2010/07/post-ab68.html Eye also the chashaomian being rough entering, the [ru Mustern Sie auch das chashaomian Sein das raue Hereinkommen, [ru
- As for 2010 288th container giving @ Tanashi (Tokyo west Tokyo city) chashaomian new Tamana Chinese noodles, a liberal translation
http://ramenisno1.livedoor.biz/archives/65326245.html Chashaomian new Tamana Chinese noodles (900 Yen) Chashaomian neue Tamana chinesische Nudeln (900 Yen)
- Cho Omi city Mino Mitoyo “讃 岐 and others - the [me] it is the [ma] it is the [do]”
http://oyabun2009.cocolog-nifty.com/tabeblog/2011/03/post-d4fb.html As for chashaomian the same type as thick fish and shellfish, a liberal translation Was chashaomian anbetrifft fischen die gleiche Art wie dick und Schalentiere
- GOGO treasure coming eaves
http://niigata.way-nifty.com/ifamily/2009/08/gogo-5091.html [chiyatama] tkg is the egg applying of the mini- chashaomian bowl [chiyatama] tkg ist das Eizutreffen der mini- chashaomian Schüssel
- Japanese weblog
http://ksr110.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/11/post-7def.html The chashaomian that when you think whether it is the thick cutting just a little be disheartened is the red sandal wood with the rose meat wind of flimsy, but when it tries eating, it is the feeling where this is good well enough, a liberal translation Das chashaomian, das, wenn Sie denken, ob es ist der starke Ausschnitt gerade ein kleines entmutigt wird, ist das rote Sandelholzholz mit dem rosafarbenen Fleischwind von Flimsy, aber, wenn er versucht zu essen, es ist das Gefühl, in dem dieses guter Brunnen genug ist
Oil noodle, Food And Drinks ,