- , a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/arupino5791/e/b13dd914ce1118125c5a7b3c96b1d597 Thank you, like this - ♪ [chi] [bi Merci, comme ceci - ♪ [chi] [Bi
- zokuhen teki eigyou jidai
http://ameblo.jp/lowton-mura/entry-10516349952.html /You question thank you with the [me],/the support encouraging/news item, a liberal translation la question de /You vous remercient avec [je], appui de /the encourageant/nouvelle
- [kamehameha] of turtle!! 'The Chinese stopping turtle'
http://ameblo.jp/harago-harago/entry-10559102948.html /You question thank you with the [me],/the support encouraging/news item, a liberal translation la question de /You vous remercient avec [je], appui de /the encourageant/nouvelle
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/harago-harago/entry-10525191702.html /You question thank you with the [me],/the support encouraging/news item, a liberal translation la question de /You vous remercient avec [je], appui de /the encourageant/nouvelle
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