- The Hamamatsu travelling
http://kaeru-mama.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/post-fa7f.html [u] [gi] pie, as for master tasting like ogre [u] [Gi] mögen Torte, was Vorlagenprobieren anbetrifft Ungeheuer
- It does and others does
http://myhome.cururu.jp/ymk1127/blog/article/41002838469 The [u] there is a [gi] pie, don't you think?… [U] dort ist Torte a-[Gi], nicht Sie denken? …
- - [u] [gi] pie factory (part 2)-
http://strawberry-castle.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/post-26d9.html Don't you think? the [u] strap [kihoruda] of the [gi] pie attaching [puchimasukotsuto] the result and the petite emblem which were perplexed (367 Yen) two the ♪ which is bought is lovely (the ≧∇≦) Nicht denken Sie? der Bügel [u] [kihoruda] der [Gi] Torte, die anbringt [puchimasukotsuto] das ♪, das wird das Resultat und das zierliche Emblem (367 Yen) die verblüffte zwei waren, gekauft, ist reizend (≧∇≦)
- Me the [wa] ~♪ which it waits
http://mocomoco-moca.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/12/post-b1f1.html [u] as for [gi] pie “candy of night” [u] was [Gi] Torte anbetrifft „Süßigkeit der Nacht“
- eko
http://jyontagarden.blog37.fc2.com/blog-entry-506.html The [u] the [gi] pie [yusuke] to be tasty, as for the kitchen paper washing, can use many degrees seems and, because the picture of the animal being lovely, properly 2 there is a plate, you try probably to use right away in [yusuke Die [u] [Gi] Torte [yusuke] zum, was die Küchepapierreinigung anbetrifft geschmackvoll zu sein, kann viele Grad verwenden scheint und, weil die Abbildung des Tieres, das, richtig 2 dort reizend ist, eine Platte ist, Sie vermutlich versuchen, sofort innen zu verwenden [yusuke
- Present photographing
http://ameblo.jp/flancafe/entry-10271776030.html The [u] also the [gi] pie thank you! Die [u] auch [Gi] Torte danken Ihnen!
- [u] [gi] pie
http://pcschool-h.cocolog-nifty.com/hekinan/2009/09/post-3990.html 日語句子 , 日語句子 , for multilingual communication
- Love [pon] after that
http://myhome.cururu.jp/mona13/blog/article/71002875514 If the [u] the [gi] pie it continues to eat, you think that it becomes legend! Wenn die [u] [Gi] Torte, die sie fortfährt zu essen, denken Sie, dass es Legende wird!
- Candy of night
http://oriharamika.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/09/post-7f09.html The [u] you bought also the [gi] pie strap, die Examen, evaluation, le resume , Japanese talking
- [u] [gi] pie
http://noranowamono.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/04/post-3990.html The [u] the [gi] pie, like it has the fact that you ate Die [u] [Gi] Torte, wie es hat die Tatsache, die Sie aßen
- Abalone fish 酥
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/lost-found/e/78bdc79833346b7cf99f52da302dd2df The [u] there is a [gi] pie, therefore it is, there is no abalone pie, as for wonder, however is, to tell the truth, the friend “you saw for the first time”, it probably will put out, is [U] gibt es Torte a-[Gi], folglich ist es, dort ist keine Ohrschneckentorte, was das Wunder anbetrifft, gleichwohl ist, zum der Wahrheit zu sagen, der Freund, den „Sie zum ersten Mal“ sahen, es, vermutlich sich setzt heraus, ist
- Stomach fullest capacity!
http://nekobiyori-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/05/post-e5d2.html The [u] the [gi] pie is the gift from the lab mother of the partner of the goal reverse side!
To return from yesterday work, because the small stomach was less crowded before the preparation of the supper, it received! Die [u] [Gi] Torte ist das Geschenk von der Labormutter des Partners der Rückseite des Ziels!
Um von der Gesternarbeit zurückzugehen, weil der kleine Magen weniger vor der Vorbereitung des Abendessens gedrängt wurde, empfing sie!
- original letters
http://tetu-wanwan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/03/post-2c72.html If the [u] you mention the [gi] pie, but the copy “of the candy of the night” famous that probably will put out the night, the meaning with of saying to the time of family happy circle, is Wenn [u] Sie die [Gi] Torte erwähnen, aber die Kopie „der Süßigkeit der berühmten Nacht“, die vermutlich heraus die Nacht setzt, ist die Bedeutung mit dem Sagen zurzeit des glücklichen Kreises der Familie,
- 浜松の旅
http://moai1923.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/07/post-5430.html The [u] the [gi] pie burns and in the oven which keeps rising and can observe the production line Die [u] [Gi] Tortebrände und im Ofen, der hält zu steigen und das Fließband beobachten kann
- しずおかへ。
http://ameblo.jp/sawawa-m/entry-10250509073.html The [u] the [gi] pie reason [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is to do, the [tsu Der [u] [Gi] Tortegrund [Chi] [ya] [tsu] ist er zu tun, [tsu
- 日曜日のデート
- 工場限定うなぎパイ
http://ameblo.jp/miyamasachiko/entry-10222404472.html If the [u], it is delightful in me of the [gi] pie large [tsu] lover, is belief , please visit the following link
Eel Pie, Food And Drinks ,