- With Sakurajima eruption “[doka] ash”
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/350308mm/e/1d538923559fc6934aed788f4098fd8e In Kagoshima urban district “[doka] ash”…With Sakurajima eruption Yomiuri Shimbun Company September 14th follows one another (the water) 23:13 transmissions Kagoshima-in der städtischen Bezirks„[doka] Asche“… mit Sakurajima Eruption Yomiuri- Shimbunfirma 14. September 23:13sich getriebe folgt (des Wassers)
- Pine 80,000, a liberal translation
http://jiroramos.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-2aef.html You lodge at the hotel of Kagoshima city Kagoshima-Stadt Yamanokuchi Cho 8-13
- And others - the [me] it is ahead special densely unevenness
http://niigata.way-nifty.com/ifamily/2011/05/post-1c58.html Kagoshima prefecture Kagoshima city “and others - the [me] it is ahead special densely unevenness” is Kagoshima-Präfektur Kagoshima-Stadt „und andere - [ich] ist sie voran Ungleichheit des Special dicht“ ist
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://jiroramos.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/post-df71.html The Kagoshima Ititani Yamanaka middle one Chome 4389 (next door (laughing)) Die Mitte eine Chome 4389 Kagoshima-Ititani Yamanaka (nebenan (lachend))
- 9 gatsu 4 nichi �� doyoubi ��
http://railman.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/09/94-8502.html The Kagoshima streetcar/astronomical mansion - Takami Baba Der Kagoshimastreetcar/die astronomische Villa - Takami Kuchen
- ぷよ話 その33 Battle of sweets 第27話
http://myhome.cururu.jp/sm3_limipu/blog/article/71002842302 That distance approximately 40 kilometer presently from the Kagoshima airport to Kagoshima city 9: 35 starting flight 12: 00 Dieser Abstand ungefähr 40 Kilometer momentan vom Kagoshima-Flughafen zum Kagoshima-Stadt-9:35, das Flug-12:00 beginnt
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