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    Short-selling regulation,

    Business related words Nikkei Stock Average City group European Union Greece ヘッジ Nikkei 225 Hedge funds Dow Jones Industrial Average

    • Private school leader
      Essa opiniao , linked pages are Japanese

    • It is hot, it is
      The stove it tidies up, next also Nomura hd everything it sold Nomura from January which is tidied up and/or bought, but it is what, you bit with to deduct, because subject of deficit enlargement and public offering which are about 93,000,000 loss capital increase comes up with, temporarily was latent loss of 150,000,000 or more a little, at last it was opened from Nomura and the sky sold the [ro] which falls up to csk with [sotsuko] 500 and is rising to 700 Yen once, in order to be all right, it is thought whether it is good, the short sale regulation [u] [ze] -

    • * It goes down to European somewhere? Germany which is pressed for ultimate selection with the Greek support*
      Always supporting thank you also today, when it can receive, although short sale regulation introduction was decided in the Japanese [burogu] village present [wa] ~ United States which is delightful and was abolished in better seed 2007, being like the voice which with roughness quotation of here several years demands revival from the national assembly and enterprise becomes many, shank that and, the Europe which causes suddenly slump the German support becoming for the present topic, however the [ru]… Germany you pressing for the ultimate two 択, being the [ru] like, the shank * supporting Greece, leaving the possibility of lowering the German grade, or * without supporting, from deterioration of the Greek and Spain etc economy the German exportInfluence is received or, it probably is to choose which well thank you for [amebapako] cooperating to Japanese [burogu] village [pochi] where the European time, as for the Europe the kana ~ present Tokyo time which how becomes although you intend to be slow, the [pochi] [tsu] where in point increases with favor of everyone who is traded unintentionally supporting, when it can receive, is delightful and is

    • Cool kana
      When Alps you have observed it approached, thought of end pattern with instant just reversed same lc strange feeling being enormous, as for 2 times furthermore when the unskillfulness where the hand is not you do being caught to short sale regulation, there is even a possibility of being expelled, don't you think? it is the [ze] horsefly which is - in your own portfolio “the machine” not to be visible in the movement, after round being stuck in s where [eibetsukusu] has glared also circumstance Alps where those which it has done the hand does not come out after all from forward the s high, the board which does not move it is stuck and [jitsu] only you stare it goes to immediately before [hatsuchiyuu] in order to verify condition, not be able to keep also csk being attached to the movement of the board, abandonment so like this it has doneBecause it is done, however [shiroki] etc, there not to be a time inside you saw there perhaps whether yesterday day before yesterday and in the [hatsuchiyuu] your handling crying it has become prudent this time the [u] - - - - - - - - - - the can!! REPT However (`д´) no last Alps called and it was the movement, how with [se] which is stopped iron fire place putting out [hatsuchiyuu] you with one shot only [kitsui] 3 trade morning session- Don't you think? the Alps −17500 empty ○ large Japanese screen +36000 the buying ○ large Japanese screen +15000 buying +33500 weekend is, the air outside being cool, while feeling calling starting feeling very and this week, the preparation which is drawn out to fishing secretly arranging|д ゚) Way [chiratsu] you do not become aware, happyweekend! There is assistance ↓ of support, don't you think? the ↓

    • Attention stocks
      There are no attention stocks, * the ny market of last night receives the German short sale regulation reporting and also depreciation and the present Japanese market depreciate

    • It learns from history
      Increase in yen value of exchange without stopping, shank presently, 22 May 19th:20 they are, but U.S. dollars =91 80 sen Yen, the Europe =112 80 sen Yen, pound =131 50 sen Yen, greatly dollar =78, a little settling from evening, it increases, even with this which becomes the offense and defense which put per 00 sen Yen investment technique this that but as for having become the trigger of latest increase in yen value, as for thing “short sale” “of short sale regulation” of the government bond and the part stock which Germany announces, requires “when quotation depreciates, it makes a profit”, is regulated, as for the notion that where, “Because the person who aims for short sale is too multi a message that with reason, “so economy of the European sphere it is restricted”, being dangerous” as, the result of being considered, the latest “Europe it sells and”, it continues to the gw kind of opening which is connected, “there is no bottom?”Also, it is the kind of movement which can be thought because, “it went down because, it is not accustomed, to either the air that you probably will buy”, is the honest place or, also the stock market is what, the movement which is not clear is continued

    • NY 66 it is cheap the Chicago 10115 Yen
      As for America of yesterday, the German short sale regulation strengthening, the movement of evasion to risk investment continued from the public finance insecurity of Europe and the tight money of China and further decline 66 cheaply as for 10444 Nasdaq, 18 cheaply as for 2298 Chicago, 10115 Yen (preceding day 10186 Yen) as for exchange, the German short sale regulation and stocks the movement of the risk evasion which cheaply and so on is made the background advanced, dollar circle depreciated to 90.95 Yen which are ever since 7 days in the medium board, but after that to sell too much it lowers from the impression and the like, width at the reduction 91 Yen latter half as for the transitive crude oil, depreciation of stock quotation and demand decrease anxiety of the futureAnd so on in the background, period closely the June limit temporarily are ever since September 30th last year interrupted 68 dollars which, but final stage changes to low price correction, while again the plus side as for the recovery 69.87 gold, the escape buying to safety settles, are due to the German short sale regulation slump and strong dollar of the European stocks which invite the sale of risk evasion, 1200 dollars of psychological support it is interrupted and as much as 1193.1 today change in the low price sphere may continue, is because the area being agreeable which does not improve absolutely harsh circumstance may continue,… furthermore increase in yen value with the pursuit with shank technical, the band - in 2σParalleling it depreciated, don't you think? for a while the circumstances seeing and, present Mitsubish Estate Co., Ltd. expectation yesterday was 1500 Yen crack, but it is the latter half unexpected urgent rally today expectation is difficult, but as for vigor of the extent which keeps rising on seeing that it is not, the band - hovering around 2σ in addition to seeing that the expectation approaching starts, buying the momentum of yesterday, high and as for end depreciation higher quotation of hovering, the band - is held down with Σ, 1510 Yen under 1550 Yen

    • Closing general condition
      belief , please visit the following link

    • Fibonacci trade
      大量的日本當前主題 , original meaning

    • The scholastic ability differential which is understood from the elementary school 6 year scholastic ability test
      Now it is reporting with the local paper of morning, but if you mention the intellectual level where earnings and scholastic ability of the parent have appeared in remarkable that way there is a language 弊, but as for the outrider of high technology when the person who goes to Tokyo University from the poverty which is in intellectual level is one person, the person that is the gold it is unrelated, but as for such a thing as for commuting to the private school which is not in the school of compulsory education wasteful study other than subject to be too multi, to be hard on, in Hiroshima because class and section life etc for discrimination there is an event which is forced, peace just story of the atomic bomb and warBe able to make the prayer park draw out everyone, semantic unclear our 虐 view of history can be planted mandatorily, so, I was the one of those victims and the pupil, (the product sutra has reported laughing compulsory essence again, sometimes (the product sutra) the mechanism of the public-service corporation which is visible with categorization (Nikkei) you write the product sutra, but is, when it is Aso and Ibuki and others maintenance, as for the people who have called being the reader? The bureaucracy should manage, without being to think that as for this party, as for order exerted from above it is proper, is right of the high government official? You say that Masuzoe the bureaucracy should manage, but this actual condition probably is the result which is managed? Because as for the fund which among these was pulled out as for the actual condition which is something which abuses the right tax and nation to possess now when it is not other than exploiting, public opinion is harsh in the Democratic party saying, because as for not facing to the Liberal Democratic Party, as usual as for the Liberal Democratic Party that bureaucratic organization it unifies it is thought it is the exploitation political party which when well anger of the citizen is recognized after the party disappears, it probably is being, when Germany furthermore expands short sale regulation, expands the object to also thing stock also Europe which enters into the preparation it seems probably is proper the bond industry which stock price says that goes down with short sale regulation, but as for that by its sellingBecause it becomes impossible, already the electronic calculation which designates supplying the because the extent which is not sold you buy, flowability as pretext. As for fraud as for the investment bank which does not pass only vis-a-vis industry financing, as for the stock company stop the fact that bets the institutional investor and the individual investor of cooperation of enterprise and only the finance short-term buying and selling over again life insurance etc on fraud in the stock market hedge fund prohibition

    • Super meager market
      As for ny substantially as for the reactionary fall Japanese market opposing to expectation, as for depreciation of strong development ny weekend with the Spanish downgrade the viewpoint of the primary factor so being true? In bond investment fund of the world furthermore as for the gaze of the market which has also those which it cannot invest in only triple a bond as for Germany which is moving to Spain from Greece you say that short sale regulation is perpetuated, and such it probably is circumstance what which you can be optimistic, as for Spain the real estate bubble has collapsed but and as for the financial institution as for the foresight which has been lent out above the deposit quantity the aspect of technical rebound we would like to keep being attached, are not whether reflecting such opinion, today rising, [ru] super meager market puts out the material stocks completed amount of low position of look and Renown etc and it is what, as for [deitore] in doing prudently, although it entered, the futuresTo be disturbed, also 2 departure cutting as usual showing. Being enormous, the [wa] [a] which is defeated (- the _-;)When it tries inquiring about the diagnosing in the morning session [deitore] brand Kinugawa Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Co., Ltd. morning session - 40,000 wife it is some year of Ebara of this year of, this year it is year of entire balancing of accounts of recent years, it seems, when the sub prime, operation doubt of American employment statistics, it does the cover in embellishment accounting smell ones in European sphere country and the [tsu] [te] which is sown it thinks of the details which come, whether so, whether entire balancing of accounts of recent years honesty… fearful [wa] o┤*´д `*├o

    • As for short sale badness?
      That short sale regulation calls is subject comes up, probably truly necessary what? But as for being in root you think, that it is the thought short sale being badness, is short sale probably truly bad thing what? Because as for buying and selling the person who sells is, you can buy it is, as for the first reason which you think that on the other hand regulates the short sale which means to take also the opportunity of the buyer is badness, to gain with short sale, to attach to weak point, for example if you think that because densely it is, there is a kind of place which is, there is a story perhaps, a certain enterprise goes bankrupt, if stocks of that company are sold short, this which can increase the profit as something rejoiced the fact that company goes bankrupt, something gives bad impression, as for simply, it tries to gaining also some appearance came, it is notAs for the surface, unless there is a kind of feeling which defeats the rival which is certain ones in such sense that it is not something which it can win very as for buying it is good, but the sale is bad as for the strange and another reason as for the short sale which you think that simply and it is the [tsu] biting, reason cannot swallow with the beginner who is difficult ones easily and, as for really doing well as for the person who is lucrative with short sale for such person who is serious 妬 the better [ku] as for the human who is something which is felt therefore the fact that by his cannot do is well done with something is vexatious ones as for me haphazardly as for regulating short sale howWhether you think

    • After it is the typhoon, the expectation which clears up??
      Because this day is returning home day, yesterday today which is early renewal and the storm raging, don't you think? it increases, Nikkei the natural way interrupts 10,000 Yen, again as for exchange the world economy which is recovering from 89 Yen level Riemann shock the alarm bell sounds with before the Greek economic failure sun/size, the market the mayhem dividing always does 喰 [u] and but with the German short sale regulation it is the ordinary citizen who is not, as for exchange in circle the centralized stripe shank ~ this way going to per 86 Yen or returning to 92 Yen rank?? In addition now, a little, the kind of tomorrow which has wobbled in increase in yen value goes to the hospital during morning, even game would like to decrease debt a little from afternoon…As for the night the Sunday which is eating out of marriage commemoration day it was schedule of harvest of the onion, but don't you think? weather is badness so, looking at circumstances, it goes to the field

    • Fall across the board continuation. Risk evasion furthermore it strengthens
      En japones , original meaning

    • The seven bank which why is attracted?
      Present Nikkei it went to 200 weak yen temporarily, but if it tries ending, when 0 of 127 Yen, it forces very and for me who decrease the stock holding which is the movement tumbling in whichever, it is there is no relationship, but it thinks of that you buy next, the one which goes down is more grateful? You must bury either the paper loss 90,000 of the futures, because and, the Toyota and NISSAN arbitration in stock and shares became tasty, the [u] under the willow the [gi]? Aiming, arbitration in stock and shares 2nd Yen 8306 Mitsubishi ufj banks which feature were set up >501, 2000 stocks buying and 8411 not seeing [ho] fg>192 circles, 5800 stocks short sale and the buying short sale 111, as for just a little balance are to be bad with 100, but well it probably is the ~ and such a ones, the ↑1 the month chart, the ↑3 where the not seeing [ho] is on 10% or less the month chart, the not seeing [ho] about 6% probably is on or, because the ↑2 year chart, last year always Mitsubishi was on, if 5 per it comes out as feeling it probably is very good? If you do not see and the [ho] announces even with capital increase, lightly 10 per it is to think that it comes out, but so it does not go well, don't you think? probably will be, the ~? When last night, you try to insert the short sale order of not seeing [ho] 5800 stocks it cannot sell the development sale of 51 units or more with short sale regulation, it is with the shank ~, you knew short sale regulation, but whether or not because as for any such a because you thought that only the investor of the large amount there is a relationship, ↑ Toyota and NISSAN which are just a little surprise, 1 month relative charts became completely reversal, the goal achievement and 10 per profits, tomorrow it deals with? Transaction and sale 119 of this day which is in the midst of just a little thinking, buying 128, buying brand, 8410 seven banks, why you buy? The seven bank, the combining ~ which probably is that much good woman what?

    • Circulation of money with insecurity and financial regulation criticism…

    • Odd and even numbers gambling quotation continues how long?!
      En japonais , Japanese talking

    • Again to risk evasion
      6:57 presently, because of outside, quotation is easy to set up with amount and the European sale which position of the European sale decreases with the development short cover of increase in yen value either, lowering is hard, don't you think? is, from the fact that the European stocks are steady, it is to expect the rise of ny stocks, but as insecurity to financial regulation, been connected to stock price depreciation, by the fact that the short sale regulation Germany which again has been exhibited the trick of the area being agreeable for government bond and cds is announced, the area being agreeable furthermore is bad or, the seriousness of circumstance the shape which you make be conscious becomes development of lower price groping again, is already large increase in yen valueBecause is advanced, the circle from here you buy and are difficult to be popular is, but with this increase in yen value, I including, because the people who are conscious of area being agreeable improvement have been disappointed again, it is the circumstance consciousness to the selling on a rally becomes strong, is no other choice but to be conscious of the selling on a rally of cross circle

    • * Before the Tokyo Stock Exchange it can pull, falls in reaction and in 10,000 Yen sells with approach financial regulation strengthening and expands
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon original meaning

    • Germany all stocks, government bond of EU sphere, the short sale of CDS extensive regulation
      As for [washi] there are times when it points out many degrees with this [burogu], “the market” being the mechanism which those which are necessary for the necessary person that try enter into the hand efficiently, therefore those the person there is no necessity there is no necessity the place where it is not about it buys and sells in order to make profit margin, as for the present market, the speculation fund which does not need the spot goods completely controls the market, has obstructed function as an original market, the investment which it tries it will fluctuate intentionally probably to make profit margin price of the government bond and the stock where risk increases, with short sale, and the likeBut the German government which it judges that the system comes out has given adverse effect to public finance and real phases of the economy of nation regulates “short sale”, as for [washi] which we have decided to enclose the movement of speculation fund, inside the eu limits where we would like to send applause to the latest decision of the German government, there is also a country which has shown the unpleasant impression Germany independently, at the same time conference of the foreign country vis-a-vis Germany which takes dying latest regulation step and, as for the financial institution a German country doing regulation step, as for the effect sees, that it is thin, [washi] so Germany which is not thoughtDue to short sale regulation, speculation fund to flow into to the market of big country of risk from Germany separated, because it is confused the market it is problem of the time when you think that it means with after all to introduce short sale regulation because the market is made to stabilize, as for introduction of short sale regulation as for present condition and the mass communications generally it has reacted to the negative in the latest measure of Germany, but finally the whole eu, does not choose the stabilization of the market which chill of the market compared to is due to the regulation of speculation fund it stops obtaining probably will be well, seeing, do the nation which has the market which is confused, truly it becomes so in additionTomorrow

    • Afternoon session persevered!
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , linked pages are Japanese

    • Rather than thinking, the European sale is difficult to do
      23:5 presently, because of outside, quotation became with weak yen with European high development European main leadership, as for European circle as for short circuit of 113 Yen exceeding European circle had and the stop which was reduced to value being attached, disappeared, but after that being long, it to be possible to put out the profit, because the price movements coming which it will have been relieved is large, in order not to put out loss, if you pay attention only, it can grasp the chance which puts out the profit don't you think? everyday with range in prices of this extent it moves, as for trade the European dollar which is easy exceeds 1.23, European circle has become development of 113 Yen exceeding, but at the European Swiss franc of silver in SwitzerlandIn addition to intervention observation, the pattern short sale regulation where the report and the like which is mentioned the possibility of the intervention of ecb has become the material, as by the fact that it is not the country which follows other than Germany, the sense of relief occurs, after this also the movement of risk evasion has been settled, with attention, there is no sign which for the present, deteriorates largely in the movement of ny stocks, is difficult to be conscious the movement of risk evasion, the formation potato it is worst, is, but because… after wobbling largely weak yen, it is, increase in yen value risk is high, is, but with moving circumstance of ny stocks, this week perhaps also the movement of the circular buying is limited, the EuropeIt is to have been conscious of the short circuit of circle strongly, but we feel the sign of rally, we feel in the European sale it is necessary to become prudent, that,

    • As for gold price intend scheme of administration before the whole aspect of the Ozawa attack which within 5 years is dispelled even in 1 ounce 3000 dollar of 2 times - everything?
      kanji , please visit the following link

    • (屮 ゜Д゜) 屮 credit credit new
      impressions , original meaning

    • Lowering width reduction
      From the fact that the German government announces the short sale regulation of financial stocks and the government bond etc, the European-American stocks markets sell eaves average Nikkei average cheaply and it is dominant and it starts, temporarily exceeds 200 Yen and depreciates, there was also a scene which peeps the mark of 10,000 Yen after that also the hand of the sale is settled, from holding up is restricted to the depreciation of ▼55 circle and two-digit and produces the disinfectant for end foot and mouth disease, “tomorrow the medicine manufacture (the old emperor. The internal organs other things)” in reporting here several days of price increase, again the seriousness of thing, is transmitted, the government which has the impression of starting tackling at last, it is good calling gentle countenance, as easygoing feature it should comment or, because Akamatsu (disrespectful name slowly the pine) circumstances in agricultural phase interview are the intention of fearing rumor and panic, although the ginger, being charge phase, are those where you think that it seems like other personal affairs, probably just I? We would not like to fan insecurity, if is, more being the attitude which will be been dauntless, desired from the reporter who is potato “it has appeared in variety program (when being detected) with to do, it is called the [yo],” the [ma] is as for [ma] governor to be excited it is leaving video recording, or was live program you forgot, but certainly, appearing in the program of the [takeshi] master now to do, in the exchange market of seed [e] evening, the kind of night which the Europe cheaply is advanced to open, passing the ny market, in addition because there is change, the ginger, development of disturbance implication may continue after all, don't you think? is, “Takashima” daily account it increased today

    • original letters
      Nihongo , Japanese talking

    • The Hibi +37.36 of 3 everyday sutra 225 9,741.67 ago
      Comentarios sobre este , please visit the following link

    • The Hibi +26.56 of 2 everyday sutra 225 9,704.31 ago
      Essa opiniao , Japanese talking

    • 5日線割れ
      Afternoon session and as for story of master of the last week end which the [chi] [yu] arm is done “pay attention to 5 week moving average line!”But today both Nikkei average and the dollar circle which are less than this from the approach various thing being completed, was said that it entered into the time when trick of the foot is reconfirmed from expectation precedence but the Fujito of Mitsubishi ufj writing, and others the [tsu] plain gauze it was as for “price advance by short-convering” quotation, it is the usual quotation which is dream of the buyer in margin trading, if is, analyzing the confidence supply and demand trend of three market confidence balances and the individual brand which every week are published, the place where it squeezes the target of the buying sale this time, as a part of short sale regulation of the authorities, name of short sale subject, position from Tokyo Stock ExchangeIt is published one by one and if once the fund which… just is undisguised state while “it started stepping on” that you see, the immediate muscle such as the day trader and the dealer buys, mass advance, “the paper lantern buying and” with the [baba] pulling out of the tramp which it executes, looking at the card of the partner, you do, because it is not the case that it designates just the person where the hand which is certain victory bill is released of course as the partner that so simplicity it is not, you think that the one which it says is many however it is, (the ^_^;)Any [tsu] [te] position of short sale is released after all were fearful thing, don't you think? if such it is, although method releases entirely and the [chi] [ya] obtains and is good, that just how to combine and the sale where are not the unfairness which is thought and are the [tsu] [te] it being and such effect which are said, it was price advance by short-convering quotation, that it does is, future development was expected on the basis of that and the oral [ya], with it was to think

    • 20090312相場編…カタカナの人
      As for the New York stock quotation of 11 days, thought such as current price accounting second look and short sale regulation introduction as for the Dow Jones industrial shares 30 kind average where where the redemption follows to the background, forms with blue-chip stock as for the final value which this month temporarily recovers 7000 dollars after the 2nd ever since, approximately 1 weeks for 6930.40 dollars of front Hibi 3.91 strong dollar, as for the high-tech stocks central Nasdaq composite index which becomes consecutively expanding after the front month 6 day ever since, approximately 1 months as for the index which ends with the same 13.36 points high 1371.64 as follows the American economic indicator American February month. Commodity. Income and outgo result - 192,800,000,000 dollar (expectation - 175,600,000,000 dollar and previous - 175,600,000,000 dollar) as for the American eia weekly stock statistical crude oil as for 749,000 barrel increase gasoline as for 2,990,000 barrel decrease distillation oil as for 2,110,000 barrel increase crude oil futures quotation 1 barrels =42.33 as for dollar exchange presently 97.2 Yen/from the various variety chairmanship which are dollar level [yusuke] [santamaria] the actor, the singer and post Takeda who participates variously. The suitable style which is called two many years as for regular program being continued from [tamori] which you think that it is enormous, origin of the name which is called the person et. al whose katakana is long wastefully has been derived from [mongo] [santamaria] of the musician who is respected, so is

    • 天空初日
      Asaoki coming, from actuality and the front which come to [hiza] confronting each other [tsurai] morning session ○ Takefuji Corporation +17030 the buying ○ sun +21000 the empty ○ sun +40000 the empty ○ sun +10000 empty ○ [konikamino] +2000 the sky +90030 from Oka with thing of yesterday to be noted by the telephone, because it can order with the tool, saying, if case soul of useless (short sale regulation “speaking more quickly, the… [te] you say or, therefore Oka “you too unskillfulness to be, confidence being disqualified!”So, that thinking, whether it is said the ↓ where we would like to draw up the simple rule which is recognized can protect even with assistance [pochi] we of the support which [dokidoki] is done

    • 24日 日経225 8,488.30 前日比+272.77
      kanji character , please visit the following link

    • 3月11日の結果。。。
      It is not It is not It is not +694 Yen (commission calculation and the like estimate) (there is no transaction with front Hibi, there are times when the profit and loss increases and decreases with the correction commission and the like with calculation) 533,699 Yen (principal 2,700,000 Yen) - It receives substantial high of 2,166,301 Yen European-American stocks, buys to also Tokyo market and it calls before the Nikkei average 7000 Yen crack suns/size where the sense of relief spread, after tightrope walking state of here several days and a rest it approaches and is attached and at a stroke placing in 7300 Yen level in 20 minutes after, this level information of achievement improvement of the Yonegane molten major city group which had become the price movements coming which is stabilized in way and the high price sphere which keep, rise is to remove as for pulling part was financial stocks even in the trigger Tokyo market of the latest worldwide stock price urgent rally however “to the last the redemption the center” (the major bond) with,If what you see as bottom price of real stock price returns and sells when really it gets near to 7400 where the opinion of prematurity is many Yen, waiting the sale of profit decision has expected, as for penetrating on the sale which is not easy. The American one itself liveliness you cannot say yet, for the time being while waiting for the countercyclical measures and stock price measure of government, you may be forced the unstable price movements coming which is swung in the movement of the futures, struck the bottom temporarily short-term, it is probably will be? Today is optimism (4755) calls to the sale is, but it approaches, before emergency. The United States which it cancels as for substantial rise was good separately on the financial stocks center, it is, but because it meant that regarding short sale regulation, that whether or not the market stabilizes with short sale regulation, whether it will stop the sale and probably will solve anyhow, the market now in news of this hand. Because it may react is gently, don't you think? sell more and more and it became the [zu] and others [ku] (buy depending is story but) optimism result to approach, it did that it is not the 勿 body with the heaven the ¥¥¥¥¥ which, but produces the hand which the plain gauze hole is and is and the [zu] and others [ku] the [tsu] [chi] [ya] is

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