- The Air Force one ★★
http://popo0308.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-10-24 Jack [raian] which [harison] Ford plays becoming the president, it is the movie of the feeling that it comes to the point of when the self directly confronting with the terrorist, Em japones , Japanese talking
- Western painting “Air Force one”
http://luis-barragan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/10/post-11f8.html The United States president Marshall which lowers order declared that in the interview in Moscow bending/discouraging it does not do under any condition to terrorism and the president private machine (the Air Force one) with set out to road El presidente Marshall de Estados Unidos que baja orden declaró que eso en la entrevista en el doblez/desalentarlo de Moscú no hace bajo ninguna condición al terrorismo y a la máquina privada del presidente (la fuerza aérea una) con precisado al camino
- The Air Force one
http://toshimi0820.cocolog-nifty.com/movies/2009/05/post-1d90.html 扮 in the president contrast image of [geiri] [orudoman] of [harison] Ford and the terrorist symbolize el 扮 en la imagen del contraste del presidente de [geiri] [orudoman] [harison] de Ford y el terrorista simbolizan
Gary Oldman, Movie,