- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/momotarinstyle/entry-10816311170.html This day weather was good when and, also the event has done with sort wants to eat outside the empty, Este tempo do dia era bom quando e, igualmente o evento fêz com sorte quer comer fora do vazio,
- Sakurajima sight-seeing
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kimisamurai/e/47c2f2c9e7dbb36b8e872bfb5d247443 This day was hot, is, but the foot hot water well enough had popularity Este dia estava quente, é, mas o poço de água quente do pé bastante popularidade tida
- One week which does again to stare our road, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/kigoshiyu/entry-10802788607.html This day, to tell the truth moment of afternoon, it was the weather where the snow and the ash blended, a liberal translation Este dia, para dizer o momento da verdade da tarde, era o tempo onde a neve e a cinza se misturaram
- Japanese Letter
http://serendipitydiary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/07/b-a4c3.html This day squeezing to those which the family would like to eat and we would like to doing built plan Este dia que espreme àqueles que a família gostaria de comer e aos nós gostaria a fazer a planta construída
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/nocchi-76/entry-10527178711.html This day it is Friday to be weekday, but dividing and the bi- car coming, it increased, a liberal translation Este dia é sexta-feira a ser dia útil, mas dividir-se e o carro que vem, do bi- aumentou
Tenmonkan, Food And Drinks , Locality,