- From Saigawa
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ebakam/e/26fa113d3fe823789890f5f00a7abd49 _ Kanazawa to live thing with first enjoy this Saigawa 河川 river area walk do thing be so luxurious time be Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It went to Ishikawa prefecture
http://blog.livedoor.jp/akina_speedstars/archives/51349185.html Staying in Kanazawa, Wajima one In Kanazawa bleiben, Wajima einer
- It went to Kanazawa.
http://skmtmk.at.webry.info/201104/article_5.html Those where it goes to Kanazawa become 2nd in Die, wo es nach Kanazawa geht, werden 2. innen
- ���� kippude iku �� hokuriku higaeri no tabi
http://blog.livedoor.jp/moneylight/archives/51850024.html Because Kanazawa does not pass although it is the city, the Shinkansen, the super express which ties capital Osaka and Kobe and Kanazawa is running rather, a liberal translation Weil Kanazawa nicht überschreitet, obgleich es die Stadt ist, drücken das Shinkansen, das Super aus, das Hauptosaka bindet und Kobe und Kanazawa eher laufen lässt
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/tk2-tokyo/entry-10454202221.html It is the [ri] where Kanazawa is done and sows, in height of level of the girl of the liquor & the food and, Es ist [ri] wo Kanazawa getan wird und sät, in der Höhe des Niveaus des Mädchens vom Alkohol u. von Nahrung und,
Kenroku-en, Leisure,