- Hotel Japan Airlines Narita, a liberal translation
http://mobatuashinco.blog82.fc2.com/blog-entry-1008.html To Kagoshima - Haneda, after that by the limousine bus everyone and to Narita Zu Kagoshima - zu Haneda, nachher zu dem durch den Limousinebus jeder und nach Narita
- After all
http://breaching-xxx-me.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/05/post-f101.html The Kagoshima [tsu] [te] adult persevering, the generally known middle to elderly-aged [tsu] [te] person [a] which the [ru] air does it is to do, it probably becomes such a middle to advanced age! Das erwachsene Ausharren Kagoshimas [tsu] [te], die im Allgemeinen bekannte Mitte zu älter-gealterter [tsu] [te] Person [a] der die Luft [ru] es tut, ist, es zu tun wird vermutlich solch eine Mitte zu vorgerücktem Alter!
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/capri87hamami/33315922.html You travelled to Kagoshima in the family, a liberal translation Sie reisten nach Kagoshima in der Familie
- The Paris [tsu] child o o, a liberal translation
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Infrequent [sutaba] (the Kagoshima central station store)
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/vzg01422/60939979.html After moving to Kagoshima, [sutaba] became far Nach der Übersiedlung nach Kagoshima, [sutaba] wurde weit
- , a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/rnaga99/45363694.html The Kagoshima name store went out, a liberal translation Der Kagoshima-Namenspeicher erlosch
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/jonalovejona/26583080.html Kagoshima everyone, trying going by all means* Kagoshima jeder, versuchendes auf jeden Fall gehen *
- puremia kashi ta shouchuu �� san gaku �� wo gekiyasu de nome ru mise to �� bunshi no shouzou ��
http://monzen-t.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-08-02 If you mention Kagoshima, they are the low-class distilled spirits, don't you think? the ~~, a liberal translation Wenn Sie Kagoshima erwähnen, sie ist der low-class destillierte Geist, nicht Sie denkt? das ~~
- kagoshima tabi �ʣ���
http://cool-travels.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-b443.html With Kagoshima, as for being symbolize Sakurajima Mit Kagoshima, was Sein anbetrifft symbolisieren Sie Sakurajima
- A ultima historia japonesa, mas a abundancia de problema primas
http://takuma-g19.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-01-19 Don't you think? in Kagoshima, it scampered, a liberal translation Nicht denken Sie? in Kagoshima scampered er
- weblog title
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/xxxmica_moonxxx/61953105.html It went to Kagoshima Es ging nach Kagoshima
- Japanese Letter
http://eriidays.jugem.jp/?eid=414 The Kagoshima death under 1st… Der Kagoshima-Tod unter 1.…
- The rain being the [tsu] temporary, the shank
http://uruma-mama.cocolog-nifty.com/shepherd/2009/07/post-8c9b.html When it comes to Kagoshima, Let's go to black pig Yokotiyou! Wenn es nach Kagoshima kommt, lassen Sie uns gehen, Schwein Yokotiyou zu schwärzen!
- Present Kagoshima ♪
http://ameblo.jp/tacaco/entry-10256661175.html Kagoshima, as for the person who does not know it is not? … However with you cannot declare, (laughing) Kagoshima, was die Person anbetrifft, wer es nicht kennt, ist nicht? … Jedoch mit Ihnen kann nicht erklären, (lachend)
- Total Solar Ecripse at 種子島
http://bubba-gump-himawari0404.blog.drecom.jp/archive/552 “The [ma] of the Kagoshima specialty (you scratched white and” the ice) were tasty, a liberal translation „[MA] vom Kagoshima-Spezialgebiet (Sie verkratzten Weiß und“ das Eis), waren geschmackvoll
Tenmonkan, Food And Drinks , Locality,