- weblog title
http://siozukeeeeee.at.webry.info/201011/article_23.html Technology it was reformed, having the progressive photographing studio, Технология оно было реформировано, имеющ прогрессивную фотографируя студию,
- (゜Д゜) Newspaper
http://ameblo.jp/fgdspighpsoiswawawa/entry-10594703120.html It is the shape which projects the point where technological innovation exerts big influence on economy beautifully, a liberal translation Форма которая проектирует пункт где технологическое нововведение прилагает большое влияние на экономии красивейше
- Japanese Letter
http://siozukeeeeee.at.webry.info/201003/article_26.html Technology it was reformed, we have the power which receives international prize even with web production with the progressive photographing studio,, a liberal translation Технология оно было реформировано, имеющ прогрессивную фотографируя студию,
- I now morning, most as for the news which is observed this am! - With in plant easy gain!
http://siozukeeeeee.at.webry.info/201003/article_23.html Technology it was reformed, we have the power which receives international prize even with web production with the progressive photographing studio,, a liberal translation Технология оно было реформировано, имеющ прогрессивную фотографируя студию,
Toyota, automobile,