- The oil side of turtle king, a liberal translation
http://oniwaban.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1330419/ How to eat the flap and the noodle of the sea bright/fresh point entering, mixes the vegetable well, a liberal translation Como comer a aleta e o macarronete do mar brilhante/ponto fresco que entra, misturas o poço do vegetal
- The [ro] which as for soup of the Chinese noodles you drink and is, normal.
http://ameblo.jp/kamuela/entry-10401545285.html The noodle [tsu] [te], the majority is the wheat flour O macarronete [tsu] [te], a maioria é a farinha de trigo
- With taste ball… (∀), a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/yukawa-act/entry-10285456962.html On side of the noodle, the [pokon] [tsu] [te] we are enshrined No lado do macarronete, [pokon] [tsu] [te] nós somos encaixados
- And others - the [me] it is atelier the RISE - rise - @ reception, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/shirachomen/41757133.html As for the noodle while flat striking being thickly, as for affinity it is good, is, a liberal translation Quanto para ao macarronete quando o golpe liso sendo grossa, quanto para à afinidade ele for bom, é
- GOGO treasure coming eaves
http://niigata.way-nifty.com/ifamily/2009/08/gogo-5091.html The noodle is the crimping whose normal thickness is weak O macarronete é o friso cuja a espessura normal é fraca
- [jiyatsuki, a liberal translation
Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- men ya potsuri
http://blog.livedoor.jp/jwjwjwjwjw/archives/51568744.html To attach the noodle and the noodle extremely not be thickly, in being thickly, the shank, a liberal translation Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/srcsrc/diary/201101300000/ The noodle and the soy sauce flap having been entwined well, it was sufficiently tasty even that way, is, a liberal translation O macarronete e o molho de soja agitam ter sido entrelaçado bem, ele eram suficientemente saborosos mesmo que a maneira, é
- original letters
http://kai-toshimitsu.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-10-09 Because the noodle with medium thickly straight, make is a noodle place in rear, it seems like the homemade noodle Porque o macarronete com o meio grossa reto, faz é um lugar do macarronete na parte traseira, ele parece como o macarronete caseiro
Oil noodle, Food And Drinks ,