- Schedule w of second unit, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/hokutopyon/entry-10841510451.html It is to want winning!! 它是想要赢取!!
- The excessive bunt stops everything
http://ameblo.jp/atsu41hisashi21/entry-10617894097.html If it wins, saying, that attitude of the protection of [natsushi] which is conscious of now a class of front-end kept distance the team from the victory it was the tournament which does not have problem, a liberal translation 如果它赢取,称,保护的那态度[对前期被保留的距离类现在是神志清楚的队从胜利它是比赛没有问题的natsushi
- Japanese weblog
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/black_sep24/24931633.html Although power is not emptied out, Seibu which can pick up the victory, this year when it is the most fearful team, thought now the shank 虽然没有倒空力量,可能拾起胜利的Seibu,今年,当它是最可怕的队,现在想法小腿
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