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    Dr. Nagai Takashi,

    Reportage related words Nagasaki Peace Park grand tour Nuclear abolition Contamination country Nuclear umbrella

    • 菅 The prime minister recognizes moral responsibility as being bombed country, if is, why “force de dissuasion” the empty it does not withdraw
      Extinction of the nuclear weapon has become the big flow of the world, a liberal translation
      La extinción del arma nuclear se ha convertido en el flujo grande del mundo

    • Japanese weblog
      Extinction of the nuclear weapon and early from Iraq promising withdrawal, you had Cuban Castro and Venezuelan [chiyabesu] rejoice
      Extinción del arma nuclear y temprano del retiro prometedor de Iraq, usted tenía Castro cubano y el venezolano [chiyabesu] disfruta

    • Japanese Letter
      It does not mean that the nuclear weapon ceases to exist the mankind, it is the expectation where the day when the mankind becomes extinct the nuclear weapon comes, a liberal translation
      No significa que el arma nuclear deja de existir la humanidad, él es la expectativa adonde viene el día cuando la humanidad hace extinta el arma nuclear

    • The Japanese-American secret agreement verification report
      As for the boat of the US Navy which stacked the nuclear weapon, the Japanese harbor the doubt which comes and goes freely is thick including Yokosuka
      En cuanto al barco de la marina de guerra de los E.E.U.U. que apiló el arma nuclear, el puerto japonés la duda que viene y va libremente es grueso incluyendo Yokosuka

    • 日本は米軍の核に傘の下にある
      Not revealing the existence of the nuclear weapon the is US military basic strategy
      No revelar la existencia del arma nuclear es estrategia básica militar de los E.E.U.U.

    • リンゴの木。 酒井法子の折れた翼
      If as for the nuclear weapon not to have the [te], Japan becomes that air, if it does not have the ace card that, the nuclear weapon can be armed with anytime, it is useless, a liberal translation
      Si en cuanto al arma nuclear para no tener [te], Japón se convierte en ese aire, si no tiene la tarjeta del as que, el arma nuclear se puede armar con en cualquier momento, él es inútil

    Dr. Nagai Takashi, Reportage,

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