- The limited juice it is not the chicken white hot water - the watashi- mountain victory eaves where I do not know
http://ameblo.jp/ramenmania/entry-10363989519.html As for the chashaomian low temperature pink color being something which is cooked, in the soft food impression tastiness, a liberal translation Como para el color chashaomian del color de rosa de la baja temperatura que está algo se cocina que, en el tastiness suave de la impresión del alimento
- And others the [a] [me] it is the dark blue house
http://ameblo.jp/gulgul-n/entry-10641758173.html 2 type [menma] of those which as for the chashaomian 噛 you see as soft ones in the hollow hollow and have answer the Chinese cabbage where chewiness is different in domestic fungus saw use being also the fact that the topping it is done, the pot SIME the Chinese noodles were the feeling which was inserted el tipo 2 [menma] de los que en cuanto al 噛 chashaomian usted ve como suavidad unos en el hueco hueco y tiene respuesta la col de China donde está diferente la mascadura en fungoso doméstico consideró uso el ser también el hecho de que el desmoche él está hecho, el pote SIME que los tallarines chinos eran la sensación que fue insertada
- Legendary star bowl house of [yu] [u] (2R Shibuya oil side)
http://ameblo.jp/yuzutetsu2951/entry-10556955037.html Chashaomian and [shinachiku] special step local streetcar! ¡Chashaomian y [shinachiku] tranvía especial del local del paso!
- The Shonan 鵠 swamp seashore “and the firewood house” “it mixes, side (oil side)” other things, a liberal translation
http://hota-papa.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-11-15-1 Chashaomian and bean sprouts and [menma] etc are riding on the noodle Los brotes de Chashaomian y de haba y [menma] los etc están montando en los tallarines
- It is round, it comes and the [yu] [u] and others [a] [me] it is with eats “salt ball side”, a liberal translation
http://mono-log.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/post-1d03.html In chashaomian 1 semi- ripening egg 1 [ko En el 1 huevo de maduración semi- chashaomian 1 [ko
- “[bu] [bu]?” oil side
http://rakka-beercan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/10/post-ea8b.html The chashaomian and or the [chi] the [ri] and others - the [me] it is with the same like El chashaomian y o [ji] [ri] y otros - [yo] está con iguales como
- hinode ra ^ men tamachi fun mise de tsuru tto ippai
http://ameblo.jp/chakahan/entry-10744925989.html As for the chashaomian being thick. The lump entrance [tsu] [chi] [yo] [ri] it increases En cuanto a ser chashaomian grueso. La entrada del terrón [tsu] [ji] [yo] [ri] aumenta
- original letters
http://crested-ibis.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/04/post-f05b.html Different from chashaomian and [menma], it becomes with it is difficult to devise taste Diferente de chashaomian y [menma], se convierte con él es difícil idear gusto
- うさぎやの油そば
http://rakka-beercan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/03/post-a84f.html The chashaomian probably is [momo] or, the oil little with the eye, normally kana El chashaomian está probablemente [momo] o, el aceite poco con el ojo, normalmente kana
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